MLB Monday 5/15


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2010
5-3 last

All x50 each

Wash ML +140 - Corbin better than Peterson right now.
Ana/Balt over 7 - Both starters generous enough to win this over.
Atlanta ML -130 - Good road odds and Morton looks good.
Cubs/Houston over 7 - Houston could score 7 themselves.
AZ ML -190 - Oak was built on Billy Beane's bullshit. He must be so proud. What a clown he is.
SF ML -110 - Wood just better than Falter.

the A’s are obviously fade worthy, god knows I been picking on them a lot! This the 1st team I can remember I havnt made one play on this far into the year!! My problem with today is why the snakes come in laying a bigger number than the rangers laid in any the 4 games they just played in Oakland? I don’t think snakes a better team than rangers! Are oddsmakers making another adjustment against Oakland as they gotta be costing them money? That could be it, I couldn’t believe how cheap rangers were at times over weekend, they gotta be sick of A’s giving them so little return, lol.
Thanks Bank. I didn't get a chance to follow odds this weekend. I agree though the books have to be losing money on the A's. They will have to be jacking the lines soon on their games just to get some play on them. GL

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciated. Still work to do up north. Will be going back and forth there all summer looks like. GL
Thanks Bank. I didn't get a chance to follow odds this weekend. I agree though the books have to be losing money on the A's. They will have to be jacking the lines soon on their games just to get some play on them. GL

Thanks Inzane. Always appreciated. Still work to do up north. Will be going back and forth there all summer looks like. GL

Until now when A’s been at home we been able to get awfully cheap prices on solid teams! Rangers this weekend the lines were weird, they opened -170s and got hammered way down to as low as -135 a few days then they would gradually go back up, got some crazy good numbers on them a few times! Before that I remember seattle and Cubs were much cheaper than this. Think it fair to say snakes are comparable to those clubs. Appears a adjustment been made! Guess it had to happen cause oak has been a tire fire.
Inzane, I will bet GS under with a full card. But today only 12 games. Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I am still working 7-1 but have a way to bet and post now from there. GL

Yes Bank. Good teams should be not more than -140. They will start having the Oak home games as +180 soon. GL