MLB Monday


Pretty much a regular
This is really stupid. I am putting up a thread with no picks in it. But I figured if anybody had any suggestions they could put em in here. Shit yesterday dudley put in a winner on the night baseball game, the over, and I didn't bet it fuck. But suppose if I would have then my bet would have made it lose ha. This just completely reminds me of back when I was in Vegas not working when I was 26, and I couldn't buy a winner, just losing what I had left in August. It was earlier in August though when I went bust out there. And a totally different situation cuz this time I didn't quit my job with winnings from gambling. This time I got fired, and I didn't have anything except my stocks money, and I'm betting with that and getting my ass kicked.

So the pointless thread here. But I am gonna make some picks. Probably will just bet one or 2 games. Well I could wait for football later this week, but really the 1st couple weeks of college ball aren't the best thing to bet on just cuz there are a bunch of new players, and it is tough to know for sure what will happen. Bottom line I'm fucked ha, there is probably no turning this shit around, unless I just get on fire somehow. Thing is I'm not sure who will hire me for anything decent you know, cuz of the background check everybody does now. Well I think everybody does that these days, didn't used to a long time ago, but now I think so. Unless it is for a crappy job that nobody wants. So that is what I'm gonna end up with probably.

Yep pointless thread here. There will be plays in here, I just don't know for sure yet what I'm doing. Well like I said before if anybody has any good suggestions I can at least consider those as well. Seems though every time I check any baseball threads in here they just have a bunch of losers ha, not that I have had any winners lately either though. Can't claim I'm winning anything no. Shit whatever I come up with will probably lose terribly, that is a great attitude to have. It just gets tough when you don't have much money, and then it affects your betting it seems, cuz your stressing about it, then you make stupid picks. This is just like Vegas, damn it, oh well. Gonna look at the baseball games now I guess. Probably fade material in here. I am oozing with confidence ha, don't know what the hell else to do besides work at the grocery store so better fire away with what I have. Rollin till the wheels fall off, rollin til the wheels fall off. At least I'm not drinking yet, figured I need to cut back a little wait you know until closer to 5 or 6, thought that might help. Sure everybody could tell how fucking hammered I've been lately, whoa, I have been drinking enough to easily be dead.
Sure somebody will give me shit about a post with no bets in it ha. There will be though, in a bit. Guess it doesn't matter when you put your bets in there, unless you just post and don't make any bets.
Just got the mail, forgot I had 2 nike gift cards coming for 125 bucks. It was from wells fargo rewards or some crap I don't remember I was all wasted and looking at it. Gonna have to see what they have for 125 bucks. Sure as hell can't afford to buy anything that costs over that on there, ha, no. There might be some Jordans for that much or cheaper. Fuck I can look at that later. Need to figure out a game now, just looked a little so far nothing stands out to me.
I could take the Nats I guess, but it would have to be a -1 deal there. Can't lay a -144 or whatever it was, maybe -143. Roark it is kind of surprising to me how good he keeps doing, when I watch him I don't think he looks that great, but he wins games for em. Problem is the -1 if I do that, cuz that is always tough in bases to give a run.
DRF bets gave me a free 20 bucks, that's strange, I didn't even put any money in there. I just signed up there cuz I saw they were giving a big bonus, and I figured if I do decide to bet horses again I should probably bet with them, since that would save me money on cab fare, and drinks as well. Really on the horses I don't think I lost that much, I did hit some good pick 5's and pick 4's, but it has been rough lately. Probably just lost more on cab fare and drinks at the track in reality. Who knows I haven't been keeping track just know my money is going down, and I'm not raking it in out there.
People are feeling sorry for me I guess ha, just giving me money. Maybe that's what I need to do, just go panhandle lol, be a damn bum.
Yeah steed thanks. Hope things work out here on MLB tonight. I am a bit hesitant to pull the trigger on anything.
Ha I can't imagine panhandling that would be pretty bad. I don't ever give those guys any money, but people do, it's a living ha. I'm out by the interstate here in Lincoln, will work for food.
I did sign up for unemployment, but then there were all these things you had to do for it, and I just decided not to bother with it. Guess could do that. Not time to totally panic yet, but it's getting there especially if I blow this last 214 bucks in my sports account. Fuck I put 500 in there on Friday, and now I got nothing. Had it up to 1 k almost after Friday, then Saturday and Sunday sucked ass.
Or no, have 229, was wrong there. I know I didn't put any money in my DRF bets account have no idea why there is 20 bucks in there. Could see if I could get lucky and hit something big there, turn that 20 bucks into something.
There was a guy I saw the other day panhandling, and he had a good sign. Said, why lie about it, need money for booze.

