Michigan/Michigan State Preseason Thoughts...


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Okay, I wanted to get a different thread going for the Power 5 in-state teams as we head through the next 6 weeks. Obviously there will be a bit more Michigan coverage than Michigan State but I have followed the Little Sisters of the Poor much more this past 12 months or so than before. Obviously, the drama was there and also trying to figure out any angles etc for how to bet on/against/etc with them.

Camp thoughts and articles to be shared throughout. Please refrain from making this into a pissing contest. We are all here to make money, so use any information for good or bad. I'll still have personal plays posted in the weekly BIG10 thread started by Hunt or myself.

Obviously I'll start with the Blue team. Today I just want to go through some general things and perhaps quell some misconceptions and perhaps give a different look than the national perspective. I know the bottom line on the the national perspective and I think it is right in some ways and very wrong in others...

Okay, here goes...we'll go with some quick position group thoughts:

QB: This will be the talk of fall camp and as the season progresses, no doubt. Wilton Speight does not have many fans. It is what it is. Here is my summary of last year. He was solid through the first 2/3 of the season. Somewhere in the 3q of the MSU game he threw a pick on a wheel route and they seemed to handcuff him much more after that. He was bad vs Iowa before he got hurt. My guess is he shouldn't have played against OSU/FSU but gutted it out with no other real options on the roster(this goes back to Hoke taking one QB a year etc). Now, fast forward to the Spring Game. It was ugly and uglier. Harbaugh absolutely threw the kitchen sink at him. I really think that most of the plan of the spring game was to do this and show him what he needed to do and whatnot. Now, also in the spring game stepped in Brandon Peters on the other team. He is a smooth QB that has a lot of talent. This is Jimmy's first QB recruit of consequence and he is being groomed, no doubt about it. He looked awesome at times and okay at others but also played against the 2nd team defense most of the time. Since then, the call for Peters and whatnot is a prevailing theme although most think that Speight will get the call down at Jerry World. IMO, Wilton isn't as bad as the end of last year when he was hurt plus the Spring Game. He also isn't a world beater. He can manage games and is a gamer. Peters will be a good one once he gets a chance although growing pains will happen. This will be the theme to watch through the next 2-3 months really.

RB: This is a position where they have yet to recruit a stud. They thought Najee was set to be here but things happen. Now, you go with what you got. Evans is an exciting player who continues to improve. He should be good for about 1200-1500 yards from scrimmage if healthy. Behind him, Higdon is fast and hits the hole. Now, he needs to be better against the good teams. Kareem Walker is a former 5 star who got his grades in order. Samuels is a beast coming in as a true frosh but his competition in HS was average at best. They need to find some consistency here and be able to run in 4th quarters of close games. Ty Issac is on his last chance. He is always a wildcard. I'd like to seem him used in space more/passing game.

FB: Panda is back after not opting for the NFL and he is in great shape. Harbaugh told him to get into better shape and he looks great. I would expect double-digit TD's here in a variety of ways from the former TE.

OL: This is definitely in the misconception part of the national perspective, imo. The OL at Michigan has been substandard except for 2 years the past 10 or so. Everyone will look at the seniors that departed yada yada and moan and complain. Well guess what, they been moaning and complaining about these guys for years. The talent level is better, now it is about getting a solid 5 out there. Obviously wherever Mason Cole ends up he is the leader of this group. True Frosh Ruiz will play this year and is a monster. This group, if healthy, will be much IMPROVED.

TE: Okay, you lose Jake Butt and Asiasi gets homesick. Those things happen but there is plenty of talent here. Wheatley Jr, McKeon, Bunting, Gentry among others... Bunting hasn't done much but had a nice 2nd half in the Orange Bowl when Butt got hurt. TWJ is in much better shape as well. The wildcard here and he will kind of be used as a Hybrid is Gentry. He is a former QB who can run like a gazelle and is an imposing figure. He had some nice plays in the spring game. I think he may be the surprise on offense.

WR: This is another spot I see as being improved. This might not come right away but by the end of the season there is no doubt in my mind. Again, the national perspective is that you lose Darboh and Chesson to the pros. They were excellent players for Michigan for years. The nice part is, a lot of the young guys last year got experience early in the season. One thing Harbaugh does is get your feet wet early. So, you might not have returning starters but you have so much talent here to choose from.... McDoom (10 yards per carry), Crawford (great blocker), Perry (excellent possession receiver), Johnson and walk-on Shoenle had a great spring. The freshman are outstanding. Black had a great spring, DPJ will be a future All-American and Nico just got on campus but has been a very good surprise this summer. There is plenty to work with here.

Okay, on to the defense...I am just going to do this in two categories...

Front 7: Last year you could basically rotate out almost two starting front fours. It was a luxury, now it is back to reality. Reality is pretty damn good though when the next player on your team is in that front four. This will be the breakout year for Rashan Gary and next year the coronation before being picked very high in the draft. This guy exudes work ethic and has the basics down now. He is simply going to dominate some games. Last year was a collective effort(see the punishment for 3 q's at OSU of Barrett) and this year there will be the two big guns (Gary and Hurst) and a lot of solid bodies in there. Depth is an issue but as long as the injury bug doesn't hit hard this unit will be damn good. The linebackers can only improve. You can pretty much pencil that in to a Michigan season preview for a long-time now. This group will be very good. The straw that stirs the drink will be Devin Bush JR. I love having a player with his attitude and game back there. Mike McCray should be very solid again as well. We'll see how the other parts fall together during camp. Overall, the front 7 should be improved this season over last year as a group.

Back 4: There is no doubt this group took some hits in the draft. They all seemed to get drafted. Other than his mind being somewhere else (girl problems?) in the Orange Bowl JD was one of the very best ever at UM as a corner. You simply do not replace that. Again, one thing they do at UM now is get those feet wet in game conditions. Hudson, Mettulus, Long among others got some time last year. The leader back there will be Tyree Kinnel. I have always liked him and think he will be that 'solid' player they need. Overall this group will be down but they have a lot of young talent. There are some exciting freshman in the group too. I would expect next year to see this group back to top-notch and with how recruiting in going it should be that way for quite awhile.

I am going to add spot here...

VIPER: This is their hybrid LB/DB spot that they used Peppers in (out of necessity) last year. The guy to fill this role this year and who can really do it well it will be Khaleke Hudson. If you like big hits and aggressive football, this guy is for you. Other than Gary, it would not surprise me if he was the other star of the defense.

Special Teams: Peppers was very sure-handed and teams kicked away from him. That will be missed. I do not know who they will turn to exactly as some names have been thrown around. I would expect the coverage units to be very good again. Placekicking should be fine even with Allen gone. Nordin is a brash, cocky kid who can kick it from another planet. Let us see how he does in game action. I do not know much about the punter to be. Overall, ST's are down for sure. As long as they continue to create turnovers via blocked kicks and cover well though they will be alright. It is a wait n see approach with the kicking game.

Coaching: Don Brown might just be my favorite dude ever. His record speaks for itself. Kids love him and his defenses are nasty. We'll get to Harbaugh in a bit. Pep Hamilton was brought in on offense and he should be quite the asset. I personally have not been happy with how we have used the passing game at times. The lack of screens and at times a more wide-open attack sucks to be honest. Rumor has it, and look at 2008 Capital One Bowl Game, we will see more 4 wide etc. The offense supposedly will have a better tempo to it as well.

