Mlb 8/6/16

Your last play was over a month ago

And in that thread you posted you tailed...Arrieta gave up 2 runs in the first and you came back 14 minutes after posting you tailed into his thread just to state that the bet was a loser, which it wasn't at the time you posted.

Going to give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe you'd misread the score or had a different number or something, but to come back before a bet loses in someone's thread just for the sake of saying it is kind of a dick move. And to be fair to you, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't intentionally trying to be an ass...but I'd bet my left nut that was what caused him to comment About you b/c I remember reading it and found it very strange myself.

Hunt doesnt need me defending him, and that's not what I'm doing. But I remember the thread because I, just like you and he did...had the same bet that game. Because you're a new member and a relatively young guy, you probably don't know that the guys who post with their name in red basically started the site/had major input into building this place 10 years ago.

HUNT has posted a ton of TT's over the years and especially in the beginning. You're 24...ten years ago, guys like HUNT and most of the Red mods posted all the fucking in 10 years changes things my man...

Start mixing in stresses from jobs, and women and kids and real life shit, and posting sometimes gets a hell of a lot harder and dedicating the time to this site gets significantly harder. But this place was built around solid guys, no bs, and everyone with the same mission of trying to win money...not hating/bashing

End of explanation and it was just explanation, not a lecture, as I'm guessing you probably didn't even remember your comment. Just trying to be fair and to you and give you some reason behind the response.
You guys don't need to thank him for capping this one hard...

Thank me for the ole 'reverse jinx bar text' when it was 2-3 in the 6th I believe...:tiphat:
Well said...This sight is THE BEST because of the guys who take the time to make post. I appreciate the post. Keep it REAL!
Sorry bluedevilboy. Just the competitiveness in me.

I just don't post as much for the reasons scarf stated. Used to all the time. Love helping people, but I don't take shit from no one. Win or lose.

Thanks fellas. Have a great Sunday.

Ton of cappers here in the daily here way better than myself. Tail those guys.
