MLB Saturday...


Calculated Risk Taker
Already have two locked in....

Cleveland 6 units to win 4.WIN...Camora....I dont see the tribe losing two in a row to Oakland especially to Dallas Braden........

Zito and the Giants 1.5 units to win 1.25 Zito for that cheap is a buy for me everytime.......

NY/MIl over 8.5 for 5 units to win 4 WIN when I get the line at Bodog....Look at the day splits for these pitchers and youll see what I see, Sheets historically isnt a great road pitcher and Pelfry well, he is gonna throw meatballs to these hungry Mil batters that are eager to prove their worth against a quality team....Ben Sheets isnt invincible, and his Fantasy ranking is horrible...Ben Sheets is 6-0 to the over as well...Over is 8-1-1 in the last 10 meetings in New York

Cubs Chase +115 risking 2 units...LOSE Guzman verses Garcia...Guzman day splits are great and I plan on chasing against the sweep for Chicago...They wont get swept by the Phillies, they lose toady then its 4 units tom...I like this matchup....:cheers:
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">nice card troutman! With you on many.
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Trout - I did like Willie Harris tonight.. nice little swing, good speed and doesnt try to do too much with the ball just makes good contact with it..Think he went to left center for a double, right field line for a double, left for a single and right for a single.. Using the whole field
Willie is a stud, from CAiro Ga, a podunk country boy done good....I think he is an asset to Atlanta.