No way around backing cards today for me. Carlos has found his command it appears, he still struggling in 1st innings but that always been a problem since well before the recent dl stint. Be nice if he figures that out on a consistent basis one day and becomes a true ace he capable of but right now he back to about where his game was imo which still pretty damn good and I think gives cards a better chance to win than the small price suggest. He also has put in 9ish excellent innings w ump, a complete gm gem vs giants last season, and nobody on San Fran has hit him in their limited tries (or in mccutchins case in lot me of abs).
Tried trusting a San Fran pitcher off dl in game 1 and that went horribly., shark never been great in the day that I recall and off long vacation himself. Couldn’t argue against under at all cept for the unknown of guy in this spot. For me no reason not to just hit the cards ml pretty good and hope Martinez 1st inning can be overcome!
Wanna get real sneaky with it, I never plays these but 1st inning run scored seems like a high percetage play!