MLB Saturday 10/7


Pretty much a regular
YTD +1965 - 1965 that was the year I predicted the Beatles would be just a flash in the pan and no one would remember them in two years. Great fucking capper even back then.
2-1 last

You know Wise I agree with you completely about rallies dying. Hitters do try and jump on the first pitch with extremely poor results. My wife gets pissed at me because every time a pitcher walks the bases loaded the next moron swings wildly at the first pitch and I put my foot through another TV screen. He's an idiot thinking the pitcher will throw him an easy one when if he or any of his coaches thought about it wouldn't the fucking pitcher throw a strike earlier if he could? Jesus take a strike. GL

I also completely agree with you Bank. No one cares about team in this day and age. It's all about me me me. What I don't understand is why the coaches put up with that shit. Sit the motherfucker down until he learns to be a team member. SD Padres are the ultimate of that. Best talent laden team in all of MLB and they are easily beaten chumps because of their individualness. And they renewed that managers contract for next year? Why? He will be gone by the all star break. Stupid. GL

I'm not going to do an analysis of the wild card series and results. Nothing can be learned come from it. But I will say two short things. Don't go giving Texas, AZ, Phil, and Minn big props for their pitching going into the next games. They don't deserve it. And TB scored exactly 1 fucking run in both those games. And both were HOME games. Why is that guy still managing this team? Think that's too harsh? They were the talk of all of MLB early in the season and there was talk about them never losing a game on their way to the World Championship. 20-5 through their first 25 games. And they kept that up for months. That was the biggest collapse since the Dodgers lost to the Giants in 1951.

One note before I begin, the game of baseball falls under the laws of Issac Newton and his theory of Inertia. "A body in motion tends to stay in motion and a body at rest stays at rest" The first game of these series gives an advantage going to the teams that just played two games. The other teams have sat on their ass for a full week, and they can never duplicate game conditions or live pitching. You might get some rest, but baseball is the one sport that Sir Issac was talking about. Will every team that already played this week win their game #1? Probably not but don't be surprised if some do and don't base the rest of the series off a surprise #1 win. Newton's law no longer applies once every team has played one game.

Next series: Best of 5.

Balt over Texas - I know Balt lost their closer but they have 4 solid pitchers to chose from and frankly Texas with Dunning, Montgomery, Eovaldi, and Heaney really don't have the horses to beat the Birds. They won the TB series but I'm not sure they could have beaten anyone that actually hit the ball. I could be wrong, and I often am when I get away from just capping the games, but I would rather be holding a Balt ticket than a Ranger one.

Houston over Minn - As much as it pains me to say the Astro pitching is much more solid than the Twins. Gray and Lopez are good but Hou has Verlander, Valdez, and Javier which is one more than Minn. The Twins are a better "Team" though and that counts for something.

Atlanta over Philly - I am probably underrating the Phillies but frankly in all aspects of the game Atlanta is superior. Even and especially the playing as a team which is the most important factor.

LA over AZ - What I said about Atlanta goes for the Dodgers here as well. I underestimated this team at the beginning of the season, but they have proven me wrong, and I suspect they will continue to do so for the rest of the playoffs.

All x50 each

Balt ML -130 - Bradish beats Dunning.
Houston ML -150 - Verlander is just better than Ryan has been.
Philly +2 1/2 -180 - Backing Newton's idea in this one. I still like Braves, but Philly could stay close enough to cash this.
AZ +2 1/2 -190 - I think the Dodgers win but maybe the Snake bats aren't as rusty for this first game.

I think Verlander can be hit, I’m probably wrong and you’ll get the money like you usually do. GL on the action w2w
Good luck today Wire, your comments and insight are always appreciated...

I don't disagree Cash but Verlander has been very solid recently as has been Ober but I think there are more offensive guns for Hou and that's why I picked them. But Hou could have that first game bat hangover and Minn slips one past them. GL

Looking forward to it Wise. GL

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciate your posts. GL