MLB Monday 10/17


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2119
1-0 last total pushed

Thanks Inzane. Good hit. GL

Thanks Bank. I used to make weather a major factor in my capping and now I don't even look at it. These guys are always so wrong about weather that I seriously don't pay any attention to it. It tricks you more than helps. GL

Let me preface what I am about to say with of course I understand that all pitchers will be used in this deciding game. Everyone. I fully understand that. But both managers have lost their fucking minds with this pitching matchup to start the game.

Cle/NYY over 7 -140/+100 - Francona, you really think Civale is a better choice to start this game than a short rested Bieber? You and I both know you will throw Bieber in there this game so why not go with your best for as long as he can last? The Yanks crushed Civale the last time they saw him, and he loves to walk people and allow HR's. A truly great combination if you are facing NY in a deciding game. Tito never could handle pitchers. Good choice moron.

Now as for you Boone, instead of starting a fully rested German (or short rested Cortes) you are going to go with a guy that pitched two days ago and allowed 2 runs on 3 hits without getting anyone out against this Cle bunch? I know he only threw 18 pitches but were you watching what Cle did to those 18 pitches? Jesus, what an idiot.

Forget who is going to win this game. With these starters, NY is NOT a good favorite and Cle is NOT a live dog. +2 1/2 runs and Cle -280 you ask? I wouldn't bet that with your money. If anyone thinks they have insight into who will win this game, they are drunk or smoking weed. Both of which I approve of, but they don't have a clue who will win unless they can tell me exactly how long each starter will go and exactly what they will allow. If they can do that, they haven't lost a bet all year and they should keep that crystal ball nice and shiny and in a safe place.

Forget picking a side because that is impossible. This game has all the makings of Cle scoring 2 in the first followed by NY scoring 2 and Cle coming back with 1 and NY answering with 1 and Cle, well, you get the picture and the managers leaving both starters in because although the score is 102-98 going into the 4th inning both coaches think they are still in it and are very satisfied with the carnage happening to their starters.

Sails over. Hell, sails over 9. You probably could get some nice + money for very little going over 9. (or even 10) GL
GL Wire, like over as well. Took first 5 over 4 to fully utilize these starters' short comings and am still chewing on full game.
Good luck Wire. I'm gonna get on that as well as the Yanks tt over 3* again.

Lol. I said in my thread if this was regular season and we ain’t been watching both these offenses suck all series the total prob would be 9 at least. Sure feels like there outta be runs, I just have a hard time trusting either offense as they both swinging bats with puckered up assholes it seems.
GL Wire, like over as well. Took first 5 over 4 to fully utilize these starters' short comings and am still chewing on full game.

Feel like if the runs gonna come for yanks it gotta be early. All tribe best pen guys rested and ready so they gonna be able to put the squeeze on yanks from 5th on.