MLB Monday 10/12


Pretty much a regular
Playoffs 9-6
2-0 with a push yesterday

Thanks for the responses yesterday. I appreciate it. GL

A rant about a couple of things..........

First of all, this suspension bullshit is getting out of hand. The players will handle this. There is no need for the league to get involved. I'm talking about Utley and the slide. It was fine despite what Torre said. He went over the bag and he could touch the bag. That's all he needs to do. He HAS to break up the double play there. Period. I am so sick of this touchy feely image bullshit this country tries to shove down our throats. The other team would have beaned him and it would have been over. Simple as that. And for those of you out there aghast at the thought of hitting someone in the head with a baseball then you better never play the game because I called for it over 20 times in my career and yes I got hit in the head as well so take your soft touchy feely ass and sit in the stands and be aghast because it's part of the game and it always has been.

Final thought on this is simple and undisputable, if the player hadn't gotten hurt would there have been a suspension for the exact same slide? Of course not. They only suspended Utley because the fielder got hurt. If he gets up, unhurt, and they pat each other on the butt would Torre be screaming for Utley to be suspended because of his "illegal" slide? Fuck no. Never would happen so stop being all outraged and let the game be played.

Second thing, for the love of Christ would you please put keep the same fucking TV channels for these fucking games????? I am so sick of surfing all the channels to find these games. Are they on FoxSports1? Or are they on TBS? Or are they on MLBTV? Or are they on Fox? What the fuck. Pick the fucking channels and stay with them instead of jumping around all the time. Can't figure out why your ratings are down you fucking assholes? Can it be that people can't find, or better yet, don't get the fucking channels you switch around on? I have to look this shit up again today. Fuck.

Sorry. Had to be said.

Houston -130

KC/Houston over 6 1/2 -190

- Whenever the fucking line comes out.

Tot/Texas over -1 run - Whenever the fucking line comes out.

St Louis +2 1/2 -140

StL/Cubs over -
1 run when ever the fucking line comes out

Mets -180

LA/Mets over 5 1/2 -200

I'll update these numbers and plays in a later post. I'm not going to try and do it in this first post as it takes an act of congress and Top Secret Security clearance to go back in and change the first post. GL
Not additional bets just updates to lines .......

Toronto is -140

Toronto/Texas over 8 1/2 -190

Of course the Cubs total has not come out yet because one time in the 1970's a Cubs total was posted at 7 and the wind can came up at game time and the final score was 33-30 or some such shit so the books never give a total until later for Wrigley. One fucking time in 40 years they got burned so they wait, and wait, and wait. Fuckers. GL
Oh shit! Don't tell my wife I didn't put this in the first post .......

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! To all our Canadian brothers and sisters. GL
Listen to what you just said. You agree whole heartedly about the aggressive play and yet you're going to target someone's head for doing it? Disagree when speaking of throwing at someone's head and I certainly hope you didn't call for that in high school game or at any youth level. The lack of comprehension and danger when it comes to a 95+ mph fastball at someone's skull is laughable but not laughable when you're explaining to the players family why you killed their son. What??? Killed their son??? Yes, how do you know the damage that will take place when aiming from the neck up? All because of what??? Yes, all because you got angry over a play that you actually agree with. Wow. Let's have your son make a play like Utley did (which you agree with) and then have a pitcher light his head up with a fastball and watch him laying on the ground motionless. If you as a parent didn't go through the fence and onto the field to rip that pitchers head off for targeting your sons head, then you must agree that your son deserved it. Amazing what people come up with when there is nothing at risk for themselves.
Thanks Play. GL

Wise, I never called for that at any level less than pro. Never even called for it in college. One thing we do disagree on though is the statement that you will kill players by throwing at their head. Head hunting has been going on for at least a century and while there have been some serious injuries, Tony Conigliaro comes to mind, there has been exactly one professional player die from being hit in the head in the last 100 years since the advent of the batting helmet. Not exactly a ton of players yet there have been tons of players hit in the head.

