McKenzie Milton Update

Frank Costanza

Co-Inventor of the Man's Bra
UCF quarterback McKenzie Milton not only sustained a traumatic right knee injury against South Florida, he also injured a nerve and had blood flow issues as a result, his family said in a statement released Tuesday.

Milton was hurt when he took a helmet to his knee while scrambling, and his leg bent at an awkward angle. He was taken to Tampa General Hospital, where he remains.

Though he remains in the hospital, UCF Knights quarterback McKenzie Milton told a teammate he was able to walk over the weekend for the first time since taking a helmet to his right knee Friday against the South Florida Bulls.

On Tuesday, his family provided more detail about the severity of the injury for the first time while thanking doctors, nurses and trainers "for their prompt attention" to Milton's injuries. He underwent immediate surgery to repair the blood flow problems Friday night, but he will have reconstructive surgery to repair his knee at a later date.

"His blood flow has been restored to his right leg and his nerve is injured but intact," the family said in the statement. "He is recovering and healing and is receiving the best medical care. At a later time, he will have reconstructive surgery to repair his knee.

"... McKenzie and our entire family are so touched and grateful for the prayers, support, and well wishes. McKenzie is in good spirits and has a very positive attitude. He looks forward to cheering on his teammates in their quest for another conference championship this Saturday."

No. 9 UCF (11-0) must beat Memphis in the AAC championship game on Saturday to clinch a spot in a New Year's Six bowl game.

The Knights have dedicated the remainder of their season to Milton, who was able to participate in the quarterback meeting Tuesday morning via video conference from his hospital room.

The school announced it will give out 40,000 leis to fans attending Saturday's game in honor of Milton, who was born in Hawaii.
Feel so awful for the guy. He’s really given everything for his team and now he’s restricted to a painful existence on the sidelines. Will definitely be rooting for UCF this weekend.
I mean it sounds like he's in recovery mode. Is there a reason to expect some kind of regression? These athletes have superhuman bodies, I tend to think that if recovery from physical injury is possible they tend to achieve it
I mean it sounds like he's in recovery mode. Is there a reason to expect some kind of regression? These athletes have superhuman bodies, I tend to think that if recovery from physical injury is possible they tend to achieve it
Gonna guess anyone who's had microfracture surgery or a repaired torn Achilles might differ in that opinion. Throw in that it was nerve repair, he could have lost his leg. It's not a muscle or ligament injury.
Its all fine though, he gets a free communications degree from an outstanding university like...UCF.

Tell me they shouldn't get some of the money that others make off them...
I mean he gets a free BA. He can be a commentator on TV
Free if you don't consider the cost of not being able to walk correctly while your entire future is in front of you

His body prolly aged 20+ years on Saturday best case
Nerve injuries are no joke. It sounds like his nerve was stretched, but still intact. Even if still intact, the nerves could be permanently damaged. Nerves will heal on there own, but it is a slow process and they may never return to full use. Does not sound good.
Who knows. My girlfriend was in a car accident almost 5 years ago and her collarbone was broken and the nerves that are protected behind it were damaged, but not severed. She had limited use of her hand and triceps and no use of her biceps. After natural nerve recovery and nerve transfer surgery she has regained most of the use of her hand and triceps. She never regained any use of her biceps. After that, they tried two other surgeries involving a muscle transfer and a bone to nerve fusion and both failed. Her doctor and surgeon are at Duke, so she was getting some of the best care around. You do not know the extent of any nerve recovery until about 6 months if the nerves were initially damaged. It sounds like something similar and they are waiting for knee surgery after they know the extent of the nerve damage. It is possible that the nerve is not damaged and they are waiting for knee surgery for other reasons.
Career over????

This is as severe as a Ryan Shazier injury IMO albeit in different parts of the body. Bridgewater had a
Horrific injury and they said he almost died in the ambulance to the hospital it was so serious, so this is nothing to take lightly.

Hope just this kid can get his life together and move on beyond playing football. Seems like a good kid and I still don’t want to watch that replay again. So Nasty looking on film.
Yeah, great to see, and had nothing to do with being a fan of a team but rather just being a fan of him persevering where others would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Amazing stuff tonight!
Highlight of the weekend! He was one of the best before he was hurt and he comes off the bench and shows why he was so special andputs his team right back into the game

And watching his Mom in the stands was almost as entertaining. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack and have the time of her life at the same time

By the way, the announcers never said anything about it, but it looked to me like the FG nullified by the FSU coach's timeout was dead solid perfect