
Moderator (Honorary)
MLB Exhibition 2013: 34-21-1 +19.56 units
Regular Season 88-88-4 -8.85 units

Climbing back to respectability.

Short on time but played both day games:

SEA -110 first five - one unit
Sea -.5 +125 first five - half unit

I know Kaz seems to have found his groove but I will back Iwakuma at this price just about anywhere. Love his stuff...

TB/TOR over 9 -110 1.5 units

I don't buy the hype on this kid, TB can hit right now, pen is a mess, and I'm not sold on Dickey right now. I see runs from both sides.....
I like seeing Kellogg at Camden Yards. Was leaning under here before I saw him, and no McClouth in the lineup makes me like it even more. At this price, there's no keeping me away:

NYY/Baltimore under 8.5 +105 two units
GL Doggy - Cooper butchering calls at 1B tonight in Ralph Kramden Yards.....
Yeah, been watching Tim. Buck shoulda stayed out and got tossed on the Wieters out.

reds/mets second half under 3 even one unit
Amazing how he can be right on the play and miss it so badly, twice in the same game. GL Doggy.