MLB - Saturday 4/6


Pretty much a regular
SEASON: 20-9, +19.554 Units
YESTERDAY: 3-2, +2.155 units

Short on time. One note. It"s annoying on Twitter to get posts asking where are my picks, when am I going to post, are you posting today, etc. I can pick teams out of a hat and be done in 2 minutes or I can do my research, number crunching and capping and post them when I am good and ready! I am not getting paid for this, I am not the savior and I don't work for anyone but myself!

Thank you. Have a nice day!

UNDER STL/SF 7 RUNS (-110) (1.5 UNITS)

UNDER BOS/TOR 9 RUNS (-105) (1.25 UNITS)

SEATTLE -140 (1.25 UNITS)

OVER LAA/TEX 10 RUNS (-110) (1.5 UNITS)


SAN DIEGO +130 (1.25 UNITS)



I was so close to playing the Mets under until my friend Nbafan reminded me how badly Nolasco struggles with home plate umpire, Joyce.

Again, caution.... it's nice to be on a hot streak but when betting, you play so that if you go 0-8, it wont be devastating to your season instead of counting on going 8-0.
Thanks Gamer, I guess if you ever want to blow up your Twitter account, just take a day off:D Seriously, though, I am sure anyone with brains appreciates the work, effort and time that goes into a daily thread like this. The limited number of times I've attempted to post anything on a regular basis, it has been a pain in the ass. Thanks again!!
Couldn't agree more about your sermonizing. Playing the same unit size whether hot or cold takes the emotion out of it. A lot of people change unit size based on recent performance and that can be a disaster. Players often hop aboard when they want to follow someone that's hot or increase unit size only to have it turn around. Conversely, jump off or reduce when a cold streak hits. You will always have regression to the mean. Personally, like you GH, I play a % of BR. It still takes the emotion out but increases or decreases bet size as your BR expands or shrinks.
Thanks for sharing your work, GH!
GH, a lot of people in this forum appreciate your hard work and research. Unfortunately there is always going to be a segment of the population that thinks you are 1-800 pick line. It is the same way for football and basketball as well. You would have thought Grind4me committed treason when he stopped posting two weeks ago.