Miami vs Ark St game cancelled...

Sucks from a gambling perspective, but it is good that the higher ups are concerned for players families. It would be hard to focus on a game when you are emotionally charged with concerns. Just a shame A&M regents don't think this way. Proves that there are bigger concerns than "just a game".
Shouldn't they be evacuating SFL anyway? Did they look at playing this Thursday or Friday of they really wanted to be back in time for the storm?
I get that this game is no big deal in comparison it just seems a bit off. If the game was at Miami, sure, then both teams should have no qualms at all. I guess the safety of the players is to keep them in Florida? I dunno.
Arkansas State AD Terry Mohajir said school was prepared to play Miami Friday night but “Miami administration made decision not to travel"
It sounds bad, but the more I look at was a good excuse to get out of this game...

If this comes at SFL, then they would have to evacuate anyways. I don't understand the 'getting back' part...that is the LAST thing they should be worried about is getting back into harms way.
This was about more than just the players. Continuing prep for the game and traveling to Arkansas keeps everyone with a family and a home from getting done what they need to do to prepare for the storm. All schools down here have closed on Thursday and Friday so the teachers and staff can get their things in order. Many parts of the south are evacuating. Should the coaches leave for a game in Arkansas while their wife and kids are still in Miami?

As a Miami fan I was disappointed because football season is here and now we lose a game. But this is bigger than football and anyone thinking that not wanting to play Arkansas State because they played well last week factored in at all are either crazy or worse. Miami was going to struggle in Boone last year as well when App st almost took down Tennessee. Did not happen and it would not have here either. It would have helped Miami to have another tune up before FSU anyway.
Those are all valid points. Understandable on all counts

The thing is, they said they didn't think they could make it back(this was their chief concern). They should not be trying to make it back at all. Bring the families with or the University has plenty of money and should get the families out of there.

As far as not wanting to play Arky St...that is known that Richt hated this game. I know on Covers(I mean Twitter, same thing)...that people keep pointing to Appy State last year yada yada.

Either way, hope all the players and staff are safe staying down in Miami area for a major Hurricane.
From a capping perspective...not this week...but next week there will be so many unknowns for FSU-Miami...with one less game and FSU losing their very interesting.
Yeah I figured the thought is to grant players/family/pets/valuables etc enough time to get things packed up and out of town when traffic leaving will be ridiculous.
Sorry, if that didn't come off as the joke that I intended it to. I had a Miami ticket, so I don't think it had anything to do with fear of Ark St.
Sorry, if that didn't come off as the joke that I intended it to. I had a Miami ticket, so I don't think it had anything to do with fear of Ark St.
It's all good. As someone in south Florida and has been watching the updates every 3 hours, I feel it will skirt Florida and slam either GA or the Carolinas. And it sucks that I can't watch my canes this weekend.

Anyone in the southeast, be safe.