MLB Friday 5/1/2009 (MAY DAY In-Game)

Man I hate to admit it though, but I'm on the Cubs here. Yeps, I drank some of that Richie Harden kool-aid. Let's go Soriano!
Big thing though I think is the Cubs gotta work Taylor early, make him throw strikes. If they swing and hack and everything they're just gonna bail him out early and let him get settled in.
Bradley hitting in the 3 spot today. I say it's the curse of Aaron Miles lol, every team I've seen him on struggles with consistency
1 2 3 not a great start , the cubs have 18 total runs in their last 10 games
glad i took TT over 5 , hopefully they can hit this kid
I swear once Soriano got that 1st pitch called a strike i said to myself "damnit, he's gonna swing at this 2nd pitch no matter what it is" and yep sure enough he did
Honestly, looking at this lineup against this soft-tossing rookie, I was expecting guys like Soriano, Bradley, and Fontenot to frustrate a bit and swing early...while others like Lee and Johnson to be patient...working out that way so far sadly.

Damn I hate Aaron Miles...was the Cubs primary offseason job to go pickup other teams garbage this year? Aaron Miles...Aaron Heilman...c'mon.
Cubs had a real chance to breakthrough last inning. I do like the fact we leadoff with Theriot in the bottom half of the 3rd though..not too thrilled to see the struggling Milton Bradley right behind him though...thats a freeswinging dp waiting to happen today it seems
marmol starts with back to back walks...then gets back to back K's...haha go figure with this guy nowadays. one more out to get out of this jam.
at school at the moment..just got out of sociology. we had an activity based on globalization...started with 6 groups. haha, in the end it was 4 vs 2 as the groups paired up into teams. shit...the group with 2 still managed to finish with more resources and capital in our activity...gotta love the corporate world eh?
fucking gregg...1 out...but runners on 1st and 2nd now. really a bad spot to have HIM as your closer...struggling team, taxed its whole bullpen today...and it just so happens that the team you're trying to have him close out a win against is his old team from last year
he keeps getting ahead 0-2 but then starts dicking around...let's go gregg! one good groundball here...lets end this
Gregg just can never make anything easy. And on a sidenote, after how bad the Cubs started today and Harden being shit...I have no idea how they wound up covering the -1.5 RL.

Congrats Cubs backers!
Mariners 1-0 on the sac fly.. Eveland with a chance to really limit the damage. One more out needed still though, not out of it yet

A what point do they call a delay game? (Pending Atl and Houston)
Is it after the 6th ??
Holliday first pitch


Oakland still with 1st and 2nd...2 outs. Let's go boys, don't stop now!
Oakland with the bases loaded...2 outs

My boy Kurt Suzuki is him on my fantasy squad. Let's go Kurt, just get a hit and bring in some runs!