MLB Friday 10/27


Pretty much a regular
YTD +557
2-0 last

Thanks Cash. GL

From a fan's perspective that was one helluva game last night! From the TV executive's perspective that was one helluva game! From an "experts" perspective that was one helluva game! But for me while it was fun to watch it was a horrible display of relief pitching. Neither team could hold the other. I'll come back to this point later.

From an offensive perspective if you ignore bad relief and credit it to the hitters the offenses came alive. Houston finally delivered in clutch situations (or did they?) and LA scored with the lineup change. And Puig still hit from a dropped spot.

But let's look at that closer for a minute. LA despite scoring 5 runs only had 5 hits. While Houston had 14 hits scoring 7 runs. Think that demonstrates great offense from Houston? Well it doesn't. Houston should have won that game going away by 5 or 6 runs. Why you ask? Because Houston left an incredible 22 runners on base. 22???!!! Holy shit that's a ton. And it's not good.

But the good news for Houston fans is their relief pitching couldn't have been that bad if LA only got 5 hits total in 11 innings.

What does this tell me? LA is still not hitting Houston pitching and that's not good for LA. Houston still is not delivering with runners on and that's not good for Houston. But I guess you could say LA relief is bad and at least Houston is getting lots of guys on. So where does that leave us for Friday's game?

LA +100 (20 units)

LA is throwing Darvish and he has been very, very good recently. Houston is starting McCullers and he is a spot starter that has not had a good year. The guy doesn't go much more than 4 innings even as a starter. Houston knows it and are willing to ask him for his usual 4 innings then they will go to the bullpen. But that puts a strain on a bullpen. (Seriously, you don't have a solid #3 starter? Not good.) Houston could maybe even pull the win out Friday despite starting a lesser guy and leaning on the pen. But every time you go to the pen you do two things badly.

First, they get tired. You just threw just about everyone in an 11 inning game and you are knowingly going to use that pen again? Further complicate that with the fact that Morton may be your Saturday starter and he sure as hell isn't expected to go more than 5 or 6 so it's back to the pen again. Even when you return to Keuchel he will probably need bailing out after 6. That is going to be a tired bullpen unless someone can go deep in a game but it isn't likely with who your next two starters are. LA doesn't even have to score on those rellievers. They just have to make them throw pitches because sooner or later they will catch up to them and score.

Second, the hitters get locked in on your relievers because they get to see a lot of pitches from them. Familiarity in baseball doesn't breed contempt it breeds hits.

Bottom line, I will go with the better starter laying no odds.

For the series, I lean now LA. They have a better rotation and even though they lost the home field for now they should get to this Astro staff. (which includes the bpen.)

For a total, pass, pass PASS! On a total of 8 1/2 Houston offense is showing signs life. Go over. McCullers isn't great and Darvish has been known to suck occasionally. Go over. Ump is a solid under ump. Go under. LA really isn't hitting the ball yet. Go under. Soooooooo PASS.

Still thinking but would think currently that you are underestimating Lance a lot
Let me make this clear. For most of his career Lance was one of the best home pitchers in baseball and in fact at home facing Kershaw went 7 giving up 2 runs winning 3-2.
In his last 2 starts since coming back 10 inning. 6 at NY 4 at home 1 run
Meanwhile the Dodgers have little to go on and Houston has seen Darvish a lot. If Houston had a reliable pen Houston would be the play. Now I am still thinking
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Thanks InZane. GL

Tuck, I see your points. But I only go by recent performance. Lance has a 5+ era and his team is 0-3 in his last 3 starts. But my main point is his start almost assures Houston will have to rely heavy on their pen. The pen will be tired if they aren't already. LA should profit in the long run from that. GL

Thanks Metallica. GL

Thanks B.A.R. GL
Thanks Cash. GL

Tim there is no excuse in the playoffs for a 6 man ump crew with instant replay at their disposal and a fucking rule book to make that kind of mistake. But I assure you the "brotherhood" of umpires will back Layne up on his call. GL
Interesting that Torre's spin was that Dusty could have asked for a " rules check".
True but Dusty shouldn't have had to if they knew their job. 6 of them and all 6 have spent years behind the plate. And Torre should have said as much. GL
True but Dusty shouldn't have had to if they knew their job. 6 of them and all 6 have spent years behind the plate. And Torre should have said as much. GL
I completely agree, the sad part is that it probably cost the Nats the opportunity of playing in the NLCS. Funny how this wasn't publicized hardly at all for two weeks, and then you look at the chain of events that followed (i.e. Dusty not renewed). Just a complete cluster fuck.
Well now it almost appears opposite with Darvish's short outing...that LA's Pen is taxed so if Wood Falters at all tomorrow it could make things tough on LA. However, I don't trust Morton either tomorrow which one will show up? good Morton or bad Morton?
Morton has been bad in the day. Sometimes bad on the road and frequently bad with umpires he has bad history with. Looks like none of the above
In his last 4 home starts Morton is 4-0 and has given up 5 runs. The one before he lost when he hit one of his BAD umpires. He loses this when and if MLB orders this ump to walk on him. It could happen but at this point they might just want out of this