MLB Saturday 6/1


Pretty much a regular
YTD +1310
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A Rant............

- There is no such thing as a "sweeper". It's a curve ball. It's a curve ball now. It was a curve ball then. It will always be a curve ball. Trying to make new names up to impress fans is stupid. Like the pitch itself is new. It doesn't go straight. It curves. Always has. Always will. They tried in the 70's to invent the new pitch called the "slurve". It was supposed to be a combination of slider and curve. Funny thing is the slurve was guess what? A fucking curve. Nothing new. But you don't hear that term anymore, do you? It became as extinct as the "sweeper" will. You can dress a pig in a dress but it's still a pig. It's a curve. You should hear the Tigers radio broadcasters sometime. They are as old and grumpy as I am. Almost every game they go into a rant about how there is no such thing as a "sweeper'. One time they even offered any fan free season tickets if they could tell them the difference between a sweeper and a curve. No one has won those tickets yet. It's called a curve. Stop using the word sweeper. You sound stupid.

- And enough with all these bullshit stats. OPS, OBP, WAR, OBGYN. They don't mean anything. MLB is trying to make you look at anything but the seriously sad batting averages of today's players. 12 players have a batting average of .300 or more. 12! In all of MLB fucking baseball 12. Out of 750 players only 12 are hitting .300. You can't believe how bad that is since it's only June 1. Guys should still be hitting in the high .390's this early in the season and there should be 50 of them. And it's only going to get worse as the season stretches on. Maybe if they stopped guessing and swinging at pitches so far out of the strike zone the catcher has to dive to get it, they would be a little better. But for years they have sucked. Worst product ever put on a major league baseball diamond. Seriously ever.

- And the umpires. Do you realize how many mistakes these guys make? Every game there is at least 4 plays overturned. And don't get me started on balls and strikes. Either get rid of that box or keep the box and get rid of the umps. That box makes them look really bad. They should fire the lot of them and hire nothing but women. At least they can see. My wife sees very well. In fact, she sees damn near everything especially when I am driving. She would make a good ump and trust me she wouldn't take any shit from anybody.

All x50 each

AZ/Mets over 8 -110
Ana/Sea over 7

That which makes you rant sobers me and makes me feel human

Not sure anyone actually said that but I just did and I would quote them on the daily
YTD +1310
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A Rant............

- There is no such thing as a "sweeper". It's a curve ball. It's a curve ball now. It was a curve ball then. It will always be a curve ball. Trying to make new names up to impress fans is stupid. Like the pitch itself is new. It doesn't go straight. It curves. Always has. Always will. They tried in the 70's to invent the new pitch called the "slurve". It was supposed to be a combination of slider and curve. Funny thing is the slurve was guess what? A fucking curve. Nothing new. But you don't hear that term anymore, do you? It became as extinct as the "sweeper" will. You can dress a pig in a dress but it's still a pig. It's a curve. You should hear the Tigers radio broadcasters sometime. They are as old and grumpy as I am. Almost every game they go into a rant about how there is no such thing as a "sweeper'. One time they even offered any fan free season tickets if they could tell them the difference between a sweeper and a curve.
LOL! A sweeper is something you use to clean your rugs and floors. A curve is what I have to tell my wife to slow down for - when SHE is driving! LOL There's my answer! LOL. NOW- Where do I pick up my FREE tickets? LOLOLOL
No one has won those tickets yet. It's called a curve. Stop using the word sweeper. You sound stupid.

- And enough with all these bullshit stats. OPS, OBP, WAR, OBGYN. They don't mean anything. MLB is trying to make you look at anything but the seriously sad batting averages of today's players. 12 players have a batting average of .300 or more. 12! In all of MLB fucking baseball 12. Out of 750 players only 12 are hitting .300. You can't believe how bad that is since it's only June 1. Guys should still be hitting in the high .390's this early in the season and there should be 50 of them.
And the Powerful Dodgers - bottom half of the lineup are batting a collective under .200!
And it's only going to get worse as the season stretches on. Maybe if they stopped guessing and swinging at pitches so far out of the strike zone the catcher has to dive to get it, they would be a little better. But for years they have sucked. Worst product ever put on a major league baseball diamond. Seriously ever.

- And the umpires. Do you realize how many mistakes these guys make? Every game there is at least 4 plays overturned. And don't get me started on balls and strikes. Either get rid of that box or keep the box and get rid of the umps. That box makes them look really bad.
WE need the Box and instant replay - because we can tell when they cheat and make bad calls. The only reason we dont have women umps, is because we would be looking at their asses on every pitch when they crouch for each pitch...LOL Only those who have nice asses.. Not fat-as bitches...LOL
They should fire the lot of them and hire nothing but women. At least they can see. My wife sees very well. In fact, she sees damn near everything especially when I am driving. She would make a good ump and trust me she wouldn't take any shit from anybody.

All x50 each

AZ/Mets over 8 -110
Ana/Sea over 7

Good post ole' Man!

BOL today!
Thanks Inzane. GL

I think I should get a tattoo with that saying on it KJ. GL :)

Thanks Gman. You can get your free tickets at Tiger Stadium will call. Just tell them Kirk Gibson sent you. GL
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