Mets have been giving away outs and potential runs for a few seasons now


More Guards Than Shawshank
The only team in the MLB that has actively been giving away outs and potential runs for a few seasons now.

Watch this incredible breakdown of how any runner other than Alonso actively prevents themselves from breaking up a double play ball any time they have an opportunity to slide into 2nd. This investigation was spawned from the Hoskins McNeil debate, and Jomboy decided to dig real deep and uncovered some crazy ass shit only the Mets are doing.

they have turned blowing games into a art form. dont sleep on the pads either, they kinda like the west coast mets. both spend crazy money, both get lined like winning teams, nobody else does less with more than these 2., pads seem to wheel and deal more but end of the day same results. pads might not give as many games they leading away but they make their starters lives just as miserable! yu darvish has to pitch his ass off for 6-7 innings a start just to avoid a losing record!!! i recall one year a healthy Degrom couldn't keep his record above .500!!

personally i love the mets, they the gift that keeps on giving as somehow they been favored in every game so far!! i miss degrom being a met! dude was -250/-300 and whether or not mets win those games was a straight up coun flip?
they have turned blowing games into a art form. dont sleep on the pads either, they kinda like the west coast mets. both spend crazy money, both get lined like winning teams, nobody else does less with more than these 2., pads seem to wheel and deal more but end of the day same results. pads might not give as many games they leading away but they make their starters lives just as miserable! yu darvish has to pitch his ass off for 6-7 innings a start just to avoid a losing record!!! i recall one year a healthy Degrom couldn't keep his record above .500!!

personally i love the mets, they the gift that keeps on giving as somehow they been favored in every game so far!! i miss degrom being a met! dude was -250/-300 and whether or not mets win those games was a straight up coun flip?
Free money you say? May as well benefit from it.
they have turned blowing games into a art form. dont sleep on the pads either, they kinda like the west coast mets. both spend crazy money, both get lined like winning teams, nobody else does less with more than these 2., pads seem to wheel and deal more but end of the day same results. pads might not give as many games they leading away but they make their starters lives just as miserable! yu darvish has to pitch his ass off for 6-7 innings a start just to avoid a losing record!!! i recall one year a healthy Degrom couldn't keep his record above .500!!

personally i love the mets, they the gift that keeps on giving as somehow they been favored in every game so far!! i miss degrom being a met! dude was -250/-300 and whether or not mets win those games was a straight up coun flip?
Degrom was pitching on both sides it seems……Muts either can’t score or score only 1-2 runs when he pitches. He’s had so many no decisions too, and he wasn’t pitching bad, he was holding opposing teams to 3 runs max I think but mostly 1-2 runs.

Talk about spending money, they just suck at it. Muts always the yanks little brother it seems. Like the Jets to the Giants.

Remember late 90’s…..think it was year of 9-11
Mets signed Bobby Bonilla, Mo Vaun from Boston red Sox…..a big lefty 1st baseman, also the shortstop from Baltimore who spit at somebody, forgot his name. The Muts were supposed to make playoffs according to their roster, but it was a bust.
Degrom was pitching on both sides it seems……Muts either can’t score or score only 1-2 runs when he pitches. He’s had so many no decisions too, and he wasn’t pitching bad, he was holding opposing teams to 3 runs max I think but mostly 1-2 runs.

Talk about spending money, they just suck at it. Muts always the yanks little brother it seems. Like the Jets to the Giants.

Remember late 90’s…..think it was year of 9-11
Mets signed Bobby Bonilla, Mo Vaun from Boston red Sox…..a big lefty 1st baseman, also the shortstop from Baltimore who spit at somebody, forgot his name. The Muts were supposed to make playoffs according to their roster, but it was a bust.
Roberto Alomar
Degrom was pitching on both sides it seems……Muts either can’t score or score only 1-2 runs when he pitches. He’s had so many no decisions too, and he wasn’t pitching bad, he was holding opposing teams to 3 runs max I think but mostly 1-2 runs.

Talk about spending money, they just suck at it. Muts always the yanks little brother it seems. Like the Jets to the Giants.

