MLB Monday 4/17


Pretty much a regular
YTD +255
5-6 last

Working part time at the high school so I will have to find a way to post early games on Wed and Thurs. Today I didn't like that 11 am Boston game anyway so it didn't matter. Will be posting around this time Mon-Thurs probably because I only work 4 days a week.

All x50 each

Detroit +2 1/2 -260 - A little steep but Boyd looks better than Gaddis and Tigers on a mini roll. I'll let Cle win this one by 2 runs.
TB/Cinn under 10 - Both starters decent and high total.
SF/Miami over 7 - When am I going to stop betting overs in this park with Miami's offense? Someone get a white van and kidnap my ass. I need an intervention.
Texas/KC over 7 - Should find 3-3 here for at least a push.
Pitt/Colo under 12 - Starters good enough to hold this down some.
Atl/SD under 9 - Starters very good and park plays under usually.


Detroit +2 1/2 -260
SF/Miami over 7 -140
Texas/KC over 7 -140


under 10 -130
under 12 -130
under 9 -130


Damn bro, I would chastise you a bit for the play in Miami but you know yourself!! Lol. Honestly I think it even worse today cause giants hitters had to sit around all day till god knows when waiting to play and never did, then they gotta fly to Miami and face a nasty lefty which they have lot of left handed bats.

The saving grace might be I have no clue what to do with Webb? He also had to sit around all day preparing to start before finally being told there be no game, I think this a even tougher spot for him than the lineup.

That part blows cause I woulda been on Webb k prop under normal circumstances. As is I decided to play the giants Ff tt un1.5, I think they gonna struggle getting runs off Luzardo, his stuff always been filthy and think he coming into his own. There a path to us both cashing this, hopefully Webb struggles and gives up 3-4 early runs then giants come to life after being shut down for 5 innings, 4-1 fish after 5 innings, then game ends 5-4 or something?!!!
It a given reds starter greene is gonna fan a bunch of rays, the question with him is always what happens with the hitters who don’t strike out? Is he walking them or is that slider looking like a frisbee hanging up over middle the plate? Hard to say with him, he has starts he strikes out 9 in 12 outs but he getting hit and is out the game by 4th inning!! I have not been able to figure him out from start to start. Makes me shy away, can’t recall last time I bet a side or total in a game greene started. Im not into throwing darts unless I get a pretty good price to do so! Lol
Thanks Bank. I think we just discovered the major failing of this brilliant idea to have every team play every team this year. They will sit around in the rain for 6 hours trying to get the game in because this will be the one and only time these two teams will meet this year. What a dumb idea. Someone should have thought about that.

Can you imagine what will happen at the end of the year when the only chance to make the game up has passed. Can't have a doubleheader later because that was the one and only time these two teams will meet. And good luck matching up off days to make up these games flying all around the country to get rained out games in. Incredibly stupid and I bet almost all the teams will have 156 games instead of 162 at the end of the season because they couldn't make up the rained out games. Trust me fans sitting in the rain for 6 hours will be the norm because some knucklehead in MLB management said "Hey I have a great idea! Let's have all teams play all teams this year!!" GL
Stupidity never surprises me when it comes to Mlb decisions, matter of fact the shocking thing is when they get something right!! I can’t believe how well the clock working simply cause their ideas rarely do!! I remember a few times last year teams had to stop their plane somewhere to play a game on their off day, it really annoyed me cause I naturally assume that the beginning a series then next thing I know they facing another team. Never seen thar before!! They should force any team stl and north to have a retractable roof if they gonna do shit like this!!
Very true Bank on all counts. The clock thing is really working well as you said. I am surprised at that.

I am going to make a prediction and you heard it here first. This schedule will be so messed up trying to make up games because teams won't see each other again from rainouts that you will see a team playing one team that was scheduled and a different team coming in that night to play a rain out makeup game. Two different teams playing in the same stadium against the home team in a day night doubleheader on the same day. There will be lots of those around the league. Has to happen and the talking heads will be freaking out about it come August. GL
Very true Bank on all counts. The clock thing is really working well as you said. I am surprised at that.

I am going to make a prediction and you heard it here first. This schedule will be so messed up trying to make up games because teams won't see each other again from rainouts that you will see a team playing one team that was scheduled and a different team coming in that night to play a rain out makeup game. Two different teams playing in the same stadium against the home team in a day night doubleheader on the same day. There will be lots of those around the league. Has to happen and the talking heads will be freaking out about it come August. GL

If they lucky it will only happen with shit teams like yesterday and they both be so far out of it nobody will care if it gets played at all! It certainly wouldn’t break my heart if they knocked 10-15 games off the schedule. All that would do is create urgency a little sooner and keep us from playing the WS in winter like conditions! The majority the entire season gets played in nice to hot weather then we decide the biggest games of the year get played in 35 degree temps! How much sense does that make?
While we fixing shit I say we disband 2 teams also!! If Oakland and pick another shit team can’t field anything better than what we seeing now maybe there not quite enough talent for 32 or however many teams we currently have, it not like those places are selling out stadiums either!!!! Of course they would need to eliminate a few playoff spots they just added, or not, they seem to be happy with the nba model where damn near everyone makes the playoffs!! No point in playing 162 if every time I blink they devaluing the regular season more and more!!

Sorry, You inspire me to rant!! Lol
While we fixing shit I say we disband 2 teams also!! If Oakland and pick another shit team can’t field anything better than what we seeing now maybe there not quite enough talent for 32 or however many teams we currently have, it not like those places are selling out stadiums either!!!! Of course they would need to eliminate a few playoff spots they just added, or not, they seem to be happy with the nba model where damn near everyone makes the playoffs!! No point in playing 162 if every time I blink they devaluing the regular season more and more!!

Sorry, You inspire me to rant!! Lol
Think MLB wanted to expand to 32 teams…..currently 30 teams…
Think MLB wanted to expand to 32 teams…..currently 30 teams…

That a hard sell, there barely enough pitching for 30 teams. Looking at Oakland it appears there barely enough for 29 teans. Lol. Nationals have a few big league caliber pitchers, not sure their lineup full of legit big leaguers. If we disbanded those 2 teams it not like there be a frenzy to pick up a bunch of either teams players, maybe to fill out some minor league rosters? Not so much to add to other big league teams!
That a hard sell, there barely enough pitching for 30 teams. Looking at Oakland it appears there barely enough for 29 teans. Lol. Nationals have a few big league caliber pitchers, not sure their lineup full of legit big leaguers. If we disbanded those 2 teams it not like there be a frenzy to pick up a bunch of either teams players, maybe to fill out some minor league rosters? Not so much to add to other big league teams!
I have no idea why we're awake it's likely not positive
I woke up an hour ago to get the mail and I'm not close to sleeping again

I slept a good 4 hours or so, I figured I’d get up and start doing pitcher props but my draft kings app not working, I think it them not me so now I’m torn, I’ll prob do a few games and just write numbers down, if it don’t come back up by then I might lay back down for a hour or so. Im not quite ready to make coffee and turn lights on anyways.
I slept a good 4 hours or so, I figured I’d get up and start doing pitcher props but my draft kings app not working, I think it them not me so now I’m torn, I’ll prob do a few games and just write numbers down, if it don’t come back up by then I might lay back down for a hour or so.
I'm dead set on soccer today but it's 3am. I have opinions though