Harbaugh is not afraid to change his staff on a yearly basis. Durkin left after a year and he improved the position. The ST's got improved as well. His coordinator goes to UCLA and he finds an upgrade. He continually upgrades a lot of these positions. Now, we need to see the results later in the season. Some of the play-calling late in games in November is odd, to say the least. Also, last year they ran a lot of different things offensively that seemed to disappear later in the year. They really played way to safe at points for me. I know the defense was superb but you still need to make plays. You know he wants to run it and play defense. Well, you need to improvise at times. They did that in year one with Rudock. It is time to do it again this year.

Couple random notes going into fall camp:

-Never expect a depth chart, hehe.

-I would expect the submarine again

-Rumor has it that the Camp workouts will have much less two-a-days than the first two years. They wanted to install a culture for the program that was lacking in the 'Country Club' days previous...

-Grant Perry will most likely be out for a few games to start the year for his running from police charge. He sat out several games last year and will miss a few more. Jimmy makes you pay for mess-ups. I was surprised he was still on team but the other charge got dropped.

-For recruiting guys, this class this upcoming year will be small so don't think that they are dropping the ball at all. Next years class will be top 3 most likely when it is all said and done

-This is really the first full Harbaugh team, it should be interesting.

This is my Game-By-Game take as of now. This will change and I will do a more in-depth one as the season gets closer.

Week 1: Neutral vs Florida -- I do like that everyone is on Florida in this game. That will help in my eventual play on the game (fla tt under). This will be a good ole classic college game, not some 41-38 barn burner. I expect something like 20-17 or 24-20... I think the good guys get it done but we'll see.

Week 2: Home vs Cincy -- Nothing much to see here. Good game to work out the kinks and get some guys some playing time in the 4th quarter. Cincy will be okay but nothing that worries me at all.

Week 3: Home vs Air Force -- We can thank Mr. Dominoes for scheduling another one of these. These games are always scary. Let's just get out safe and with no injuries to the front 4 against this offense.

Week 4: Away at Purdue -- Name your score.

Week 5: Home vs Michigan State -- Paul Bunyan game is after the bye week. This more than likely will be a night game. That is going to be some sort of spectacle. Again, nothing much to see here. I would say the score is around 42-10 late in the game and Dantoni will force in a TD and go for 2 for no reason.

Week 6: Away at Indiana -- A noon game in Bloomington is a semi-sandwich spot. This could be interesting for a bit but UM should control it in the 2nd half.

Week 7: Away at Penn State -- This will most likely be a night game as well. PSU is 'that' team this year who I am not as high on. They got smoked by UM last year and battered the year before in Happy Valley. This will be a tough game. On a neutral setting I would take Michigan. Here, I dunno. Not to mention Michigan hasn't won a meaningful road game in some time.

Week 8: Home vs Rutgers -- The 2nd bye week of the year and at the perfect time. They should be on cruise control by the end of the first quarter.

Week 9: Home to Minnesota -- The ole Little Brown Jug game. Row the Boat moves Northwest but this is another game that should be pretty simple after a tough quarter or two.

Week 10: Away at Maryland -- This wasn't pretty last year and this year will be closer. I also think Maryland will get better as the season progresses. This is the gear-up game for the two big ones so they better be careful here. Preseason I'd be all over Mary with the points.

Week 11: Away at Wisconsin -- I cannot remember if this is a night game or not. I know it isn't set yet and frankly I don't know if the B1G changed the November rules again (why we played Iowa at night last year is mind-boggling). Either way, this is your Wet champ right here (NW is the darkhorse...shhh). This game will be very difficult. This is UM's first trip to Madison in ages. This would be a heck of a win but no shame in losing.

Week 12: Home vs Ohio State -- Just asking for 'neutral' refs here lol. We'll see. OSU will be right there in the NC picture all year long. This should be another doozy. How Michigan reacts off a Wisky win or loss will be interesting. You never know in this series. Even some poor-ass Michigan teams took them to the wire this decade and some others not so much. You got to play a perfect game against them and then see how the chips fall...

So, my 'guess' at a record pre-bowl as of now is 9-3. Yes, it will be 3 straight years of 10-3 when it is all said and done. I can see it being 11-2 as well, if they gel correctly. Again, it is the middle of July though right now. Lots can happen and we'll be along for the ride...


Tomorrow, I'll look at MSU attrition and try to locate their strengths and weaknesses.

Again, please feel free to discuss and engage. Lets keep this thread full of information. Any articles/blogs etc you would like to post please do!
Thanks BAR, that is some really good stuff. Look forward to some Little Brother thoughts...
I'll be copy and pasting some articles and then also putting in some of my own thoughts for Sparty...
Young Secondary


Today, let’s talk about that secondary. It is by far one of Michigan State’s biggest question marks heading into the 2017 season. Defensive backs Vayante Copeland, Drake Martinez, Demetric Vance, Kenney Lyke and Kaleel Gaines are all no longer on the roster. Cornerback Tyson Smith suffered a stroke last year and his availability is still up in the air.

The summer roster currently lists seven players as cornerbacks (including wide receiver/cornerback Justin Layne), three players as defensive backs and nine players as safeties. Not a single one of those players are seniors, and the team only has 12 seniors total listed.

Even more so, of those 19 secondary players, nine players are true or redshirt freshmen. If my research is correct, only eight players from that group have played in a game.

In terms of starters, the preseason consensus seems to put sophomore Layne and true freshman Josiah Scott at the two cornerback positions. At safety, it looks like juniors Khari Willis and Grayson Miller have a leg up.

Layne, who was a four-star recruit at wide receiver, emerged as a starting-caliber cornerback last season, and should only improve this year. Scott has made plays throughout the spring, and has a good shot of becoming an impact player right away. Miller and Willis have the most experience of the safety group.
Looking at depth, it could go a lot of ways. T.J. Harrell and Josh Butler are likely to see some playing time as well at cornerback. However, if Smith is unable to suit up, Tre Person and Emmanuel Flowers, also true freshmen, could push for playing time in nickel or dime packages.

David Dowell and Matt Morrissey could make an impact at safety as well. Additionally, fan favorite Jalen Watts-Jackson is entering his third season, and will do all he can to get on the field. It’s possible one of those three ends up starting this season.

I think we can all agree that the relatively young and inexperienced secondary will struggle this year. With no seniors in the group, and the potential of having multiple true freshmen in the defensive backfield is going to have its fair share of growing pains.

The positives? This young group is building for the future. Coupling this year’s players with the multiple defensive backs who have already committed in the 2018 class gives the secondary a positive outlook beyond 2017. Even if it doesn’t come to fruition this season, the secondary could — and should — be solid for years to come.

Another positive has been Josiah Scott’s play throughout the spring. Though entering his first season, he has been nothing short of impressive thus far. As a freshman, he’s going to make mistakes, but he is going to progress throughout the season.

I also think Layne will step up this season. After getting some experience in last season, and having the skill set of a wide receiver to track down balls, he definitely could become the anchor of the secondary.
Miller and Willis are the veterans of this group and they’re going to have to act that way. Helping out their young cornerbacks and safeties as much as possible will be key for success.