I will admit it is rare to call for hitting a player in the head. Less rare is hitting the player in the back or butt but the fact remains that it is done and has been done since the game was played. Most fans don't get that but players do. Maybe it's because just because you throw at a head the head doesn't just stand there and take it. The players move but the message is the same and yes I do condone that message if you think the other team deserves it. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.

By the way, when I called for the hitting I knew full well that I would also be hit in retaliation if the other team thought it was necessary. I was there risking exactly what I called for. GL
Respectfully disagree with your rant on the Utley suspension. I would've suspended him for the entire NLDS (he can play in Game 5 if it happens). Just no place in the game for a "slide" like that to take place. Baseball is not a contact sport and players do not wear protective gear in the field. I don't care about "feelings" either, and I'm getting sick of having to tip toe around everyone's "feelings" in sports and politics, but we're not talking about feelings here. We're talking about a guy who has a broken leg because of an irresponsible tactic.

As far as the "beaning" and the unwritten rules that baseball will take care of it themselves, I'm fine with that 99% of the time. It's a thing, it's been in baseball forever, plus batters wear helmets and pads at the plate to protect themselves. NFL players get brain damage from repeated hits to the head. MLB players won't get brain damage (or killed) getting beaned in the head a couple times over several years. But in this situation, doesn't beaning Utley in the head only HELP the Dodgers? This is Game 3 of a tied series...a pretty damn important game. I think MLB did the right thing here.

I do agree 1000000% about those damn channels though...

Thanks for the response Byrd. I respect your opinion. I don't expect every one to agree with me. That would be a very boring world. Wise and I have known each other for a long time and I respect his opinion. We sometimes disagree with each other and that's even people we love. I disagree with my wife occasionally. OK, bad example.

But I do expect people to be consistent. If Tejada hadn't broken his leg from that slide I would still expect everyone to be still calling for a suspension of Utley. It was either a very dangerous action or it was part of the game. But it can't just be a dangerous action if someone gets hurt and part of the game if everyone walks away. I still contend that if no player was hurt then there would have been no suspension. That is not consistent. If you view the act as overly violent or irresponsible fine then a suspension must ensue. But there is no way Utley gets suspended if Tejada doesn't get hurt and that is part of the American overreaction that I hate about this stuff. I could be wrong but I seriously doubt any one would be talking suspension if Tejada gets up. GL
Thanks Play. GL

Wise, I never called for that at any level less than pro. Never even called for it in college. One thing we do disagree on though is the statement that you will kill players by throwing at their head. Head hunting has been going on for at least a century and while there have been some serious injuries, Tony Conigliaro comes to mind, there has been exactly one professional player die from being hit in the head in the last 100 years since the advent of the batting helmet. Not exactly a ton of players yet there have been tons of players hit in the head.

I will admit it is rare to call for hitting a player in the head. Less rare is hitting the player in the back or butt but the fact remains that it is done and has been done since the game was played. Most fans don't get that but players do. Maybe it's because just because you throw at a head the head doesn't just stand there and take it. The players move but the message is the same and yes I do condone that message if you think the other team deserves it. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.

By the way, when I called for the hitting I knew full well that I would also be hit in retaliation if the other team thought it was necessary. I was there risking exactly what I called for. GL

Ray Chapman died well before the advent of batting helmets but whatever as far as that goes. About your headhunting retaliation thoughts, what if the pitch doesn't hit the helmet but hits the batter in the face? You can seriously fuck up somebody's life that way, never mind potentially ruining a career if it's a pro that's hit. There are reasons people are tossed & suspended for intentionally throwing at hitters.

Utley's slide...yes he was within range of touching the bag so that aspect of it is OK BUT his knee didn't hit the ground until it was even with the back of the bag. That's not sliding as a baseball play that's using a football play on the diamond. You are correct when you say that he was only suspended because Tejada was injured imo. I also think that's a good reason to suspend him.