MLB Friday 8/30


Pretty much a regular
YTD +70
0-1 last

Thanks for the responses Inzane, Pirate, Cash. and Bank. Sorry I don't get a chance to come back in and talk. It's been a little crazy around here lately. Maybe I can get in more often once MLB playoffs start. I appreciate all the responses. Thank you all. GL

Last post til 9/10. Actually looking forward to this week at the cabin. Fishing, reading, cards, drinking and no fucking politics of any flavor except listening to my wife's relatives calling Trudeau a communist. Which is really pretty hilarious given the state of this country's politics. But it is fun to egg them on just to piss them off. Ah, it's the little pleasures in life.

Have a great holiday.


MLW #1 +2 1/2 -450
ATL +2 1/2 -350
SD +2 1/2 -400
NYY +2 1/2 -550


Balt +2 1/2 -500
Cle +2 1/2 -450
Mets +2 1/2 -700
SF +2 1/2 -900


Good luck and have some fun!

Hope you catch some big fish and could post some pix!
Love the parlays, hope you cash them as I'm on most ML or RL.

I wonder what your Canadien relatives would think of my good family friend Bob Rae who is currently the Ambassador to the UN from Canada (Appointed by Trudeau-was friends and served under his dad). Mom went to High school in Geneva with Bob, and we've been family friends since. Bob was former Premier of Ontario and was called a commie many times, they used to call certain days in Ontario "Rae days." He's an incredibly smart and humble man, got to see him over Christmas in NC when he was driving from NYC at some UN meeting to his florida home on the beach. He stopped and shared stories and pics of him with the Dalai Lama, Obama and the Pope. Amazingly still spry and active in his mid 70's (mom graduated Ecolont in Geneva 1966 with Bob). He's a great spokesman for Canada.

Anyway, have fun messing with the Quebecois Canucks side of the family. I used to travel to Canada every month for work (and hated the winters in Alberta, Sasketchewan, Manitoba---armpit of Canada). I do miss Canada in the summer. I went to a Calgary AAA game in August and it snowed 6 inches years old VP or sales was a catcher up there in AAA and said they had 3-4 snow delays or cancels every July/August. Drive safe and cash those parlays.