MLB Monday


Paster of Muppets
MLB 2007: 59 W-4V-46 L +79.58 units

I decided to scratch most of my initial thoughts and start with a clean slate and a clean approach. I wanted to take the White Sox but Crede is out, and who knows how Thome will be off the DL facing a solid pitcher, and the A's are a rather solid bunch, so I'm not going to be on Contreras tonight.

I leaned Tribe RL but decided a slightly different road.

Indians - Mariners (over 10) (2.27 @ Pinnacle) 5 units

Situationally, schedule wise, this isn't the best spot to back the Mariners, as they're traveling just for this make up game and back on the road tomorrow. So I wanted to back the Indians here. However, even though I see Sabathia as a classy pitcher, the Mariners have been killing lefties this year (6-0 against LHPs and I believe seeing they're hitting .320 off them) and the way I see this game both teams can do the job to ensure our over hits. Probably it will be the Indians, as they're impressive at home and are facing Baek who is shaky both on the road and against a lineup stacked with left handed hitters, which Cleveland obviously is (Sizemore, Hafner, Nixon, Martinez, Delucci).
I just can't underestimate the Mariners at this point despite their bad schedule situation, their offense is hot and cold but I'm thinking if they're confident against left handed pitching, they should tag CC at least for 3, maybe 4 runs. Cleveland can score 6 or more off Baek. I can't TOTALLY rule out the possibility Sabathia will suffer a meltdown, even though it's unlikely considering the way he's been pitching lately, but I just can't rule that out at this point.
Note that I sold a complete run, and got myself a way better price (over 9 is available at 1.87, while over 10 is 2.27, and since I have this one capped at 10 anyway, I'll take the plus money).

I probably won't make any other play tonight.
Leans are:
Red Sox (Wakefield) (2.37)
Yankees-Red Sox over 10

Good luck guys. :cheers: :shake:
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">cash it Satyr!!
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Am I ready? AM I??? :D

DAMN RIGHT I AM!!!!!!!!! :cheers: :cheers:

COME ON RED MEN!!!!!!! we can do it 6 times

GL tonight ;).
you have to watch it there's no discussion there. :cheers:

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I'm hoping for some good discussion and thoughts for a wager on Wednesday... I'll try to expand my horizons and watch that crap ;)
Fondy careful there buddy ;) you're talking about the most glorious team in the world ;).

Btw, had to take the loss tonight. 21 hits and NOT enough for the over to cash in. A lot of runners left on base but the defense always somehow got out of trouble.

Hurts to see your initial leans (Tribe RL, White Sox) all cashing in, when you decided to go the other way, thinking it's better.

Oh well. :shake: