MLB Friday 8/23


Pretty much a regular
YTD +80
1-1 last

Thanks for the response Dodgers. I appreciate it. GL

For the record and adherence to the new record posting rules set forth by B.A.R. and the CTG management, any + or - I post in my YTD is $. So yes, I am plus a measly $80 for the 2024 MLB season. And when I say x50 or whatever each that is x$50 or whatever each. That goes for all sports. And you can consider anything I post in NFL or college hoops as possible plays for you but ignore all of my college football posts which will come sometime after week 3 because I have always sucked at that. Oh, and if I ever post an NBA game, I can assure you aliens have taken over my body and are posing as me because I will never bet an NBA game those cheating motherfuckers.

I was going to put this in my signature: "NCAAF record at Covers in 1979 110-1" but I realized this is obviously a serious situation, so I decided against it. I don't mind fucking with the CTG Gods a little, (like where is my rolling laughing guy????) but I don't want to really piss them off and this is too good a forum for all that bullshit anyway.

I also agree with their concept because if you say you went 4-2 in MLB that doesn't mean shit because risking $100 on each game and the 2 losses were -300 each you had a losing day despite what the impressive 4-2 record says.

One footnote before I post my plays for today. If these lose, I got them all from Wiseplayer but if they win, they were my picks all along.

Cle ML -130/+100


Cle +2 1/2 -450
Atl +2 1/2 -900
Minn +2 1/2 -450
SD +2 1/2 -450


Most ppl would suck a hobo dick to be plus anything this deep into mlb season playing almost daily. I mean not me cause I’m fucking awesome, 🤩 , not to brag but I’m kinda a big deal! I’m the opposite most posters, I don’t post a record cause I don’t want ppl to know how good I am!!

Before anyone laughs I’m not joking, I’m the best there ever was, when I wake up I piss excellence, I’ve often wondered if I should bottle and sell my peee. Maybe someone could drink it and some my genius would rub off! Any takers? For some reason even with all this winning I’m still broke and could use the extra income!! If it doesn’t make you a better capper I can personally guarantee 2 things, It def makes you a weirdo and most likely would make most ppl super high! Lmao. if you ain’t 1st you last!

Or I don’t post a record cause I’m awful at keeping track of anything, I’m such a lazy fuck I been writing all my plays on totally full notebooks I’ve now just turned around and started using the back side of the paper!! I have no clue wtf my record has ever been, all I know is whether or not I made money and I often forgot in the middle the year if im
Up or down!! All the plays wrote down, sometimes I grade them after sometimes I don’t, if anyone could go thru my books and figure any of it out they are way smarter than me and I wrote the damn things. I like not knowing, if I don’t know then neither does anyone else and I can tell myself any lie I prefer!!! I mean who cares? I don’t want to sell plays (only pee), I don’t want followers just ppl to talk about this stuff with and most of ya’ll good for that!!!!

Gl today bro
Wire I love Clev tonight behind Bibee, my buddy pinged me when he saw I was big on clev today thinking it was a tough one but when I saw Bibee has a 1.62 ERA in 3 starts against Texas, and Evoldi is crumbling lately with a 7.2ERA Last 3, it made it easier for me. I went big on them, hope we're right.

Being a former long time catcher, i know you'd appreciate this/find it funny. I was over at my buddy's place this afternoon helping him with a legal cannaibis grow he's working on (CBD, Pain relief for athletes/elderly/cancer patients); he pitched for NC State and a bit in dev league and Low A, and independent ball in southwest (Felix Roque). I was bitching about the Brewers game the other day, the b2b they lost to the cards. Having played catcher growing up to college, I was irate the catcher nor manager werent settling the pitcher down after jackass ump gave 2 free passes. Pitcher was out of it mentally, livid and you could predict the outcome. While the 2 free passes were close as he was hitting the edges or close, his next pitches were wilder than 50 Cent throwing out the First pitch. Mgr still had 2 mound visits but decided to piss the ump off and get ejected. Next guy gets plunked, cards win on a grand slam next AB. Almost same crap happens next day. Well Felix was the Closer for NC State and was all warmed up in a 3-0 game at Wake Forest. He calls down to legendary Pitching (and former head coach at OSU) Coach Tom Holliday (Matt's father) tells him yo coach, I'm loose. Tom gave him the cue he was about to go then He gets a ring back, says hold it, Russ is going in (Russell Wilson, the NFL QB). Russell wasnt the dedicated closer then, he was more 2B. Felix was livid and the catcher warming him up got on the horn and said put felix in, catcher had caught Russ and said this wasnt a good situation for him. Tom said no Coach Avent said Russ, that's final. They ended up losing 4-3, Russ couldnt throw a strike and they lost 4-3. Its amazing the lack of common sense some managers have, putting a non closer in a closing situation on the road, or some teams putting a closer in a non-closing situation, seems to mostly backfire. Many Closers seem to have the same fragile minds like kickers in football.

GL tonight, hope you crush it.
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