MLB Considering Overhaul To Playoff Structure

Sunday night selection show.

That is cute, until you need a Monday tiebreaker game.

I like it though, surprisingly, overall.
From the looks of things on the interwebs, I am the only one that likes it.

Honestly, I think it adds some spice to pick your opponent.
I like it except that the teams get to pick their opponents.. I really like the 3 game series idea , much better than a 1 off game
I like it except that the teams get to pick their opponents.. I really like the 3 game series idea , much better than a 1 off game
The three game is definitely better, there shouldn't be much debate there. I just look at the intrigue of picking your opponent and that could possible even out uneven divisions, right?
Not sure how I feel about 2 extra teams in each league getting in, but 3 game series are the way to go. I think teams would be more aggressive at the trade deadline to make moves getting out of the one game crap shoot. Of course 2 extra teams would have more teams going for it at the deadline as well. The trade deadline would be great.
2 extra teams is definitely something to debate. With that being said, just like with the WC implementation a few decades ago... It helps to have more teams involved in the race for a longer period of time for attendance. Or, maybe in today's world it doesn't?
They showed from 2012-2019 if this system existed, 4 teams would've made it with a below .500 record.
It really seems to penalize the #2 and #3 seeds. Not only do you have to play an extra 3 game series, but then you have to pick your opponent. At least in the NFL the #2 seed gets a bye too.
Manfred is a complete moron. The last thing we need is more playoff teams. The baseball playoffs are just fine the way they are.
Manfred needs to have some balls and fight for a salary cap in the next collective bargaining agreement but I wouldn't expect an admitted yankees fan to care about the small markets.
I guess the new format would only add another 3-4 days to playoff season. But they're wrapping up in November already.
Not sure how I feel about 2 extra teams in each league getting in, but 3 game series are the way to go. I think teams would be more aggressive at the trade deadline to make moves getting out of the one game crap shoot. Of course 2 extra teams would have more teams going for it at the deadline as well. The trade deadline would be great.

Or it could have the exact opposite effect. With so many more teams in contention, less moves will be made.
They should definitely get rid of the one game “series.” It’s a 162 game season, built on 3 game series, and then you have a one game elimination? It’s absurdly dumb.

I am fine with making the wild card games a best 2 of 3 but the idea of adding more playoff teams is just awful.
I am fine with making the wild card games a best 2 of 3 but the idea of adding more playoff teams is just awful.

Agreed. More teams making it isn’t the answer. I just really dislike the one game wild card “series.” A big part of baseball is a pitching staff, so having a team get eliminated without getting to use an actual rotation makes absolutely no sense to me at all.
I can‘t believe nobody is talking about the reality tv bit? Talk about a cheap commercial gimmick. I think baseball should have more integrity than to let financial prospects influence its playoff structure.
From the looks of things on the interwebs, I am the only one that likes it.

Honestly, I think it adds some spice to pick your opponent.

I don’t mind that really, Kinda interesting. What I don’t like is idea of adding another team. mlb and nfl gonna screw around and end up like nba and nhl where half the damn teams make the playoffs, I don’t like that. 7 teams from each league just too damn many imo.
They showed from 2012-2019 if this system existed, 4 teams would've made it with a below .500 record.

that is def my problem with it. As is we already have bunch of mediocre teams in the WC race most the way. I get wanting to keep more fan bases interested but taking more teams than current format a mistake imo.

I like the 3 game idea better than the 1 game WC.

I think the top team picking opponent is all kinds of interesting for lot of reasons. Who they would pick and the amount of disdain it would cause from the team they picked to play would be kinda great imo!!
I guess the new format would only add another 3-4 days to playoff season. But they're wrapping up in November already.

that def a problem. Not a big fan when they end up in cold weather cities and championship of a sport played primarily in hot weather all year is decided in cold weather. I know they will never do it but trimming a few weeks and handful of series off the schedule to start playoffs in mid sept would seem to make more sense to me.