MLB Monday 5/10


Pretty much a regular
YTD +4521
4-3 last lost all parlays

Thanks Tim. I appreciate it. GL

All x100 each - overs buying 1/2 off -140

Cinn/Pitt over 7
Miami/AZ over 6 1/2
Texas/SF over 6 1/2
Boston ML -130

Thanks Nawlins. Not much to choose from. GL

Thanks cash. GL

Wise, it is so ridiculous what the hitters are doing I just laugh any more when I see these guys swinging at pitches 20 feet out of the strike zone. And then they just stand there as a fastball on two strikes floats over the plate and they just calmly walk away. No sense getting riled up about it. It's so stupid.

Truth be told it is the managers who are at fault. They need to tell the minor league hitting coaches to cut out the guessing and fire the major league hitting coaches who teach the same thing. If we had EVER once swung wildly at a pitch like these guys do once an at bat the coach would have asked a simple question "What the fuck are you swinging at?" If we said we guessed it would be a fastball the coach would have said "son if you can't see the pitch you shouldn't be here" and then he would have put our ass on a bus home.

And even the announcers who are clueless don't question it which stands to reason because they have no idea having never played but the old players who are color guys should. And no they didn't do this shit.

Now I dare anyone who disagrees with me to go back just 25 years and find me one and only one example of a player swinging wildly once like these guys do at least once every at bat.

If you guess you can't hit. Plain and simple. It's refreshing to see a handful of these guys never do that stupid shit. If you want to know who it's easy. Those are the ones that foul off 5 pitches when they get down two strikes. I think there may be 6 of them in all of MLB today. GL

P.S. I love the announcers who try to say the pitching is so much better this year. What a joke.