MLB Friday 4/20


Pretty much a regular
YTD +101

All for 10 units each.

Minn/TB over 7 -140
Houston -whatever ML
Wash/LA over 5 -200 - Any team, any park, any pitcher.

Maybe back later for the GS.
Wire, I swear on my family I saw a splitting image of Blood at the coffee shop I was in. Same face, same beard and all he did was smile while he was in there. Never met Blood in person but saw pictures of him. Splitting image.
Wise, would be just like that sonuvabitch to try and pull a fast one on us and be around. I wish it were so. As for meeting him in person did you ever sit in Santa's lap? That was him. GL

Thanks 50cent. GL

Thanks Tuck hope so. GL

Thanks Cavs. GL


Grand Salami over 132 1/2 (80 units) - 16 games again but good pitchers duel late and still cold weather. I'll still try my luck here with the relief pens around MLB. Besides, I have to get my money back from the other day losing 55 units. GL