Remember late 90’s…..think it was year of 9-11
Mets signed Bobby Bonilla, Mo Vaun from Boston red Sox…..a big lefty 1st baseman, also the shortstop from Baltimore who spit at somebody, forgot his name. The Muts were supposed to make playoffs according to their roster, but it was a bust.

i remember they were paying bonilla for like 25 years after he was done playing or some shit! think he got lot of deferred money like ohtani just did, i assume ohtani deal gonna work out way better for lad! lol.

that degrom cy young year where i think he had losing record half the games he won i believe he had to be part of the freaking offense, you right i don't think he ever gave up 3, usually 1 or 2 at most, the times he was lucky enough they scored a run for him he would leave the game tied and they lost practically all of those! i think i remember one game he had to pitch shutout and get the only rbi to get the win! If he ever gets healthy and gets to pitch for rangers he ain't gonna know what going on sitting in dugout while his team scoring runs!

padres are becoming dangerously close to being the west coast mets, they try to keep up w dodgers spending and making moves like crazy but their picture right next to mets in dictionary under definition of dumb money! all they have spent lately and all the moves they have made then look at their roster and wonder wtf are they doing?!?!? the lineup is ass 5 thru 9, the pitching is ok but not close to the top rotations. i've always found Cease to be massively overrated so of course they go out and get him! sure he has nasty stuff and punches a lot of guys out but he never has consistent command, good teams can have him up to 100 pitches before he gets thru 5 innings! there a huge difference between having ace stuff and actually being a ace! i'm not sure the numbers but i assume snakes payroll is prob half the size of pads and there no chance pads finish within 10 games of them!
The stories are endless. The countless mishaps, misfortune, and mismanagement spanning over decades have taken a toll on some lifetime Mets fans I know.
Then you have the players the Muts let go and they blossom…..

Jeff Kent……..dude went on to smashing hrs for the Giants

Justin Turner…….pretty consistent hitter with the dodgers…..averaging .300 per season?

Travis Darnaud……catcher won ring with Atlanta

There could be others but these 3 stood out to me…….

@2daBank …….the Bonilla deferred money was the Muts managements idea. Think they owed him like 5 million when they let him go. Instead of paying him, they come up with the idea of giving him $1 million per year for next 25 years I believe.

The owners then used the $5 million that’s supposed to pay Bonilla ……they invested with Bernie Madoff…….as you can see, Muts were getting more in return early in the years that paying Bonilla $1 million annually is a no brainer deal…… somewhere the Muts ownership later on invested more money with Madoff and then the 2008 collapse kinda put them in limbo……think the Madoff incident kinda lead to the Muts being sold to the new billionaire owner……..

When it come to spending money……think George Steinbrenner is the best at it……at least there’s some results to show for it
The stories are endless. The countless mishaps, misfortune, and mismanagement spanning over decades have taken a toll on some lifetime Mets fans I know.

the recent issues really gotta sting, seemed like everyone was so excited when this owner bought the team. all that has happened they proving it takes more than just throwing money at the problem. it's baffling to me they can't find a gm capable of building a winner with all these resources! look at all these teams building playoff contenders with half as nuich!
I am the furthest thing from a Mets apologist and can't stand Cohen or Benadict Stearns but the smug prick GM will turn things around.
Then you have the players the Muts let go and they blossom…..

Jeff Kent……..dude went on to smashing hrs for the Giants

Justin Turner…….pretty consistent hitter with the dodgers…..averaging .300 per season?

Travis Darnaud……catcher won ring with Atlanta

There could be others but these 3 stood out to me…….

@2daBank …….the Bonilla deferred money was the Muts managements idea. Think they owed him like 5 million when they let him go. Instead of paying him, they come up with the idea of giving him $1 million per year for next 25 years I believe.

The owners then used the $5 million that’s supposed to pay Bonilla ……they invested with Bernie Madoff…….as you can see, Muts were getting more in return early in the years that paying Bonilla $1 million annually is a no brainer deal…… somewhere the Muts ownership later on invested more money with Madoff and then the 2008 collapse kinda put them in limbo……think the Madoff incident kinda lead to the Muts being sold to the new billionaire owner……..

When it come to spending money……think George Steinbrenner is the best at it……at least there’s some results to show for it

the cardinals are turning into a huge joke when it comes to trades and players we let go so i know that feeling. last years all star game was a cardinals minor league reunion and it only getting worse. besides being a total douche Mozalock has absolutely no eye for talent. Watch Jordan Hicks become a front the rotation type pitcher and make the all star team getting a real chance to start with giants, but hey, it not like cards needed pitching we could afford to let him walk!! just cause he throws a super heavy 100mph sinker so what? we got a couple guys pushing 40 who "really know how to pitch", who needs talent!! not the cards! they can maintain this new goal of medeocrity with a roster full of aging middling talent and the overrated young guys they were so high on they refused to trade! the more i see these cats they been proclaiming untouchable and the future of the team the more i realize the future is very bleak cause this asshole not only can't identify other teams talent he has chosen wrong on practically every player he has traded or refused to trade!!
i can't have sympathy for mets fans at the moment cause this the worst place i ever been in 40+ years of being a cards fan!! lol. i havnt even went to a game in 2 years, that turning down free tickets left and right! i'm not like most these super loyal retarded mfers that think they real fans cause they root root root for the home team and if they total garbage it's a shame but we will still spend our money on a shit product! i ain't the one! lol
Then you have the players the Muts let go and they blossom…..

