MLB Monday 6/24


Pretty much a regular
YTD +1425
2-0 last

Baby shower was great and I didn't realize men were now invited to this holy secret woman ritual. I stayed for about a half hour of the three total hours then grabbed the other guys and we snuck off to a bar. Came back just before the end and the women never missed us. Drove home right after and the wife kept saying wasn't that lovely? To which of course I replied "That was great! Hope we get invited to the next one too."

Thanks for the post Friday Pirate. I appreciate it. GL

Bank I have used covers for 20 years for my capping. It's not that they have better stats it's just that I know where to look for stuff and I can find it quickly. But if you have other sites list a few and I can look them over. Maybe they will be better or at least you will provide a good alternative when covers goes down as that happens every other day it seems. Thanks. GL

Also, a quick rant.......

I know I will sound like an old man with this, which actually is what I am, but MLB fucked up their regular season when they started this Interleague stuff years ago. I get there might have been appeal to seeing the Yankees play the Mets or the Cubs play the White Sox, but they went too far when they had everyone play everyone. This is bullshit and boring bullshit at that. Seriously does anyone in the country want to see Philly play Detroit? Or LA play the White Sox? Ever? Maybe in the championship but never in the regular season. (and both play tonight) I guess the Tiger and White Sox fans do but that should tell you all you need to know about those home teams that the fans are only coming out to see the good teams visiting not their home team. And don't kid yourself attendance for MLB is abysmal.

In the old days a lot of the excitement was when the AL Champ played the NL champ for all the marbles. Which team was better? Can our team hit their pitchers? And if your team didn't make the series, you still rooted for your league to win to show even though we lost and didn't make the championship the competition in our league is better. Now, everyone plays everyone, and you can see how badly everyone sucks. When LA beats the White Sox 11-4 man that's edge of your seat stuff isn't it? And when the world series does come around the moronic talking heads will spew stats like "When Philly played the Yankees 47 times this year........"

Seriously, who cares? There is no mystery. There is no suspense. There is nothing. You have already seen these teams play multiple times this year whoever they are so the championship becomes just another series, nothing special. But that is the lament of an old man who realizes that this is the way of all professional sports. Maybe folks like it now. It's ok that the only people who truly give a shit about the championship are the two cities involved and that goes for all sports. There is no longer a league identification. I can't logically see why that is a better format but obviously my day has passed. Or maybe sports fans have no choice because the morons who run all these sports think they have all the answers. And yet attendance is down so maybe they don't. In any event, I can honestly say to young people you have no idea what you are missing. It was better in the old days. But those days are gone forever.

All x50 each

Phil ML -170
LA ML -130
Atlanta ML -120

There is a decided offensive advantage in all of these picks.


Phil +2 1/2 -700
LA +2 1/2 -450
Atlanta +2 1/2 -375


love the braves play buddy. i know they not exactly at their best at moment but how the hell have cardinals gained enough respect to be lined so closely to braves? i assure everyone they are not even close to the same league!! doesn't mean cards can't beat them, worse teams have beaten better but they usually not priced so cheap!!!

i honestly can't remember what stats we were talking bout (lol) so i have to go look then ill post the sites. i'm with ya im a huge creature of habit especially capping, i remember when kenpom started charging 20 bucks a year for his site, didnt think id ever pay for a capping tool and it not like i can't get basically same stuff i want for college hoops other places but for years i grew incredibly fond of the format on his site and i quickly figured out it took me so much longer and gave me a huge headache to get all the stuff and have it where i wanted it i still pay the 20 bucks to this day!! i been expecting fangraphs to start charging and id have prob paid but this year they changed their shit all around and now i don't even use site as much, it still useful to me but not always enough so im willing to spend extra time finding the same info that used to be easy for me!!
Thanks inzane. I apprecite it. GL

Thanks Bank. The stats I depend on most is starting pitchers last 3 starts with earned runs and walks per game. The ability to click on a name and pull up a pitchers stats for the season and it must say whether they were starts or relief. Each teams last 10 games w/l and score results. Umpire stats that say average runs allowed each game they are behind the plate. Relievers pitching stats because some of these guys still think it's a good idea to start a reliever for an inning or two then chew up their bullpen. That's all I can think of now. I do look at other stuff but those are the major points. GL