Milton Bradley - Husband/Father of the Year

And he's created all those wonderful children's games too. Shame he ended up like that.
1. Why doesa he have custody?

2. If I'm her dad imma taking care of ole Milton after the sex video text in some shape or form.

3. Women are sooooo dumb sometimes. I understand this goes for men too but why keep going back other than the 'lifestyle'?
1. Why doesa he have custody?

2. If I'm her dad imma taking care of ole Milton after the sex video text in some shape or form.

3. Women are sooooo dumb sometimes. I understand this goes for men too but why keep going back other than the 'lifestyle'?

Yep, my son in law sends me video of my daughter having sex I'm gonna find a way to fuck him up bad.

Dude is a real piece of work.
1. Why doesa he have custody?

2. If I'm her dad imma taking care of ole Milton after the sex video text in some shape or form.

3. Women are sooooo dumb sometimes. I understand this goes for men too but why keep going back other than the 'lifestyle'?

she's dead? who else would take the kids? i actually don't know, but protective services need a complaint to get involved?

2-- yeah, maybe the most fucked up thing i've ever heard

3-- i think it's hard to leave and people do crazy shit when they're in love
Dysfunctionality feeds upon itself...never ending cycle it seems. Very sad story, obviously with deep rooted problems in previous family life for both parties.
she's dead? who else would take the kids? i actually don't know, but protective services need a complaint to get involved?

2-- yeah, maybe the most fucked up thing i've ever heard

3-- i think it's hard to leave and people do crazy shit when they're in love

As I read that I wondered if she was dead...I never saw that stated but it makes sense...