MLB Monday 10/9


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2150
2-0 last

Thanks Inzane. I appreciate it. GL

If I was a Braves or Dodgers fan, I would be so pissed right now I couldn't tell you. MLB executives have put their two best teams in serious jeopardy by fucked up scheduling. Think that's an over statement? Do you realize that those two teams will have faced live pitching once in 8 days? Once. Now you think back over the last 100 years of baseball and tell me when a team had to go over a week without playing more than once. And playoff teams no less. Not for the all-star break that's only 4 days and no one gives a shit if it takes a few days to get back on track after the all star break. These are the playoffs, and everyone gives a shit what happens now, and you don't have a few days.

Fans and talking heads think that days off for baseball players are a great thing because you get to rest and heal up. They could not be more wrong. Timing is everything in hitting and days off are the death of timing. And if you are playing in a best of 5 series you don't have the luxury of "days" to get your timing back. And both these teams have to win 3 out of the next 4 games. It's do it now or be gone and you can't just will it to happen. I can tell you from experience two things are true. One, after 100+ games everyone is hurting and a couple extra days off don't fix that. And two, every player I ever knew would kill someone to stay in the lineup and play every day. Every day. But the MLB executives are saying to Atlanta and LA I'm making you sit, now go out there and show me how great you are. Here's a hint. Nobody is that good.

Can the Braves and Dodgers win their series? Yes, it's possible, but it will take a lot on their part to pull it off and you won't see me betting on them until after today if at all. But if Atlanta and LA fail all the fans and talking heads in the world will ask "How the hell did that happen?" And I will just sit back and laugh and say I told you so.

Just one bet today.


Philly +2 1/2 -260
AZ +2 1/2 -260


If there's room, I'd like to join you on the old-timers soap box.

I hope the front offices of the O's, Braves and Dodgers jump up at the winter meetings and shout:

"we win 100+ games and the reward from you dumb fuck office-dwellers is we get to host two games?!? We would like to shove all our unsold 14 dollar foot longs up your retarded asses"
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Baseball players hate playing every couple days.
The A's had a player, Mark Canha. He was good when he played but it felt few and far between.
He became a starter, started showing how good he could be and like other A's players,
got a fat payday elsewhere.