MLB Saturday 8/12


Pretty much a regular
Records later

Thanks for the responses. GL

For Christ sake when the fuck is the NFL going to mind their own business? Trying to project the image that they are squeaky clean they suspend Elliot. if THERE ARE NO CHARGES THEN THERE IS NO SUSPENSION YOU STUPID FUCKS. Simple as that.

Back to games......

Not finding a lot in these MLB matchups.

Cle/TB over 8 (10 units)

CFL Winn/Hamilton over 59 1/2 adding 40 units to bring the total to 80 units.

NFL Dallas/LA over 37 (30 units)

Unreal that jerkoff comish has the authority to fuck with guys livelihood on a whim when they havnt been even charged w let alone convicted of a crime! I seem to recall the gmen kicker beat the piss out of his wife and he got 1 game, how this make sense?
Life after Fraud Fisher should be much better. The ignorance has left the building and from everything I've been seeing, McVay is going to be here a very long time. Great hire for the Hams. Next problem is replacing 3/5ths of this oline. They can't get the right side figured out although putting Havenstein back to RT is a good move. As long as Jamon Brown is starting we're going to have problems. GL
Thanks Steed. GL

Good stuff Wise. GL


Dallas/LA over 37 -130 (30 more units)
