MLB Monday 7/17


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3725
4-4 last

Ok, I have to say a few things about MLB as it's played today.

- Hitters suck worse than I have ever seen them. You can use whatever excuse you want but these guys are still guessing. They are still swinging at pitches that bounce into the plate. They are still standing there with the bat on their shoulder as a medium fastball comes slowly across the middle of the plate for strike three and they just turn and walk away. Is this the worst thing? No.

- Rule changes have NOT made the game better. Period. Quicker? Maybe a little but not a better game. No shift? No result. Hitters can't hit and that was supposed to really open up the offenses. Bigger bases? Big deal. Steals are up some but not by everyone. Pitch clock? You are starting to see the injury effect that will have on pitchers. Is this the worst thing? No.

- Every team playing every team is supposed to make the game more exciting. But they are traveling from city to city so frantically it looks like a playground at a preschool. Run here. Run there. Play only a couple of games within your division and god help you if there is a rainout so we will have the fans wait for 3+ hours trying to get a game in that we can't make up. Is this the worst thing? No.

- Umpires make more mistakes than ever before. And the strike zone is a joke. Let's make the game really fucked and go to an auto strike caller. "And here's the pitch..... (everyone turns to look at what the machine called). After what seems like an eternity the auto ump called strike three and now the pitcher can celebrate by pumping his fist in the air. Wow! That's the pitchers 2nd strikeout in 6 innings. How about that guy and his dominance!" Is that the worst thing? No.

- They tried to cover over the horrible hitting by taking the focus away from batting average and trying to throw in OPS so they could add all kinds of factors to make the numbers look impressive. Maybe they should start adding the hitters weight, age, and birth date to the numbers to increase them. And what the fuck is OPS+? The league average OPS+ is 100 and all these guys have an OPS+ of 120 or so. If all of them have an OPS+ of 120 then how the fuck is the league average 100? They are just making shit up at this point. Is that the worst thing? No.

- They had a red carpet walkway to introduce the All Star players. Was that the worst thing? Oh, fuck yes.

All x50 each

Cle/Pitt over 9 - A reliever starting and a newbie. This is a high total but it could get ugly.
Seattle ML -130 - Gilbert pretty solid and Gray's last was really bad.

Surprised you didn't bag on a 4rd of the league needing a day off after a 3 game series after the ASB

All good rants. I'm afraid MLB has to cater to something, they just don't know what. It's that time of year sports fans, well gamblers, are just looking for anything to break down and outside of tennis and golf (well CFL for Hulu and junkie) we get...this.

Love over in Pitt, GL to us.

Nice to have you back Wire! Hope you're feeling better.
Thanks KJ. Yes, I'm fine. I appreciate it. I left some out because I am so disgusted with these players I had to pass some things. Like the pitcher who has allowed 9 hits and 4 runs and then takes an arrogant little stroll around the mound after a strike out. Or the one that really gets me is a team that manages to get 12 hits and only score 2 runs.

I am actually betting a little CFL at bet365. Their totals were just made to play 4 game 10 point teasers going over all 4. No one else will let you tease those CFL games. Damn. Did I say that out loud? GL
Wire, you ever put your remote on slow-Mo when the pitcher gets into his windup and watch how poorly hitters see the ball as well as put poor swings on pitches right down the middle? I do it when I’m gambling on the Overs with runners on base. It’s mind blowing how bad these hitters are.
The great hitters see the ball well and don’t often swing out of the zone while staying inside the ball while squaring up on pitches. It’s majority Golf swings vs few baseball swings.
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Just skimmed, I’ll read it all when I get home. Agree with you on plenty, i liked it a lot better when teams played more games inside div. What the point of having them if they gonna do this crap where they running around playing everyone. How can you have rivals like that? It’s dumb for a lot of reasons!!

I can’t wait for robot umps! I’m so sick of these clowns behind the plate who I’ve seen change the dynamics of more games than ever calling a obvious strike 3 a ball, or the replay fucks changing right calls with catcher interference bs!! All around they are awful! I used to like the differences in umps but when their main attribute is inconsistency it time to let a kid with iPad get it right!!
Just skimmed, I’ll read it all when I get home. Agree with you on plenty, i liked it a lot better when teams played more games inside div. What the point of having them if they gonna do this crap where they running around playing everyone. How can you have rivals like that? It’s dumb for a lot of reasons!!

I can’t wait for robot umps! I’m so sick of these clowns behind the plate who I’ve seen change the dynamics of more games than ever calling a obvious strike 3 a ball, or the replay fucks changing right calls with catcher interference bs!! All around they are awful! I used to like the differences in umps but when their main attribute is inconsistency it time to let a kid with iPad get it right!!
I'm perfectly fine playing the Dodgers only 12 times as opposed to 19, not a fan of playing all the teams in the other league though

Watching the Snakes play the Dodgers and Giants all the time made this sport even more mundane than it already is. Less games would be more ideal but we know that won't happen.
I'm perfectly fine playing the Dodgers only 12 times as opposed to 19, not a fan of playing all the teams in the other league though

Watching the Snakes play the Dodgers and Giants all the time made this sport even more mundane than it already is. Less games would be more ideal but we know that won't happen.

I can’t stand the fact the Brewers and reds are done playing each other for the year. Div races a lot better when teams in div playing each other not a bunch of AL teams.