At some point I'm gonna make a bet here. Just stupid crap in here so far. Posting about nothing.
Shit maybe I would be better off trying horses again those pick 5's and pick 4's. I was on a pretty awful run so I quit those last Thursday. The sports it seems I can get hot, but then it always starts going bad at some point. The roller coaster for me, everybody has seen it on here. Make over 20 k in about a month, then blow it back to em next month ha, it is crazy the runs I get on.
Ha I remember in April in bases I was just cashing everywhere, I couldn't lose, then came May, and the wheels fell off the cart big time whoa, did they ever. Then I got fired in May, perfect timing.
May not be the best idea to take the Nats, cuz AJ may be due to turn it around I suppose. The he's due theory. He is talking about retiring again lately. Probably should with how bad he has been.
I should probably bet Philly, he's due ha. There is no way I could bet AJ with how bad he's been lately, umm, no.
Buchholz sure has been awful this year. Didn't realize he was doing that bad, oh my, that explains some of Boston's losing I guess. Don't know what the hell I'm getting with J Happ though. He turds it up quite a bit, but sometimes he's decent. Toronto their pitching has let them down lately looks like, both starters and the pen.
Boston is 7-14 in Bucholz's starts that is pretty good ha. Maybe I should put my eggs in the Happ basket, that's dangerous ha.
billy bob thornton -110 ( outstanding lead actor in a miniseries/movie ) v. the field (-130)

good luck Tuck :Cheers2:
Ha betting the awards show there capt. Maybe I should try that instead of bases. Didn't even know those were happening the Emmy's. Guess I never have really watched it, a long time ago maybe once for a bit.

I just keep looking at these games, and can't decide on anything. Cuz I was thinking Toronto looked good at home considering Boston's struggles and Buchholz has been awful. But maybe that's sucker Monday there. I don't know. Cuz that line is kinda low, and you would think Toronto would be more like -130 or so there.
don't think i have ever watched them either. If you don't see anything take the night off and study for tomorrow. Cheers however you play it.
Yeah thanks there capt. I went ahead and took Toronto, probably got suckered in, and Happ will be awful now I'm sure. If I lose then oh well. Still may make a bet on one of the later games.

Boston at Toronto -119, risking 119 to win 100

At least Ortiz is out for Boston. That does help matters. Cuz their lineup is pretty pathetic without him in there. Not a lot going on besides him. Guess Napoli and Cespedes. Hope Happ doesn't fuck me. Suppose if he is bad tonight maybe Toronto can win a shootout at home, cuz most likely Buchholz won't be any good. Guess he had a good one vs Toronto earlier in the year.

May make a late bet. Right now I gotta sign something so they can get rid of my totaled Explorer. Fuck this sucks, I tried to just say can't we do it over the phone. Nope they need me to go out there, ha, what the hell? That is a long cab ride. Maybe my bro could take me, or my dad I hope.

So there's your Tuck fade, get it while it's hot. If my recent history of baseball betting is any indication then Boston rolls ha.
Darth fader is back in my thread, ha. He must be looking for an MLB fade. I was really hot for a while, then went cold and quit. Suppose if I lose this game I will be done with baseball then. Not gonna just forge ahead and lose a bunch on em.
Happ was throwing up some pretty big lollipops against the Brewers the other afternoon but, then again, the Sox don't have quite the same fire power, so who knows...

Good luck tuck.
Thanks twink and hugh. Happ is looking pretty good so far. No runs though, pretty funny considering I figured more of a shootout could happen, or was more likely than this.