Jeff Kent……..dude went on to smashing hrs for the Giants

Justin Turner…….pretty consistent hitter with the dodgers…..averaging .300 per season?

Travis Darnaud……catcher won ring with Atlanta

There could be others but these 3 stood out to me…….

@2daBank …….the Bonilla deferred money was the Muts managements idea. Think they owed him like 5 million when they let him go. Instead of paying him, they come up with the idea of giving him $1 million per year for next 25 years I believe.

The owners then used the $5 million that’s supposed to pay Bonilla ……they invested with Bernie Madoff…….as you can see, Muts were getting more in return early in the years that paying Bonilla $1 million annually is a no brainer deal…… somewhere the Muts ownership later on invested more money with Madoff and then the 2008 collapse kinda put them in limbo……think the Madoff incident kinda lead to the Muts being sold to the new billionaire owner……..

When it come to spending money……think George Steinbrenner is the best at it……at least there’s some results to show for it
Daniel Murphy
i can't have sympathy for mets fans at the moment cause this the worst place i ever been in 40+ years of being a cards fan!! lol. i havnt even went to a game in 2 years, that turning down free tickets left and right! i'm not like most these super loyal retarded mfers that think they real fans cause they root root root for the home team and if they total garbage it's a shame but we will still spend our money on a shit product! i ain't the one! lol
You don't like Citi Field? I think it's one of the top baseball experiences in the league still.

Nvm: you don't like going to Busch?
Then you have the players the Muts let go and they blossom…..

Jeff Kent……..dude went on to smashing hrs for the Giants

Justin Turner…….pretty consistent hitter with the dodgers…..averaging .300 per season?

Travis Darnaud……catcher won ring with Atlanta

There could be others but these 3 stood out to me…….

@2daBank …….the Bonilla deferred money was the Muts managements idea. Think they owed him like 5 million when they let him go. Instead of paying him, they come up with the idea of giving him $1 million per year for next 25 years I believe.

The owners then used the $5 million that’s supposed to pay Bonilla ……they invested with Bernie Madoff…….as you can see, Muts were getting more in return early in the years that paying Bonilla $1 million annually is a no brainer deal…… somewhere the Muts ownership later on invested more money with Madoff and then the 2008 collapse kinda put them in limbo……think the Madoff incident kinda lead to the Muts being sold to the new billionaire owner……..

When it come to spending money……think George Steinbrenner is the best at it……at least there’s some results to show for it
Great list, expanded here:

i love going when they any good!! i ain't trying to spend money if they putting out a trash product! i mean i wasn't like that over a bad season or something, shit happens but the way they letting this prick GM run team into ground i have no time for. this asshole never did anything to be deserving of any benefit of doubt or to even have job, during our last stretch of good baseball this idiot was a intern getting coffee or some shit. all the smart ppl went to houston and somehow this jerkoff sucked off the right person to not only get this job but somehow keep it while he puts us into a bigger uglier hole every freaking year!! when they kept him and let him fire Shildt i was done.
its apparent the ownership content to let this clown stick around no matter what, im
assuming long as they keep drawing 3mil fans they don't give a shit. i'm not gonna be one those 3 mil, i don't even watch on tv and for years that was almost always the backround noise at my house was cards game being on. i saw quite a few shots of games last year where the stadium damn sure didn't look like they drawing 3 mil, i know they suckered in some full houses for end of waino and yadi but still hard to believe they drew 3 mil last year, i think they lying bout that which no shock. eventually if ppl stop giving a shit like they don't give a shit and it hurts their wallet maybe they fix it. unfortunately not everyone as quick to figure this out and think i'm not a real fan! im
damn sure not giving blind loyalty to bunch of rich assholes and if they wanna suck fine by me i can fade them all the time! i'm not donating any my money, i'll go to my nephews little league games!!!