MI Race


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 20 [of 94 races]
Races won from starting pos 2: 8
Races won from starting pos 3: 10
Races won from starting pos 4: 12
Races won from starting pos 5: 6
Races won from starting pos 6: 1
Races won from starting pos 7: 7
Races won from starting pos 8: 4
Races won from starting pos 9: 1
Races won from starting pos 10: 3
Races won from starting pos 11: 3
Races won from starting pos 12: 2
Races won from starting pos 13: 1
Races won from starting pos 15: 2
Races won from starting pos 17: 2
Races won from starting pos 18: 1
Races won from starting pos 19: 3
Races won from starting pos 20: 2
Races won from starting pos 24: 3
Races won from starting pos 25: 1
Races won from starting pos 27: 1
Races won from starting pos 28: 1
Races won from starting pos 28: 1
Races won from starting pos 32: 1
Races won from the top 5: 56 of 94
Races won from the top 10: 72 of 94
Top 8 drivers include: 2 4 18 19 20 22 48 78 .636 = .3
To w
Logano .05 = .275
JJ .05 = .475
Elliott .05 = .6
Larson .05 = .6
Kez .05 = .4625

Top 5 finish
Larson .25 = .375
Elliott .25 = .3125
JJ .3 = .3
Logano .25 = .2625
Kez .25 = .3
I like Johnson today. Think his team is starting to get ready for the chase.
Logano and Kez should also be strong.
Larson has been around the top 5 for most races this year
Elliott finished 2 in MI earlier this year.
Toyota has been strong all year and I think they will be today, but feel JJ or Penske will get into winners circle
Top 8 drivers include: 2 4 18 19 20 22 48 78 .636 = .3
To w
Logano .05 = .275
JJ .05 = .475
Elliott .05 = .6
Larson .05 = .6
Kez .05 = .4625

Top 5 finish
Larson .25 = .375
Elliott .25 = .3125
JJ .3 = .3
Logano .25 = .2625
Kez .25 = .3

Today +.2015