Mike Babcock FIRED

Don’t blame them at all. Heard he’s a real dick too. And when you’re losing that’s a recipe for disaster.

They are better than their record. Wil be watching closely to see how they adjust as a team.
Helps/hurts tomorrows game?
I mean they are next up for having the Vegas Flu. But I feel like teams usually rally around this sort of thing. They did have a players only meeting the other day fwiw.

however I see the coyotes continuing their win streak and making it 3 straight
They are trash defensively. 2nd most goals allowed in the league. This needs to be a shakeup to balance the team better as they’re studs and scrubs. Not blown away by Freddy Andersen either in net.

But if getting your coach canned doesn’t inspire you, then I don’t know what will.
But with that shitbrick Brendan Shanahan as team President, I’ve no doubt he’ll fuck this up.

Haven’t forgiven that prick for refusing to stay any longer than he had to as a Hartford Whaler. Yes I hold grudges and no I’m not sorry.
There was only so much Mike could do with the handcuffed line up that we had in Toronto. Until they start spending on defense, I don’t expect much of a change in their results long term.