So, while this secondary has been depleted and is inexperienced, I think there is a ton of talent there. It may even perform better than the 2016 group, which isn’t saying a ton, but progress, people. But expect some frustrating plays from this positional group.
Looking at things via attrition...


Michigan State head coach [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Mark Dantonio[/FONT] was asked earlier this week if he expects any more attrition to his football team this offseason.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]He responded with the sort of laugh that said More? How could there be more?

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]For what it's worth, Dantonio doesn't anticipate more players leaving the program, which is good news for a team that's had 12 players with eligibility remaining hit the road since the end of 2016. The [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]most recent departure [/FONT]was corner [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Vayante Copeland[/FONT], one of the handful of players who would be competing for a starting job if they were still with the Spartans.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Finally, though, it appears Dantonio and Michigan State can move forward and focus on football with the group of players remaining in East Lansing. With that, we take a look at all of the early departures and how the Spartans will fill in the gaps.



[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Departures[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Vayante Copeland[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kenney Lyke[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Demetric Vance[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Drake Martinez[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kaleel Gaines[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Montae Nicholson

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]The secondary was probably the position groups hit hardest by all of the offseason attrition, mostly from a depth perspective. Copeland would have competed for a starting job as one of Michigan State's most experienced corners, while Lyke and Vance would have had a chance at playing time at safety in their second year on campus. Meanwhile, Martinez, a former JUCO transfer, and Gaines hadn't shown much to indicate they would be major contributors in 2017. And it's been so long and so much has happened since Nicholson declared for the NFL Draft, you almost forget he's yet another player MSU expected to have but won't.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Making up for Copeland's loss will be a group of young corners. Sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justin Layne[/FONT]should be a starter, and true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josiah Scott[/FONT] looked like one in the spring game back in April. Another sophomore in [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josh Butler[/FONT] will have an opportunity to emerge, and junior T.J. Harrell has made the transition from linebacker to corner and looked solid in the spring game, too. Fellow junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tyson Smith[/FONT] hopes to be able to play again after suffering a stroke last year, but Dantonio is unsure if that will be the case. The rest of the corners are true freshmen [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Emmanuel Flowers[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tre Person[/FONT] and late qualifier [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Shakur Brown[/FONT].

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]At safety, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Khari Willis[/FONT] is the best of the bunch and said earlier this week he's healthy and ready to go after missing the spring game. Beyond him, juniors Matt Morrissey and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Grayson Miller[/FONT] and sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]David Dowell[/FONT] will be fighting for a starting job and playing time. With the attrition at safety, true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Dominique Long[/FONT] might even have an opportunity to work his way into the playing group this fall.


Defensive line

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Departures[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Malik McDowell[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josh King[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Auston Robertson

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]From a numbers perspective, the defensive line didn't lose as much as the secondary. But McDowell would have remained as one of MSU's best defensive linemen if he didn't leave for the NFL, and King and Robertson could have been book-end starters had they not been dismissed after being charged in two separate sexual assault cases. As far as football is concerned, King and Robertson are also key losses because they would have been impact players for years to come.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]While Dantonio said he doesn't anticipate more attrition, he also said he has yet to make a final decision on senior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Demetrius Cooper[/FONT], who has been in his own legal trouble. Assuming he's back, Cooper should be a key player after starting 11 games last season. MSU's next-best defensive end looks to be former walk-on [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kenny Willekes[/FONT], who introduced himself to fans with an impressive spring game. Another former walk-on in Dillon Alexander will be in the mix, along with fellow junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Robert Bowers[/FONT] and sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justice Alexander[/FONT]. Many believed true freshman Lashawn Paulin0-Bell would have a chance to play early, but he's "still on the mend" following a jet ski accident in April. One true freshman to look out for is [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Jacub Panasiuk[/FONT], the younger brother of sophomore defensive tackle [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Mike Panasiuk[/FONT].

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]On the interior replacing McDowell, the aforementioned [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Mike Panasiuk[/FONT] was a productive player as a true freshman, and sophomore Raequan Williams has the makings of being a special player. Redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Naquan Jones[/FONT] appears poised to make an impact after sitting out last year mostly due to injuries, and junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Gerald Owens[/FONT] finally looked comfortable on defense in the spring game after making the transition from fullback.[/FONT]


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Departures[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Jon Reschke

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]MSU lost just one linebacker early, but there's no denying it was a huge loss. Before going down with a season-ending ankle injury, Reschke was Michigan State's best defensive player in the first couple games of 2016. He could play all three linebacker spots and probably would have contributed at two of them this season.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]As it stands, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Andrew Dowell[/FONT] appears to have the STAR linebacker spot locked down, while sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Joe Bachie[/FONT] mans the middle and senior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Chris Frey[/FONT] is the starting SAM. Look for sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tyriq Thompson[/FONT] to start breaking through behind Frey and junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Byron Bullough[/FONT]to back up Bachie. Freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Antjuan Simmons[/FONT] could also work his way into the playing group.

Offensive line

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Departures[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thiyo Lukusa

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Michigan State's offensive line was a mess last season, but the play of a few young players was at least encouraging. Unfortunately for the Spartans, Lukusa was one of those players and seemed to be a lock to be a starting tackle this season. Instead, he decided to leave Michigan State and created more question marks on the offensive line. The good news is that MSU appears to have its starting tackles in [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Chewins[/FONT] and redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Luke Campbell[/FONT], and MSU hopes senior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Dennis Finley[/FONT] can return to form to provide some depth. Redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]AJ Arcuri[/FONT] will also see some snaps this year.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Departures[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Donnie Corley

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Corley could be included in the secondary departures, as well, as he proved to be a talented two-way player as a freshman. Before his involvement in an alleged sexual assault with King and Vance, Corley was talked about as a guy who could star at receiver and corner, and he would have been MSU's top returning receiver.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Either way, Michigan State was going to be young at receiver. Junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Felton Davis III[/FONT] is the most experienced of the group, but sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Trishton Jackson[/FONT] broke through as QB Brian Lewerke's top option in the spring game. Fellow sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Darrell Stewart Jr.[/FONT] is a guy with a lot of ability, but he has to do a better job hanging onto the ball. Redshirt freshman Cam Chambers should play a lot, and true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Hunter Rison[/FONT] and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cody White[/FONT] will try to earn early action.[/FONT]
Some personal thoughts...

Last year was one of the biggest one-year collapses in college football history. It couldn't have happened to a better fanbase (who believe football was created around 2008). It was historically bad. They had a very tough game against Furman, somehow blew out ND at ND and just one other win which was Rutgers who doesn't belong in a Power 5 conference. Now, I do not think this was a 3-9 team. I think they were more of a 4 to 5 win team but they lost in every way conceivable last season. There were many collapses and...

A lot after the season was tied to a toxic locker room. Malik was definitely part of this. The kid is just a big baby who was more concerned with not getting hurt and getting into the draft. He was not much of a team guy and apparently got left off the bus for the PSU game. Add in some other factors (one of the players that is gone liked to make sure he was sleeping with teammates girlfriends etc) and it was not a cohesive bunch at all...

