MLB Monday 5/9


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2950
4-6 last - I asked for that by spitting in the gambling gods eye.

All x200 overs -140 each

KC/Balt over 7 - Both starters can allow 3 runs each before the pens get involved.
Texas/NYY over 6 1/2 - Won't go under this time with these pitchers.
LA -300 to win series against Pitt. x400
MLW/Cinn over 7 - All I'm seeing is bad pitching and super low totals.
Oak/Det over 6 1/2 - "And the beat goes on."
Cle/CHW over 7 - "And the beat goes on."
Phil/Sea over 7 - "Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain."
Cubs/SD over 6 1/2 - "La de da de de"
Colo/SF over 6 - "La de da de da"

I dunno bout “bad pitching” in cincy. Woodruff hasn’t been great but he is nasty, no clue how deep Castillo be able to go in his 1st start of the year? He threw 4.1 innings in a rehab start last week, can’t imagine he go more than 5 tops, that a lot of cincy pen which is bad pitching!
Thanks Bank. I don't go by how a pitcher can be. I only go by how he has been lately. As you said, Woodruff hasn't been great. That's all that matters to me when I cap. His last two starts he allowed 7 runs on 11 hits with two walks and 2 HR's in just 9 innings. That's a 7.00 era. And that was against Pitt and his last was against Cinn. That's bad pitching.

Unfortunately, all people see is he struck out 18 in those two starts. People will say "Wow! That's fantastic!!!" But was it really? If he gives Cinn 2-3 that should be all I need to bring this over home safely. And even if he throws a perfect game, as you say, Castillo won't go deep and that's gets me into the Cinn pen. Woodruff throws a perfect game and wins 8-0. GL :)