MLB Saturday 6/18


Pretty much a regular
YTD +63.3

3-2 = +1

Thanks for the responses yesterday. GL

Rant ........... If I could change one thing in baseball it would be that if the pitcher walked the previous 2 batters you should be able to tie up the next batter in heavy rope and not untie him to let him swing until there is a strike called against him. These fuckers that step into the batters box and swing at the first pitch because they are SURE the pitcher will groove a fastball are complete IDIOTS. Even worse when the pitcher walked the last guy with the bases loaded and a run scored. Then moron steps in and starts flailing away at the first pitch which always results in a weak ground ball double play. Why? Because the fucking pitch was way out of the strike zone. As soon as a batter does that shit you should cut him and fire the hitting coach. Here's a clue dipshits... the pitcher would throw a stike if he could. Especially with the bases loaded. Trust me.

There is an old adage that these clowns should always remember: "Never interrupt your opponent when he is in the process of making a mistake."

All for 2 units each.

NYY -130

Cinn +2 1/2 -120

Colo +2 1/2 -170

Cleveland -200

Cubs -240

AZ/Mets over 7 -140

MLW/LA over 7 -140

Wash/SD over 7

The ignorance level in all the major sports is at an all time high. It's starting to mirror our government.
I love & appreciate your rants :enraged::enraged:. I have watched games for years & screamed those same thoughts at the TV.... fuckers make millions & have no clue. My wife is kind enough to remind me that they can't hear me through the TV.