Why were things different than the brilliant 7 year history of modern day MSU Football? The building blocks of Dantoni's tenure were lower rated players who had 'chips' on their shoulders. Add in some solid recruits and good coaching and they had something nice brewing up there. Well, times change in every facet of life. MSU got to live off the Michigan downturn and OSU had no problem giving their scraps from Ohio to the Sparties (weirdest relationship is MSU to OSU-- they would root for OSU to beat Michigan even if it cost MSU a better bowl game or conference title). Well, with the landscape changing they started trying to get more highly touted recruits. Their class of 2016 was pretty damn good for them. But, many of these guys were different types of players than Coach Mike was used to having. The attitudes were different and he was losing his family atmosphere...

So look at the last 12 months...You have the sexual assault cases...the racist player...the others getting in trouble...recruits going to jail the day before signing day...players quitting football altogether...and basically it is a mess...

But, there seems to be some light here at the end of the tunnel. I think their main thing here is to get back to a clean program (no, not the steroids -- if/when that comes out it will be pretty funny) and reinstall the 'family atmosphere'. They are back to recruiting no-names and guys with offers from Western Kentucky, Holy Cross etc. If they are to succeed in the coming years it will be from being 'coached up'...

So, where does that leave us that look to bet games? Okay, this year we are looking at a very depleted team (as shown in a few articles above). The chemistry should be better though. The biggest gripe of the Sparty fan base though is the play calls which at times are so vanilla/atrocious it is frightening. Sure, you can mask those when you had a very good QB in Connor Cook but not as much now... will things change this year? I dunno...

Lets look at a few key points here...

QB: Lewerke is their next savior. He has a lot of talent. I think you will see games where he is brilliant and others he throws 3 picks. He is going to win them a game they shouldn't and most likely vice-versa as well...

RB: LJ is a beast and one of the top couple backs in the B1G. There have been plenty a rumor out there about him too. I take those with a grain of salt but who the hell knows with this group right now. He was their offense last year though. They have some solid change of pace guys too.

WR/TE: There is a lot of young talent here. Jackson is a stud. Chambers will be very steady. They also have some young guys that will be good receivers too. Corley is a huge loss but they will be just fine here. TE is nothing great but nothing bad.

OL: This group was horrid last year. They will be better but how much? If the ole injury bug hits this could be an issue.

Front 7: They lost a lot here of what was going to be a strength. They certainly will not be getting much help from...

Back 4: This was a dumpster fire last year and should be just slightly better this year.

Special Teams: I think they recruited like 4 kickers. It was kind of funny. I honestly do not know how this will shake out but definitely something to look at as camp progresses.

Sorry for the quick defense take, there just isn't much to say there. They lost a lot....

So, you feel like they should be in some high-scoring games playing catch-up but then you look at the play-calling on offense and how uncreative it is and wonder...this also takes away LJ quite a bit. I have went back and forth on this team as far as how to treat betting their games from a total and tt perspective.
Lets look at their schedule...

Sept. 2 vs. Bowling Green Falcons (Noon ET, ESPNU)
Sept. 9 vs. Western Michigan Broncos (3:30 p.m. ET, BTN)
Sept. 23 vs. Notre Dame Fighting Irish (8 p.m. ET, FOX)
Sept. 30 vs. Iowa Hawkeyes
Oct. 7 at Michigan Wolverines
Oct. 14 at Minnesota Golden Gophers
Oct. 21 vs. Indiana Hoosiers (3:30 or 4 p.m. ET, TV TBA)
Oct. 28 at Northwestern Wildcats (Time TBD, ESPN or ESPN2)
Nov. 4 vs. Penn State Nittany Lions
Nov. 11 at Ohio State Buckeyes
Nov. 18 vs. Maryland Terrapins
Nov. 25 at Rutgers Scarlet Knights

You would think they can get to the night game at 2-0. I think Notre Dame will be much improved but going back to the nineties you never know with a night game in East Landfill. Anything can happen. This is the last game in a storied series as well..

Obviously October 7th is their Super Bowl. The problem is, they really need to get off to a good B1G start the week before with the Iowa game. They basically did not win a game in conference last year (Rutgers doesn't count). If they lose both of these they then have to travel to Minnesota at 2-3 or 3-2 but not feeling great about themselves. This is most likely a letdown week for them after UM.

They get PSU/OSU in consecutive weeks. That won't be pretty. I do not think CUM takes the foot off this year unless bad weather is there so that is already a game I have circled to make a mark on. This will mark 10 games into the schedule before the end. They best have 4-5 wins by this point if they want to make a bowl game.

It will be a fitting end to the season playing Rutgers for the coveted 'Situation Trophy'.

It is funky schedule to be honest. They actually had a bye week scheduled in Week One. Yes, week one. They got that changed this off season luckily. Moreso than anything, I think this team wants to get the stench off early on. The problem is, that defense. It could be downright awful. If they lose one of those first two, look out for an absolute collapse. If they get through ND/Iowa/UM stretch at 4-1 they will be a 7-8 win team and could be pesky in a few games.
Lastly for today...

There could still be more attrition. The rumor is that 7 guys are still "redlocked"...that is MD's term he uses for athletes with issues stemming from grades to breaking the law. Of that, I guess 2 are right on the verge. Last I read, those two should be okay though. In all honesty, they cannot afford too many more losses at this point.

It will get better for them over the next several years but they still play in the rugged Big Ten East.

If I had to make a prediction today...

6-6... Pizza Bowl Bound most likely.
In injury news... Drake Johnson not returning for 6th year at UM. He will be focusing on track instead. Too bad for him, so many injuries. He had his moments. Shit, he survived getting run over.
Contra opinions are important though. I used to like them in my threads, before they became dickish instead of helpful. Soooo far behind all of you guys in preparation. Barely have time to cap a few cfl games, let alone prep for over a hundred cfb teams and then cap games for it. Gonna be tough to be an asset instead of a leach off of good material like this.

Probably my favorite conference to handicap over the years, or at least the conference I have tended to have a lot of success with. I think they were a little slower to transition to modern footy so it makes sense as I am not very good anymore and while I suspect most of that is time investment related, some of it is bad adjusting to modern football.
Contra opinions are important though. I used to like them in my threads, before they became dickish instead of helpful. Soooo far behind all of you guys in preparation. Barely have time to cap a few cfl games, let alone prep for over a hundred cfb teams and then cap games for it. Gonna be tough to be an asset instead of a leach off of good material like this.

Probably my favorite conference to handicap over the years, or at least the conference I have tended to have a lot of success with. I think they were a little slower to transition to modern footy so it makes sense as I am not very good anymore and while I suspect most of that is time investment related, some of it is bad adjusting to modern football.

2nd paragraph

you say the same thing every year lol
247 article -- DL

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]ANN ARBOR, MI -- [/FONT]The Wolverines brought in an impressive defensive line haul in 2017, which included a five-star, four four-stars and one three-star. Expectations for many of the newly-minted Michigan players are that they will play early and often, and that's a sentiment shared by the Wolverines most established defensive lineman.[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Senior defensive tackle [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Maurice Hurst Jr.[/FONT], who has been making every imaginable preseason watch list, sees the promise of the newest crop of D-lineman as they acclimate to their new surroundings in Ann Arbor. The big thing he's noticed since they've arrived is how much more ready they are than his compatriots were when he first arrived at Michigan.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"I think they're really talented," Hurst said. "It's really exciting to see the younger guys come in and be so advanced and so ready to play early on. Because I remember how the guys when I came in weren't really ready right away. A lot of redshirts and stuff like that. But it's a lot different now. I feel like a lot of the guys have been ready to compete right when they got here. I think it's definitely a change in the culture and something that's going to be good for us down the road."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]But why is it different, beyond being more physically capable?


