MLB Monday 5/24


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3166
6-2 last GS won

Grand Salami under 69 1/2 x300

Ok, I was going to bet 6 individual games but I wasn't really comfortable with those and it felt like I was forcing bets for action. That never ends well. So I decided to just go with the grand salami instead. I will tell you the 6 I didn't take but why you would be interested is beyond me but some people are like that because they know when you pass bets they always seem to win. And don't ask me how I went from 4 overs in 8 games to betting an under in the Salami because I have no clue. But I haven't had my coffee yet this morning so there you go.

What I didn't take: TB over 10 -140, Phil +110, Det -120, Colo over 7 -110, SD over 7 -110 and Sea over 7 -140.

And I am not going to track how I would have done with these I passed so don't tell me because it will probably piss me off after the salami I did bet loses and I go like 6-0 on the ones I didn't.

Yes, I know there is a sadistic sonuvabitch out there that is going to tell me anyway especially if I do lose the salami and the others do great. I know you are out there and I see you there in the corner laughing. GL