MLB Friday 9/29


Pretty much a regular
YTD +2045
No result last

I agree with all you said Wise. No matter when they play, they bump into football. I don't like the expanded format adding more teams however. It becomes like NBA and hockey. You might as well forget the regular season because everyone gets into the playoffs. I would agree with limiting or requiring certain win thresholds to qualify but in the end, this will go the way of the NCAA bowl games. Everyone gets to play in 106 bowl games even with losing records and the bowl games themselves lose all identity. Sure, we like that there is more of them because we like to bet on them, but the magic of the Rose, Orange, or Cotton bowl are lost forever. GL

As for MLB now, this will be my last post until the playoffs start next week. Contrary to popular belief in the last month of the season ALL players are giving their best whether they are in the playoff hunt or not because they are playing for their jobs. But even those veteran players start making tee times in the last weekend of the season. Betting tomm or Sunday is a very risky idea, so I am going to pass those last two days. I will talk to you again next week.

TB/Tor -70/+50

Good luck today, but what exactly are you playing here?

I'm thinking over 7, but I ain't sure...