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hurst says there's a seriousness among this new group. They're eager to grasp the system and get on the field as early as possible.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"Just the way they handle their business," Hurst said. "They're always ready to work to become better. You kind of can tell with how well they're able to pick up the playbook -- pick up the playbook easier. Those guys are always going to be able to play early because they can remember a lot of things and retain things quickly. That's one of the good things you can see in a lot of young guys. They're trying to get all of the plays down that they can right now before fall camp starts."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]This fall, all eyes will be on one of Michigan's crown jewels of the class, in Leesburg (GA) Lee County five-star defensive tackle [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Aubrey Solomon[/FONT], who made his final pledge to the Wolverines on National Signing Day.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hurst says that it's all but a foregone conclusion that Solomon will see the field early, as he's already ahead of the curve physically. Once he gets the playbook down -- watch out.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"Physically, he's really impressive," Hurst said. "He's definitely someone who can help us this year. He's a big, strong kid. He moves really well. I think he'll make an impact pretty soon."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Michigan State had a few new names on its preseason roster released Monday ahead of Big Ten Media Days, including a fifth quarterback.
Mickey Macius appeared on the roster wearing No. 13. The 6-foot-2, 211-pound Macius is a grad transfer from Austin Peay who has two years of eligibility remaining. According to the Des Moines Register, Macius transferred with plans of getting his master of business administration.
At Austin Peay, Macius played in seven games as a freshman, highlighted by a 201-yard, three-touchdown performance in a win over Murray State in 2014. He redshirted as a sophomore and then didn't play in 2016 despite being in contention for the starting job before the season. In those two years, Austin Peay lost every game, as Macius was the last quarterback to lead the program to a victory.
Macius, who committed to MSU back in May, will provide depth at quarterback behind starter Brian Lewerke and backups Damion Terry and Messiah deWeaver. He'll replace walk-on Colar Kuhns, who played in the spring game when Terry and deWeaver were both out with injuries but was not on the summer roster released in June.
Speaking of which, there are a few small changes to the roster since MSU unveiled an updated one almost two months ago. Here are some notable ones.
- Freshman corner Emmanuel Flowers has switched from No. 15 to No. 14.
- Kicker Matt Coghlin has switched from No. 98 to No. 4. Fellow kicker Brett Scanlon has also switched from No. 97 to No. 7. Finally, freshman kicker Cole Hahn has also already switched numbers from No. 96 to No. 8.
- Defensive back Corey Pryor has switched from No. 37 to No. 32.
- Walk-on kicker and punter Jack McKenna has been added to the roster and will wear No. 6.
- Saginaw Valley State offensive line transfer Tommy Liesveld (sophomore) has been added to the roster as No. 69. Fellow sophomore SVSU transfer Noah Sargent is also on the roster and will wear No. 83.
- Also of note: Projected starting left tackle Cole Chewins was listed at 278 pounds on the summer roster but is now at 284 on the updated version. Similarly, pass rusher Brandon Randle is listed at 231 pounds after being at 226 pounds on the previous roster.
CLICK HERE for full roster

[FONT=&amp]Michigan State had a few new names on its preseason roster released Monday ahead of Big Ten Media Days, including a fifth quarterback.
Mickey Macius appeared on the roster wearing No. 13. The 6-foot-2, 211-pound Macius is a grad transfer from Austin Peay who has two years of eligibility remaining. According to the Des Moines Register, Macius transferred with plans of getting his master of business administration.
At Austin Peay, Macius played in seven games as a freshman, highlighted by a 201-yard, three-touchdown performance in a win over Murray State in 2014. He redshirted as a sophomore and then didn't play in 2016 despite being in contention for the starting job before the season. In those two years, Austin Peay lost every game, as Macius was the last quarterback to lead the program to a victory.
Macius, who committed to MSU back in May, will provide depth at quarterback behind starter Brian Lewerke and backups Damion Terry and Messiah deWeaver. He'll replace walk-on Colar Kuhns, who played in the spring game when Terry and deWeaver were both out with injuries but was not on the summer roster released in June.
Speaking of which, there are a few small changes to the roster since MSU unveiled an updated one almost two months ago. Here are some notable ones.
- Freshman corner Emmanuel Flowers has switched from No. 15 to No. 14.
- Kicker Matt Coghlin has switched from No. 98 to No. 4. Fellow kicker Brett Scanlon has also switched from No. 97 to No. 7. Finally, freshman kicker Cole Hahn has also already switched numbers from No. 96 to No. 8.
- Defensive back Corey Pryor has switched from No. 37 to No. 32.
- Walk-on kicker and punter Jack McKenna has been added to the roster and will wear No. 6.
- Saginaw Valley State offensive line transfer Tommy Liesveld (sophomore) has been added to the roster as No. 69. Fellow sophomore SVSU transfer Noah Sargent is also on the roster and will wear No. 83.
- Also of note: Projected starting left tackle Cole Chewins was listed at 278 pounds on the summer roster but is now at 284 on the updated version. Similarly, pass rusher Brandon Randle is listed at 231 pounds after being at 226 pounds on the previous roster.
CLICK HERE for full roster
[FONT=&quot]- Harbaugh says he's interested to see how Rashan Gary has handled the preseason hype around him. Praises his ability to compete, 'has the license to be really good.'

[FONT=&quot]- Says that Hurst's preseason hype is, 'overdue' says he feels like Hurst feels the same way.

[FONT=&quot]- Feels good about the team, says the 10 early enrollees have 'flourished' and did well during spring practice. Since the 10 did well, believes the rest of the class coming in will be just as good.

[FONT=&quot]- Excited for the sophomores: Lists Chris Evans, Mike Onwenu, Gary, Devin Bush, among others.

[FONT=&quot]- Excited for the juniors, says its hard believe that the class he signed after he was hired are now juniors. Lists Grant Perry, Keith Washington, Reuben Jones, Tyrone Wheatley Jr. and others.

[FONT=&quot]- Says the older guys that are coming back experienced 8 wins in a row and the happiness, and the three close losses to end the season. Says the team is better for that experience

[FONT=&quot]- Harbaugh says taking away two a days 'makes all the sense in the world,' says he's all for it. Said the players deserve a day a week of rest. Easy to make the adjustment from removing two a days.


[FONT=&quot]- Again reiterates that losing three of four games will hopefully make the team focus harder. Said it was 'good.'

[FONT=&quot]- Says Wilton Speight is tied at first with O'Korn and Peters, called it a 'dead heat.'

[FONT=&quot]- Says Peters really shot up, mentioned O'Korn being consistent.

[FONT=&quot]- Will 'throw the balls out there and watch them compete' when camp starts on Monday. Wants to find a QB who can find the best QB who has a chance to move the football, says it'll likely take 8-15 practices to figure it out.

