Miami out of Sun Bowl, Boise out of Arizona Bowl


Biggest problem is the entire team scatters across the country and are with their families. It is a heavy lift to reassemble teams on short notice.
Is it a coincidence that it's been all minor bowls cancelled or in jeopardy so far? Haven't heard of any issues with the playoff games, or New Year's Day slate. Something tells me there's a 2nd set of rules governing Covid for those. Sort of like Delta house being put on double secret probation, with only Dean Wormer knowing what the conditions were.
Is it a coincidence that it's been all minor bowls cancelled or in jeopardy so far? Haven't heard of any issues with the playoff games, or New Year's Day slate. Something tells me there's a 2nd set of rules governing Covid for those. Sort of like Delta house being put on double secret probation, with only Dean Wormer knowing what the conditions were.
Was thinking about this too. In New Orleans there committee members for Sugar Bowl. It’s alotta work for these guys entertaining and this Covid shit kills much of this. Teams coming in later, etc
Is it a coincidence that it's been all minor bowls cancelled or in jeopardy so far? Haven't heard of any issues with the playoff games, or New Year's Day slate. Something tells me there's a 2nd set of rules governing Covid for those. Sort of like Delta house being put on double secret probation, with only Dean Wormer knowing what the conditions were.
I do think theres something fishy but its money reasons

The covid rules arent enforced by the NCAA it's a conference thing, and I read with regards to boise, they have close to 100 players in the program, theres no way they couldnt have found 53 to send to the arizona bowl, but the players probly didnt wanna go, and the 350k ain't worth it for the program

So the b1g, sec etc. Arent gonna risk losing a playoff game over this, so have effectively told their players dont ask dont tell.
Was thinking about this too. In New Orleans there committee members for Sugar Bowl. It’s alotta work for these guys entertaining and this Covid shit kills much of this. Teams coming in later, etc
That's another reason, if theres all these restrictions, it takes the fun out of it for players, boosters, program. So unless the prestige of the game brings it alone, or big $$$$$, teams are saying it's not worth it
The fact that dont ask dont tell for all conferences has worked this season, no one needs to be tested unless they are very Ill, should be a pretty fucking clear sign that for 18-24 year olds covid isnt and shouldn't be treated as an issue
Was thinking about this too. In New Orleans there committee members for Sugar Bowl. It’s alotta work for these guys entertaining and this Covid shit kills much of this. Teams coming in later, etc
Fiesta Bowl committee here also does the shit game tonight every year so at least it isn't a full waste if something were to happen with this game