mlb friday 8/14/15


Where the cash flows, matters
4-0 & +12 units yesterday

56-51-2 & +21.21 units for the 2nd 1/2

All plays 1 unit each today

St Louis -210

Philly +150

Wash -150

Yanks +200

Cleveland -144

Over 8 laa/kc

GL on the action :shake:

Going out of town for a few days so my posting over the next week will be very spotty.
Blood: Appreciate the kind words. Toroto may get the $$$ but no way should they big such a big fav over the yanks. Aside from his last start vs yanks Price struggles with them
Blood: Appreciate the kind words. Toroto may get the $$$ but no way should they big such a big fav over the yanks. Aside from his last start vs yanks Price struggles with them

i agree, i left alone cause i been betting jays every day and would have liked too tonight but that line was beyond ridiculous. it was cheaper to play jays vs the stinking A's for christ sakes!! nyy really making price work, you in a great spot if they can get him out of the gm earlier than the 8th and into the middle relief. im considering live betting ny myself. gl
2daB: Nova rattled right now, need damage controll . Yanks offense could have made it easier had they executed in prior inn. Tough to go against best team in AL, but at the price it was worth a unit to me.
they screwed me with that price, made jays practically unplayable and i been betting them everyday since the start of this run. i just couldnt fathom paying more against nyy than i was against oak. this why i typically chill out with bases by end of aug, we get far too many of these crazy inflated lines but i have no interest playing on the dog who in a lot of cases is just playing out the season.