[FONT=&quot]- Says the Florida game is a good factor for motivation to get ready as they are a good opponent.[/FONT]
Bar is bullish on Michigan.

Viper ftw.

I just think Michigan is too young on d and has no qb at least right now.
I ain't got no novels. Goddamn this is great. I can't compete. Feel like brabbit in first 8 mile rap battle
Quick look at depth chart -- MSU


The next month of fall camp will go a long way in determining what Michigan State's depth chart looks like when the Spartans open the season on Sept. 2 at home against Bowling Green.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]But with camp set to start Monday, we take a look at what we think the depth chart might look like right now and where things could change in the next few weeks.



[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Quarterback[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brian Lewerke[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Damion Terry[/FONT] OR Messiah deWeaver

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Lewerke has the starting job locked up, but the battle for the primary backup role between the experienced senior and talented redshirt freshman will be interesting.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Running back[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]LJ Scott[/FONT] OR [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Gerald Holmes[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Madre London

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The deepest position on the roster features at least two players in Scott and Holmes who could both start on most other teams. London is the speediest of the three backs, and he'll fight for snaps behind the two top guys.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Fullback[/FONT]: Collin Lucas, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Max Rosenthal

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Michigan State also has redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Reid Burton[/FONT] as an option at fullback, but Lucas was the starter in the spring and Rosenthal is an intriguing prospect as an athletic 6-foot-2, 235-pound preferred walk-on.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tight end[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Matt Sokol[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Noah Davis

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: There's a clear top two entering camp, but we're excited to see true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Matt Dotson[/FONT] in action.

Sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Matt Seybert[/FONT] will also look to work his way into the mix after sitting out as a transfer last season.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Receiver[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Trishton Jackson[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Felton Davis III[/FONT], Cam Chambers, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Darrell Stewart Jr.[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Hunter Rison[/FONT], Cody White

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The Spartans have talent at receiver, but it's mostly inexperienced talent. Sophomore corner [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justin Layne[/FONT] could also be in the mix here.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Left tackle[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Chewins[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]AJ Arcuri

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: No debate here for the starter. As is the case of the entire offensive line, depth is the major question at left tackle. As of now, it seems Arcuri is the best backup, but MSU hopes to get something this season out of senior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Dennis Finley[/FONT].

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Left guard[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tyler Higby[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Chase Gianacakos

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Higby is back from an ankle injury that ended his 2016 season after making six starts at left guard. While Gianacakos has some experience, freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kevin Jarvis[/FONT] is big and talented enough to potentially prove he should play during camp.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Center[/FONT]: Brian Allen, Matt Allen

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The two Allen brothers are holding down the center spot. If the younger brother (Matt) can prove he's ready to be a starter as a redshirt freshman, Brian could move to guard.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Right guard[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]David Beedle[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Chase Gianacakos

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: This is where I think things could really change if Jarvis steps up. MSU knows what they have in Beedle, but the potential for Jarvis is much, much higher.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Right tackle[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Luke Campbell[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]AJ Arcuri

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Like left tackle, Finley could finally prove to be back after suffering a nasty broken leg two seasons ago and be a primary backup. But Campbell, who began the spring at guard, is locked in as the starting right tackle as a redshirt freshman.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold](Want to stay up to date on all the latest with the Spartans? Make sure you're in the loop by signing up for our FREE Michigan State newsletter)



[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]MIKE linebacker[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Joe Bachie[/FONT], Shane Jones

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The Spartans hope Bachie begins his tenure as a three-year starter this season, but it's nice to have a reliable backup in a senior like Jones.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]SAM linebacker[/FONT]: Chris Frey, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tyriq Thompson


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Frey is a leader and steady player, but Thompson is a potential difference maker as a pass rusher.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]STAR linebacker[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Andrew Dowell[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Antjuan Simmons


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: This could be a big year for Dowell, who was starting to put it together the second half of last year. Options are limited behind him, giving Simmons a chance to play right away as a true freshman.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Defensive end[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kenny Willekes[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Demetrius Cooper[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justice Alexander[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Robert Bowers[/FONT] OR Dillon Alexander


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Cooper still has some work to do to get out of Dantonio's doghouse, earn his scholarship for the fall and remain with the team, but if he keeps his head on straight he should be a starter for the Spartans. Willekes had a huge spring and has earned plenty of praise from his teammates, and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justice Alexander[/FONT] and Bowers are naturally gifted players MSU coaches hope have a breakthrough this fall. Perhaps the most interesting defensive end, though, is [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brandon Randle[/FONT], who made the switch from SAM linebacker. It's too early to include Randle on the two-deep, but we'll see how he handles the adjustment over the next couple weeks.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Defensive tackle[/FONT]: Raequan Williams, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Mike Panasiuk[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Naquan Jones[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Devyn Salmon


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The Spartans have a strong top three on the interior of the defensive line. Salmon, meanwhile, is a senior looking to step up in his final season.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Corner[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josiah Scott[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justin Layne[/FONT], T.J. Harrell, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josh Butler


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: It appears as though MSU will be starting a true freshman in Scott and a sophomore in Layne. [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tre Person[/FONT] and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Emmanuel Flowers[/FONT] will compete for playing time as true freshmen, and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Shakur Brown[/FONT] will have a shot, too, despite missing the summer and arriving late.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Safety[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Khari Willis[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Grayson Miller[/FONT], Matt Morrissey, [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]David Dowell


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: Safety could see some movement over the next month with redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Austin Andrews[/FONT] and true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Dominique Long[/FONT] trying to earn playing time. Willis, Miller and Morrissey have the most game experience, but Long is an explosive athlete the Spartans don't otherwise have at the safety position.



[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kickoffs[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Hahn[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brett Scanlon

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Place kicking[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Hahn[/FONT], Matt Coghlin

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Punter[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Jake Hartbarger[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Jack McKenna

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Snapper[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Collin Caflisch[/FONT], Ryan Armour

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kick return[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Darrell Stewart Jr.[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Trishton Jackson

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Punt return[/FONT]: [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Darrell Stewart Jr.[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brandon Sowards

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Thoughts[/FONT]: The competition at kicker will be worth following during camp, as Hahn looks to come in as a true freshman and beat out Coghlin as a redshirt freshman who also hasn't kicked in a college game. At returner, Stewart makes the most sense if he can hang onto the ball, but we'll see who else gets a chance during camp.[/FONT]
Bar is bullish on Michigan.

Viper ftw.

I just think Michigan is too young on d and has no qb at least right now.

