Michael Jordan being sued by his BABY MAMA!


Pretty much a regular
Michael Jordan has been sued by a woman who claims he fathered her 16-year-old son ... and she wants a paternity test to prove it.

Pamela Smith claims in her paternity suit -- filed February 6 in Fulton County, GA and obtained by TMZ -- she became pregnant after having sex with Jordan in 1995. Pamela gave birth to Grant Pierce Jay Jordan Reynolds -- aka Taj -- in June 1996. BTW, Jordan was married to Juanita Vanoy at the time he allegedly had sex with Smith.

Pamela says in her legal docs she welcomes a paternity test to prove Jordan's the dad. She wants full custody and child support. She also wants Jordan to pay the kid's medical expenses.

Pamela also wants the judge to make Jordan the boy's legal last name.


The docs do not describe any alleged relationship between Smith and Jordan.

"Taj" posted a YouTube video (below) in December declaring that Jordan's his daddy.

Jordan is scheduled to marry Yvette Prieto in April.

A rep for Jordan had no comment.

See also

Ever since I watched his hall of fame speech, I turned into a hater. Are you going to say hi to your son? Take responsibility for his mental health as well as his financial? Arrogant fuck. That is all.
Probably more than a couple little teenage MJ's floating around out there.
I wonder why she took till he was 16 to say anything. Why didn't she try and get child support from when he was born? Makes me wonder if it really is his kid. It wouldn't suprise me though if he was.
Very odd. Would have thought if the story is true he would have just paid her off.
Kid going on the Tube to proclaim he's J's kid is messed up. Moms must be all class...

Big difference from meeting your son and being his dad. It fucks a kid up.

Did he even know about his 'son' before he was 16? Kinda hard to beat on Jordan for not being a father to this kid without all of the facts. And knowing if it's definitely his kid would help.
Did he even know about his 'son' before he was 16? Kinda hard to beat on Jordan for not being a father to this kid without all of the facts. And knowing if it's definitely his kid would help.

I guess it is possible that he didnt know he knocked up this chick. My problem is with any person having kids and not caring that they scar their children with their egocentric ways. Love the kids, screw these adults.
I wonder why she took till he was 16 to say anything. Why didn't she try and get child support from when he was born? Makes me wonder if it really is his kid.

It's quite possible she had a regular b/f at the time who was fucking her on an ongoing basis, and the moment she got the news a bun was in the oven thought that it was the latter guy's sperm that did the business (not or never thinking MJ's one off hit could be responsible).

You have to wonder how many kids out there these top athletes have sired that get explained away like this is the minds of the females concerned, and how many dads out there are proud "owners" of young ones who are really a result of their woman's whoring ways.
Jordan would have had a very very hard time with his off the court life in today's 24 hour media cycle. He was very protected by the media in his day, even protected by the Chicago PD by most accounts. No way would he have been a major brand like he turned out to be. I've read and heard some really crazy Jordan stories here and there. I can't even imagine what we have not heard.
I guess it is possible that he didnt know he knocked up this chick. My problem is with any person having kids and not caring that they scar their children with their egocentric ways. Love the kids, screw these adults.

Agree with you for sure. I'm also pretty sure that Jordan didn't know about this kid until the lawsuit, at least that's what it looks like.
Jordan would have had a very very hard time with his off the court life in today's 24 hour media cycle. He was very protected by the media in his day, even protected by the Chicago PD by most accounts. No way would he have been a major brand like he turned out to be. I've read and heard some really crazy Jordan stories here and there. I can't even imagine what we have not heard.

oh most definitely.... and its not just jordan trust me... its the same way for most superstars in every sport.... and in a way that is a reason most athletes today are pussies... there is a correlation imo... sorta what i meant by my social media thread
Cds care to share? Ive heard some crazy shit too about him. Hes a horrible guy.

There are tons of them and of course none of them can be corroborated. Mostly hear say from people who know people and what not. There is a rumor about Magic and Jordan partying in a big big way during the 1991 finals. Jordan being out all night long and being dropped off by Magics limo driver before a 10 am game completely high and drunk the entire night and a limo full of women. The same thing happens pretty much the entire time the Bulls are in LA but Jordan still proceed to tear the Lakers a new asshole. There are stories about Jordan just stopping his car in the middle of a crowded Chicago intersection and getting out to talk to a woman on the street who he thought was hot. Just letting his car sit idling in traffic. There is the obvious NBA cover up of his gambling that led to his first "retirement". I would bet my entire roll nowadays that he was absolutely betting on sports and possibly on the NBA. He would have and should have been the NBAs Pete Rose but he was too damn valuable and Stern saved his ass. There is the rumor that the Jordan flu game that was one of his signature moments was not the flu but was a bad bad hangover.

Again all rumors but there is a lot to them all IMO. He was a god and was treated like one and he absolutely abused it. Great fucking ball player though.
Posted: 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Metro mom speaks out after Michael Jordan paternity hearing

FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2012 file photo, Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan looks on after practice at NBA basketball training camp in Asheville, N.C.

An Atlanta woman has filed a lawsuit saying basketball Hall of Famer and Charlotte Bobcats owner Michael Jordan is the father of her teenage son. The lawsuit was filed Feb. 6 by Pamela Smith in Fulton County Superior Court.

By Marcus K. Garner
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
A metro Atlanta woman claiming that NBA great Michael Jordan is the father of her 16-year-old son spoke out Tuesday after a court hearing.
“My son has the right to know who his father is,” Pamela Y. Smith told News Talk AM 750 WSB Radio and now 95.5 FM, responding to the question of why she waited until now to file a paternity claim. “My son wants to know.”
Jordan was not in the Fulton County Courthouse on Tuesday, and his attorney John Mayoue was there to file a countersuit to Smith’s claim.
The two sides met privately for a status hearing, and no formal decisions were made. Afterward, Mayoue refused to talk to reporters.
Jordan’s spokeswoman Estee Portnoy released a statement Monday to the Associated Press:
“Public records show that the paternity of the child was established in a prior case in this same court many years ago and that Michael Jordan is not the father. He also filed a counterclaim seeking sanctions for the false claims made against him. It is unfortunate that well-known figures are the target of these kind of claims. Michael Jordan will vigorously defend himself and his reputation.”
Smith said her son posted a video on YouTube in December that prompted her to pursue the paternity claim.
“After he posted it, I had to support my son,” she said. “He has had an issue with this over years because he doesn’t have a relationship with the person that he thought was his father.”
Mayoue submitted with Jordan’s counterclaim a 2003 divorce court filing in which Smith acknowledged that her son, whose name and birth date were listed, was the result of her marriage to then-husband Glennville G. Reynolds.
“This happens very commonly that people go through divorce and the issue is not raised in the divorce,” Smith’s attorney Randy Kessler said. “Then years later, somebody decides, we’ve got to set the record straight. Ms. Smith is deciding she’s going to set the record straight.”
The two sides will return to court on a date to be determined.
“We’ll talk behind the scenes, and if we can get some resolution, wonderful,” Kessler said. “If not, the court’s going to make a decision about if the case proceeds, and if so, in what fashion.”