Mets Hire Jessica Mendoza As Advisor

shes staying in the booth, so you can rest easy lol

I got no problem with Mendoza. Its important to judge female announcers the same way you would male announcers; on one hand don't be a sexist dick but on the other you don't have to make everything she does out to be incredible just bc shes a woman. I think shes fine on Sunday Night Baseball; nothing earth shattering but she is pretty sharp. I think this would be a good role for her on the mets; this is clearly her cup of tea. I can't wish her luck because I don't want to Mets to be anything aside from a dumpster fire, but I got respect for Mendoza.
Someone in muts organization needs to have the balls to tell Teblow he sucks worse at baseball than he did qb and to go home.
She is hot. I like looking and listening to her.

She must be ok at her job cause I had to look up and listen to her to even know who she was. Her voice is much more pleasing than that shrew espn has on bunch of the early Saturday football games, think I hear her do hoops every now and again and turn channel as well, forget her name but her voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard.

Far as this one, voice is nice enough. I think “hot” is a stretch but she isn’t ugly at least.
She must be ok at her job cause I had to look up and listen to her to even know who she was. Her voice is much more pleasing than that shrew espn has on bunch of the early Saturday football games, think I hear her do hoops every now and again and turn channel as well, forget her name but her voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard.

Far as this one, voice is nice enough. I think “hot” is a stretch but she isn’t ugly at least.

You must mean Beth lol
I said this when David Ross did the same sort of thing with the cubs. Media people should not work for teams. Pick one.

Espn and fox gave up any kind impartiality years ago

Everyone associated with them either still works for a team, like Mendoza, ross, a rod etc.

Clearly cheers for a team, remember when fox kept showing videos of ortiz cheering whenever they did something

Or still wants to get hired back into the league so they dont criticize anything
I don’t think she ugly or anything, just don’t think she “hot”.
I know Jessica from her fastpitch playing days. She is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. Her personality is 2nd to none. When she goes no makeup, she is absolutely beautiful with her smile.
I do think she's in over her head with this last hiring but she has the resources and the work ethic to do well. I don't see this being a long term position.
I know Jessica from her fastpitch playing days. She is the sweetest lady you'll ever meet. Her personality is 2nd to none. When she goes no makeup, she is absolutely beautiful with her smile.
I do think she's in over her head with this last hiring but she has the resources and the work ethic to do well. I don't see this being a long term position.

She way way way better to listen to on the baseball broadcast than that chick w the awful voice who does lot of the early Saturday ncaa football games. I don’t much care what they look like for real, don’t much care if it a man or woman on the broadcast, just don’t want them to have terribly annoying voices and/or suck! Lol.

I definately wouldn’t call her unattractive as VC did, she not bad to look at, just think hot is bit of overstatement,, but I’m a big ugly mofo so I ain’t got much room to talk! lol.
She way way way better to listen to on the baseball broadcast than that chick w the awful voice who does lot of the early Saturday ncaa football games. I don’t much care what they look like for real, don’t much care if it a man or woman on the broadcast, just don’t want them to have terribly annoying voices and/or suck! Lol.

I definately wouldn’t call her unattractive as VC did, she not bad to look at, just think hot is bit of overstatement,, but I’m a big ugly mofo so I ain’t got much room to talk! lol.
Beth Mowens should only announce womens softball. She's a brutal listen in the other sports.