McNabb did not know games could end in a tie

most ridiculous thing i think i've ever seen. your field general, your franchise qb, your leader...doesn't even know the most basic of rules hahahahahhahahhaha.
Frankly I'm more concerned with him not knowing how to avoid turning the ball over four times against a s**tty defense than knowing about the tie thing. Hell, the chances of you ever being involved in one are pretty slim. In fact, I didn't know that there's a two minute warning in overtime, I just learned that yesterday. So rarely do you even get to that point.

In a related story, you only put 13 points on the board against the Bengals--and you say you want to be a playoff team????
I still am having a hard time believing he was serious.

It would be a shame if the Super Bowl ended in a tie though...
yeah he also believes:

-Tooth fairy is real
-he will someday QB a Super Bowl winning team
-Iraq had WMD's

your leader on the field thinkin a regular season game will just keep going until someone
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McNabb wouldn't have to worry about games ending in ties if he would not turn the fucking ball over four fucking times against one of the bottom feeders in the NFL.
yeah he also believes:

-Tooth fairy is real
-he will someday QB a Super Bowl winning team
-Iraq had WMD's

your leader on the field thinkin a regular season game will just keep going until someone

1 out of 3 .. better than he did on the wunderlic test
He looks pretty serious... that's the thing. He looks exhausted...

He says I "thought" something was up when the play came in for a hail mary.

Would have been great if he threw it away or scrambled for 3-4 yards... lol
McNabb wouldn't have to worry about games ending in ties if he would not turn the fucking ball over four fucking times against one of the bottom feeders in the NFL.

Thank you.

Seriously, the odds of you being involved in a tie game are incredibly remote. That's not the problem here. The problem is you're throwing the ball 58 times on a windy day where you're not playing particularly well. That's the problem.

That and the fact that this whole 'didn't know' thing doesn't shock me, because it's a symptom of a great problem the Eagles have.

This franchise has zero sense of urgency. They've done such a good job building a stable, high quality, profitable franchise, that there is always that 'well, we're talented, we'll get 'em next week' attitude.

Even in the f**king Super Bowl, they're taking their own sweet time. Good teams want to win and sometimes they do, great teams can't wait to win so they go out there and get it done.
That was a horrendous performance by McNabb. It's made worse by the fact that Cincy couldn't get pressure and they dropped 2 other INTs.
I still am having a hard time believing he was serious.

It would be a shame if the Super Bowl ended in a tie though...
:36_11_6::36_11_6:, yeah, he said it will be tough and a shame if a playoff game or the superbowl would end in a tie :36_11_6::36_11_6:...i guess this is what you get for a Syracuse education!
I doubt he was serious but he sure played the part well... I don't appreciate all the smiling and laughing bullshit after he had a couple passes knocked down..

Lets assume he is serious.. We would have to believe that no one in the huddle mentioned "this is our last chance to score" or any strategy at all was discussed heading into the last drive..

What he really needed to know was all he needed was a fg to cover 7 pt teasers.. Dumb fuck:D
damn cincy kicker missed the game winning fg in OT to mess up my cincy ml bet.
Its kind of unfortunate for Mcnabb that he was the only one stupid enough (or in the position to at the post game presser) to say this shit

apparently like half the team had no idea you could tie...

I bet you the number of players across the league who had no clue was also alarmingly high until it happened yesterday...
Well, you've got to figure, it's been six years since the last one, and even that game only impacted two teams. How many of those players are left in the league, how many even paid attention when that one happened.

It's not really that much of an excuse, but I'd imagine with how much these guys have to study and workout, the majority likely barely knows what goes on outside of their own division from week to week.
Well, you've got to figure, it's been six years since the last one, and even that game only impacted two teams. How many of those players are left in the league, how many even paid attention when that one happened.

It's not really that much of an excuse, but I'd imagine with how much these guys have to study and workout, the majority likely barely knows what goes on outside of their own division from week to week.

Except the ones that gamble.. I guarantee those fuckers know..

I have learned through the years that no ones knows the nuances of the rules, clock management, when to go for two, when not to--- more than a degenate gambler... Especially the infamous-- "when to let a team purposely score" thread that has been started by Vanzak many times through the years... And it is 100% correct.

My prediction is the highest % gamblers on any given team are the offensive lineman.. Just a hunch that makes sense to me..
Except the ones that gamble.. I guarantee those fuckers know..

I have learned through the years that no ones knows the nuances of the rules, clock management, when to go for two, when not to--- more than a degenate gambler... Especially the infamous-- "when to let a team purposely score" thread that has been started by Vanzak many times through the years... And it is 100% correct.

My prediction is the highest % gamblers on any given team are the offensive lineman.. Just a hunch that makes sense to me..

Great point Tee.

When you think about it, there is no way a coach watches more football than a hard core football gambler. You spend all day Saturday watching multiple games at once, all day Sunday watching Superfan on Channel 702, and now every night of the week there is a football game. Then add the DVR'd games, the DVR'd Directv shortcuts, etc.

You are prepared as a gambler to know situations that a coach never encounters, both mathematically and from experience through observation. I have always wondered how the experience gained from gambling would translate to preparedness as a coach if you could avoid pulling a Pete Rose and kick the habit.

I am fairly certain that we could do better than Norv Turner or Romeo Crennel.
Tee makes a very, very good point.

And I actually think that there are gamblers here, perhaps like a Vanzack, who might be able to coach simply based on their knowledge of the game from so much viewing of it.

The problem, of course, is that you would take away their bird's eye view and they'd have to be at ground level, which might very well f**k it all up. Not to mention all the immediate requirements (voices in your ear, calling plays in, substituting, etc.) and planning.

But I would imagine there are coaches who drill deep from week to week, but couldn't tell you the bigger picture like many gamblers can. And I think you're right, if you find a guy on a team who's well versed in exactly what's going on league wide, he's either a kicker with a lot of time on his hands or someone who's got a little action on the side.
At least McNabb owned up to it today. I respect that. Funny thing is, just like we were saying, guys like Desean Jackson, Omar Gaither, they had no idea. Probably because the last time there was a tie in the NFL they were just finishing high school.

I suppose as a staff that's just one of those things you assume everybody knows, but you probably need to say anyway.
No one here can probably coach a team because of X's and O's and other factors BUT ... these coaches would be well served to have someone like Van or similar on the sidelines with them telling themhow to manage the damn clock and so forth at the end of the game. The reality is that coaches spend a ton of time looking at tape and breaking down plays , finding strengths and weaknesses etc etc ... but don't seem to spend time analyzing how to manage the end of a game.
Well head coaches are figureheads......their main resposibility is to be a good clock manager and make decisions and make things are in proper place.

----I do wonder X's and O's from a gambler's much would that help? You could really analyze X's and O's what each team will be looking to exploit, and how they match up in a much more detailed way. A truer way.
Donovan McNabb, Seriously?

Says he didnt know the rule for TIES at the end of OT. LOL what a joke, your starting QB doesnt know that rule.
All could be made much easier if NFL would change the rule so there would be no ties ever again. Ties are lame in any sport.