MLB - Monday 4/15


Pretty much a regular
SEASON: 49-37, +22.361 Units
YESTERDAY: 3-3, +0.025 Units

Short on words today as my heart goes out to those seriously affected or injured at the Boston Marathon. Was close to not playing today as my heart really isn't into it. No discussion. Here is what I played:

COLORADO -132 (1.25 UNITS)

SAN DIEGO +160 (1.25 UNITS)

WHITE SOX +111 (1.25 UNITS)
thought you might like this picture game...
Haters are everywhere. Probably some old haters from blankets. Just keep posting winners and laugh at them GH.

Definitely. The problem is actually with his followers tweeting him all day for his picks. Nobody is hating on GH (he's on a winning streak), they are just acting like he owes them something. Given the tragedy in Boston right now it especially leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

Anyways what I'm trying to say is we appreciate you GH :) Even if you stop posting your picks. I'm happy he's introduced me here.. The morons of the earth seem to populate the other forums. Sorry to take this thread off topic. Back to baseball (CWS are in trouble :X)