I wouldn't call 9-3/10-3 as 'bullish'. Those season the last two were considered not good even though these are mostly Hokes players. The narrative seemed to change. At first it was the 'cupboard is bare' and 'Jim won't last past the 3 years until his guys get into the program'. Then, the Hoke upperclassmen shined and things changed. Either way, at this time next year we will have seen the full stench wear off. That is the end of Lloyd era with the lackadaisical recruiting...into the RR era that was a hot mess for many reasons and changed recruiting...into solid recruiting but horrible coaching. You remember the 10 year war? This was the 10+ year stench and it is finally coming off. Anything above 9-4 this year should be considered successful. Thee running theme is Michigan lost "40 seniors" and will struggle so a predicted 10-3 may seem bullish but I think that is just barely overachieving. That wouldn't be too bad with the schedule they face.
MSU Camp Storylines



Mark Dantonio's 11th season at Michigan State begins Monday, as the Spartans are set to open fall camp.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]The 2017 season will be an important one for an MSU program that was close to the top of the college football world two years ago but fell off hard during a 3-9 campaign in 2016. Bouncing back this year will be critical, and while the process of doing so began as soon as last season ended, things really pick up now with another preseason camp upon us.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]This morning, we take a quick look at five storylines to follow throughout the next few weeks.[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Emerging leaders


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]If you're picking who will be Michigan State's captains this season, the three seniors -- running back [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Gerald Holmes[/FONT], offensive lineman Brian Allen and linebacker Chris Frey -- at Big Ten Media Days are a safe bet. But with a small senior class, the Spartans will look for some underclassmen to step up in a leadership capacity. Obviously, one of those players is sophomore starting quarterback [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brian Lewerke[/FONT], whom Dantonio compared favorably to [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kirk Cousins[/FONT] and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Connor Cook[/FONT] but said he had to be a little more outgoing. Sophomore left tackle [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Chewins[/FONT] has also been mentioned as a young player emerging as a leader. On the other side of the ball, starting middle linebacker [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Joe Bachie[/FONT] has to take command of the defense, and a guy like junior safety [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Khari Willis[/FONT] will be expected to lead a very young secondary. We'll see who else steps up during camp.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Lewerke's progress


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Speaking of Lewerke, all eyes will be on MSU's new starting QB after he showed glimpses of his potential last season. Dantonio named him the starter shortly after last season ended, and he's had all spring and summer to take ownership of everything that comes with being the No. 1 QB. We'll get a chance during camp to see how Lewerke has developed physically and as a leader. He has the tools to be a star, and now it's time to put it all together. Along the same lines, seeing what kind of progress redshirt freshman Messiah deWeaver has made will also be interesting.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Impact freshmen


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Almost a third of Michigan State's roster is comprised of true freshmen, as MSU brought in a big 2017 class to go with just nine scholarship seniors. With that, a number of true freshmen will have an opportunity to make an impact this season -- or see the field, at the very least. Corner [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josiah Scott[/FONT], who excelled in the spring and is a likely starter, is the one true lock for playing time among the true freshmen. The rest will have a chance to prove themselves in camp, and there are a bunch to follow. Along with Scott on defense, look out for fellow corners [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tre Person[/FONT], [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Emmanuel Flowers[/FONT] and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Shakur Brown[/FONT], linebacker [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Antjuan Simmons[/FONT], lineman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Jacub Panasiuk[/FONT] and safety [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Dominique Long[/FONT]. Offensively, receivers [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Hunter Rison[/FONT] and Cody White, tight end [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Matt Dotson[/FONT], guard [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kevin Jarvis[/FONT] and the versatile [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Connor Heyward[/FONT] are the most likely to receive snaps this season.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold](Want to stay up to date on all the latest with the Spartans? Make sure you're in the loop by signing up for our FREE Michigan State newsletter)[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Breakout players


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Along with the true freshmen, the Spartans will have a few players emerge this camp and look poised to make an impact after not doing so in previous years. One player who already did that in the spring was former walk-on defensive end [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Kenny Willekes[/FONT]. Fellow defensive ends [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justice Alexander[/FONT] and [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Robert Bowers[/FONT] have the physical tools to step up after not playing much before this season, while redshirt freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brandon Randle[/FONT] could have a chance to showcase his pass rushing skills after making the move from linebacker to D-end. At his old position, look for sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Tyriq Thompson[/FONT] to start emerging behind Frey as a guy who can put pressure on the quarterback. Offensively, the Spartans will look for players along the offensive line to step up, and junior [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Felton Davis III[/FONT] and sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Darrell Stewart Jr.[/FONT] each have a chance to be key players as the oldest scholarship receivers on the roster.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Special teams


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]When Michigan State was at its best under Dantonio, special teams was hardly ever a concern. That has not been the case the last couple years, though, as MSU's special teams have been anything but. The Spartans have not had a threat in the return game since what seems like the [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Keshawn Martin[/FONT] days, and kicking -- both place kicking and kickoffs -- has been inconsistent. Stewart wasn't able to capitalize on his opportunity to return kicks last season, but he's had another year to try to earn the coaches' trust. He's the most likely to take the kick and punt return jobs, but there will be competition. At kicker, incoming freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Hahn[/FONT] has a big leg and has a chance to immediately be the team's kickoff specialist. He might even beat out redshirt freshman Matt Coghlin for the place kicking duties.[/FONT]
Some notes from Sparty Camp last Friday -- Note Special Teams

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]The excitement level went up a notch Friday for Michigan State football, as the Spartans put on the pads for the first time this fall.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]And after the defense won the day Thursday on the final day of shells, according to tight end [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Noah Davis[/FONT], head coach [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Mark Dantonio[/FONT] indicated it went the other way Friday.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"Got to look at the film and see what we got done, but I thought our offense had a good day," Dantonio said. "It goes in spurts out there. Winning and losing usually hangs on by a thread."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]The highlight of practice -- or at least the first hour during which the media could observe -- was when the Spartans got together to at midfield to run their version of the Oklahoma drill. Junior defensive end Dillon Alexander said players call it the hoot and holler drill because everyone is engaged and cheering on their teammates or -- better yet for those watching -- maybe talking some trash to guys on the other side of the ball.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"We really ask for that today," Dantonio said of the excitement shown on the first day of pads. "We got to be enthusiastic out here and have fun. That's a big part of this. I thought last year sometimes we didn't have as much fun. It's tough to reach down sometimes. You got to encourage each other. We wanted to make sure we did that, so we're coaching that, too. We're coaching everything."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dr4Z4mNqmr8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: proxima_nova_rgregular, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border-width: initial; border-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent; max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden;"></iframe>[/FONT]


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Some quick notes from the first day of pads:


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]- Dantonio was asked about true freshman corner [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Josiah Scott[/FONT] and how he's carried things over from an impressive spring that ended with him looking like a starter. Dantonio said Scott has been playing well, but he quickly mentioned that sophomore [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Justin Layne[/FONT] "has really had a very good first five days" of camp. Layne played both sides of the ball last season as a true freshman and spent most of spring working on offense. But as we approach the 2017 season, Layne looks to be in position to start at corner.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]- Speaking of corners, freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Shakur Brown[/FONT] was on the field Friday, though he's a day behind the rest of his teammates and therefore wasn't in full pads. Dantonio has had good things to say about Brown the last few weeks, and he described the Georgia product as "impressive" early on. Specifically, Dantonio was asked if he'd consider going with a true freshman return man, as the 6-foot, 180-pound Brown showed that ability in high school.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"I think we've got a situation right now where [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brandon Sowards[/FONT] is returning, but we've got to get more productivity out of our punt returner," Dantonio said. "(Brown) is a guy that you see him go back there and catch it off the jugs machine and off the punt, and he's very sure of himself. But again, very early in the process here, so we got to see how he does under duress in that stadium with 80,000 people watching him.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"But I think he has the skillset. So does (freshman receiver) [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Laress Nelson[/FONT]."


