Mlb monday 4/29/13


Where the cash flows, matters
4-1 & + 8.60 on Sundays action, now 19-9-1 & +10.95 units ytd

CUBS -152

PITT +115



OVER 8.5 cleve/kc (-125)


OVER 7 balt/seatt


GL on the action

Blood : You are doing just fine with your selections, lets just hope the time & hard work continues to pay off, it is a long season as you know. GL on ur action today & always Blood
Blood : You are doing just fine with your selections, lets just hope the time & hard work continues to pay off, it is a long season as you know. GL on ur action today & always Blood

Thank U for the words of encouragement. U know how much a bad day hurts, especially when I said up front that I didnt really like anything to start with...but I went on an played them anyhow....just pisses me off. I'll get over it :)

Hittem hard Cash
Thank U for the words of encouragement. U know how much a bad day hurts, especially when I said up front that I didnt really like anything to start with...but I went on an played them anyhow....just pisses me off. I'll get over it :)

Hittem hard Cash

We are palyers Blood, gotta take the bad with the good...only suggestion I have is when ya don't like the card & have plays to make that day just cut way back on the amounts/play. I have been there so I know your pain. Get the $$$ back today
MROB: Thanks, always nice to end a week with a solid day, now I hope to start the new week the way I finished last week :prayer. GL on the action today & always