MLB Friday 5/14


Pretty much a regular
YTD +3726
9-3 last

Wife is off today so we will be running around all day. I will try to update the record sometime between garage sales and garden centers.

All x200 each unders -130

KC/CHW #1 under 8
SF/Pitt under 8
NYY/Balt under 9 1/2
Cubs/Det under 9
Mets/TB under 8
Ana/Bost under 9 1/2
Phil/Tor under 11
Atl/MLW under 8 1/2
Texas/Hou under 9 1/2
KC/CHW #2 under 8
Oak/Minn under 9 1/2
Cinn/Colo under 11
Wash/AZ under 9 1/2
STL/SD under 7 1/2
Miami/LA under 8
Cle/Sea under 9 1/2

By the way, in case you think I'm just pissed off and refusing to bet overs I'm not. I am capping these games and listening to myself. I have said for the last 5 years 99% of these so called major leaguers can't hit shit. Seriously horrible. They guess and the worst thing about that is they not only guess what pitch is going to be thrown but they also start their swing early which is why they look so bad on those way outside pitches.

Now here's something you may not know. Pitchers can't and don't always control where they are going to throw the pitch. Want to watch a game a new way? Look where the catcher sets his glove as a target and look how many times the pitcher misses the target. You will be amazed how often they miss. Many times they miss the target but throw the ball over the plate. That's called being wild in the strike zone. Now getting back to the guessers. They think a curve is coming but if the pitcher can't be sure where the pitch is going most of the time how in the fuck can these guessers, who already start their swing, hope to hit it? They can guess curve but where? You have to see the ball to hit it. Curve or otherwise. This is why I am amazed all the hitting coaches are still employed and why the hitters are still playing. Just a putrid excuse for baseball at it's top level.

And if you never played don't think the hitter has to start his swing early to hit a 100 mph fastball. That's media horseshit. You don't make it to the pros at any level if you can't hit a fastball at any speed. Those of you that have played in college or higher know what I'm talking about. And if hitters can't hit and they can't that should spell unders. GL
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Good work yesterday Wire, best of luck today, and thanks for the analytics.

on that yanks and phillies under with you. on the A's over. Gl and nice day yesterday. It seems we all did....i am worried now lol.