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Sowards is a junior receiver who has played almost exclusively on special teams. He appeared in all 12 games last year and was the team's leading punt returner with just 94 yards on 15 attempts (6.3 yards per return). As Dantonio said, the Spartans would like to see those numbers go up this year, and if Brown or anyone else can earn the trust of the coaches when it comes to ball security, they'll have a chance to be Michigan State's punt returner this season.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]- One possibly overlooked position battle to this point is at place kicker, where redshirt freshman Matt Coghlin and true freshman [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Hahn[/FONT] are looking to earn the job for this fall. Coghlin has been around a little bit longer, but Hahn has a big leg and could be the kickoff specialist right away even if he doesn't earn the place kicking duties. Returning kickoff man [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Brett Scanlon[/FONT] is also in the mix at both spots entering his senior year.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]So far, it appears there isn't a clear leader yet in that competition.


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]"We're really working all three of those guys with [FONT=proxima_nova_ltsemibold]Cole Hahn[/FONT] working, as well," Dantonio said. "He's getting his feet on the ground. But all of them have been very good so far."[/FONT]
Back to the Sparty schedule for a minute...

They only leave the state once till the end of October (trip to Minnesota). That, in itself, helps balance out things for a rougher late conference road.
Couple of quick UM Notes...

-No major injuries yet. That is always something to watch.

-It looks like Special Teams will not slip that much, as of now. That is a big thing going into the season with a young team.
Ferris/Grand Valley 2-3 preseason in the country. At Ferris Oct. 21.

oops. Thought this was the state of Michigan thread...

From SpartanTailgate...

Just finished up with assistants and a couple players. Mark Staten talked for a long time. Here are some quick hitters:

- Staten said he feels good about a seven-man rotation on the offensive line right now. Wouldn't say where he wants to get to.

- Along those lines, four starters are pretty locked in. The one is up in the air. Staten said he expects the depth chart to look different affert tomorrow night's scrimmage.

- Matt Allen has been exclusively at center. He's coming along well and gives MSU some versatility with Brian Allen being able to play both guard spots. Similarly, Tyler Higby has been taking some reps at center and had a few snaps there in last week's scrimmage.

- Other than Jarvis, Beedle and Higby (and Allen if necessary), Staten didn't seem too high on any other guards.

- On the defensive line, Ron Burton said they're working about six guys in on the interior. Seemed pretty high on Owens after that top three of Williams, Panasiuk and Jones. Raequan Williams also said Devyn Salmon has impressed him after coming over from the offense last spring.
I can't compete with the op's detail but I thought i'd add my research into the mix, anyways. Awesome stuff BAR!

Questions Looming for Young Michigan State Squad

Oddsmakers set the Spartans' win total at 6.5 games. The Spartans lack the depth and experience to exceed the win total.


Kirk Cousins. Connor Cook. Tyler O'Connor. Notice the disjunction? A major part of Michigan State's success in recent years has been the strong play, athleticism and leadership of their quarterbacks. O'Connor was a confident leader, but he lacked consistency and competency against strong opponents and was a major reason why the Spartans went 3-9 last season. Unfortunately, the problems don't end at the quarterback position. The Spartans lack depth and experience in several key positions. They will be an exciting team in 2018. But for next season, betters would do best to capitalize on the expectation of another losing season in East Lansing.



Brian Lewerke is hopefully going to join the list of great Michigan State quarterbacks. Head Coach Mark Dantonio loves to compare him to Kirk Cousins. He is a dual threat who possesses a strong arm and great mobility. For instance, against #2 Michigan, he was 6-for-10 with 100 yards and a touchdown and ran the ball 3 times for 24 yards. He hasn't played a lot, but in this first season playing (before he suffered a leg injury from which he has fully recovered) he did display some promise.


LJ Scott deserves the attention that he received when he was recently named to the 2017 watchlist for college football's best player and for college football's best running back. Scott finished the last 6 games of last season with 4 100+ rushing yard performances. He shredded the likes of Michigan for 139 rushing yards and #2 Ohio State for 160 rushing yards.

Offensive Line

The optimism for the Spartans' offense ends with Scott and the promise in Lewerke. The offensive line was a mess last season and in fact much accounts for Lewerke's display of mobility--he was forced to run so often out of the pocket in order to not get sacked. The offensive line largely failed to protect its quarterback in conference play. A big reason was the poor play of then-left tackle David Beedle, who will struggle to transition to right guard this season. A redshirt freshman will start at right tackle. Overall, despite the return of the reliable senior Brian Allen at center, Michigan State lost a lot of experience. Especially the right side of the line remains a question mark for the team.

Wide Receiving Corps

The current wide receiving corps also has minimal experience: 5 of their 6 top receivers from last season are no longer with the team. No matter how good Lewerke and especially Scott may look, the inexperienced line and wide receiving corps may hinder the offense from getting into a rhythm and competing against conference rivals.


Defensive Line

Last season saw a major regression also for Sparty's defense. The pass rush was anemic. Not a single Spartan made the Big 10 ranking of top 40 sack leaders. A few important players unexpectedly departed and current Seattle Seahawk Malik Mcdowell was plagued by injuries. This season, two players who played as true freshmen last season were dismissed due to charges of sexual assault in what has been a tumultuous offseason in East Lansing. The Spartans are set at defensive tackle with Mike Panasiuk and Raequan Williams returning from last year. The bigger questions loom in the defensive end position, even though the defensive line will have an additional coach this season. Demetrius Cooper has not only failed to live up to the hype but is trying to secure his position in the roster after undergoing off-the-field issues. Hype is buzzing around Brandon Randle,. He is a freshman, a linebacker by nature, who has also been taking reps with the defensive line and will focus on helping the pass rush as a defensive end.


The linebacking corps should be the Spartans' greatest hope for improving their pass and rush defense. They return a significant veteran presence and level of talent from last season, which will comprise the source of leadership and stability for the defense. One exception in terms of experience is Middle Linebacker Joe Bachie. He is a rising sophomore but his coaches have been very impressed with his performance in the Spring and Summer. He possesses a mixture of speed and talent that makes him a dominating athlete. Despite his youth, his reaction skills on defense evince his maturity.


The pass defense was a disaster last season, so it may not seem too bad that pretty much the whole secondary is gone. The returning player with the most experience is Justin Layne, who made 5 starts as a freshman last season. But the two cornerbacks who were expected to start this season were among the departures. It is questionable whether enough talent exists in the cornerback position. It also seems doubtful, based on last season's performance, that Sparty will have even half-decent safeties.

The Verdict

Sparty has too many questions to inspire much optimism in this upcoming season. Even if Lewerke begins to live up to the hype this season, who will block for him and who will he throw to? Defensively, Randle and Baschie have really bright futures. But the defensive line has so much work ahead of itself in order to improve last season's anemic pass rush and the secondary seems like a hopeless cause. Even 6 wins will be tough to obtain, especially being in the Big 10. They also face some poor teams with significant talent in the wide receiving corps, meaning that even Bowling Green and Rutgers (especially in New Jersey) could pull off an upset. Look for underdogs with a solid wide receiving corps to cover against Sparty and go 'over' the game's posted team total.

NCAAF Pick: Michigan State 'UNDER' 6.5