Suppose I better quit posting on here on CTG, cuz that guy in Minnesota keeps saying he is gonna call the cops on me ha. I don't know why he would, seems pretty silly to me when he is the one that was screwing me over, not the other way around. I mean he owed me, I didn't do anything wrong, except blow up at him cuz he didn't pay me. What the hell did he expect anyway? I mean he owed me that money for almost a damn month 636 bucks. Like I'm not eventually gonna blow up about it. I mean that isn't chump change I wanted the money. Yeah better not post. Hope he just realizes it isn't worth it to have the cops come get me for a problem he caused not me, by not paying what he owed me. I said some words big deal. I didn't go up there to Minnesota or anything ha.

Damn it Happ was looking good until that pitch to Nava ouch. Well my last post on here. Just figure if this guy is really serious about this I better not put anything up. Maybe he wants money from me, ha, that is funny he owes me lol. I don't have anything anyway now, well barely anything. Don't own a house, or a car either. Then when I get a job it isn't gonna pay crap either. Trying to get blood from a stone if he did any kind of suing me cuz I have jack shit.

Fuck now Pedroia it has fallen apart.
Well then he says. I was gonna pay you, ha, when? In 2 more months? What am I supposed to wait until December? Ha should have never got involved with the guy. Wait a month for the money, no money, no money, no money. I mean the whole thing is retarded, have no idea why he's upset with me. It's not my damn fault he didn't pay me what he owed me. All I'm doing is stating the facts. There is no lying there or anything he owed me and didn't pay. Guess I won't say anything else about it. It is what it is.

Yeah no point in posting anything else about it. Better shut up get off here and just keep to myself I guess.
Guess I do have a few thousand dollars left ha. Big score taking me down for nothing. Shit I may be a damn bum soon. He gonna take my panhandling money lol. Any job I get isn't gonna pay crap for sure now. Shit won't even have any money to gamble with either then. Unless I'm betting like 20 bucks.
Ha he was talking about suing me for slander or something too. Well you can sue me, but ummm you are wasting money on that. Cuz I don't have a damn thing no. Guess if I live to be 63 at a minimum, then I could have money by inheritance ha, me live past 60 there is no shot of that. I don't know if I will make 45, or hell 40. Was just thinking 38 now, and both my parents are in excellent health, and only about 65. So they aren't both gonna die until at least 25 years with how long people live now. That is kind of not a good thing to talk about, don't want either of em to die, but was being realistic about it. But I'm just thinking you know there is no way I am gonna ever have anything. Unless I hit the lottery or something crazy. Well even the whole inheritance thing isn't a given it would be a whole bunch of money, and it would be split 3 ways. And yeah I am not living past 50 for sure with how I rage and drink. Shit could have a stroke and keel over tonight later ha.
Dude get some help,
get off the computer, go for a walk go outside smell the air it's not worth ranting on any forum
don't gamble
Yeah, I'm ok flavor. Am gonna get off the computer though. Don't think I should post anymore. The gambling thing will still happen for a little while, but not much longer probably. Well the drinking thing is a pretty big issue for sure, but otherwise I'm fine. I mean if I lose a little more gambling then have to find a job, not a huge deal there.
Posting it is better than stewing on it. That said, it would be healthy to quit dwelling on the web fraud, he's already caused more than $600 damage to your health.
Yeah I won't dwell on it, or say anything else about it. He didn't pay oh well, movin on.

In other news, bang!!!! Encarnacion with a double to tie it. Came back from down 3-0 ha, that Uehara for the Bosox he has not been good the 2nd half.
And really in the grand scheme of things 636 bucks isn't gonna make a huge difference in my life. Would be nice to have it, since I'm not loaded at the moment, but oh well. Last time I'm gonna say anything. Will just forget about it, may as well.
Yeah think baseball is a bad deal for me. Well I had some good times early in the season, but I can't ever win a game anymore in MLB. Haven't tried in quite a while though. No point beating my head against a wall ha. Yeah think I will not even look at bases anymore.
I learned to show more intrest after the all star break worked wonders for me and SEMCON...will do the same next year..patience is a virtue in mlb way to long of season for us ..