McCabe shoots...and SCOOOOOOOORES...

haha saw this on TSN earlier, they did TOP 10 of these best one is where the guy trys to kick the soccer ball over his head but hits his face adn scores on his own net.

HAHAHAH even SantaCapper has to be disgusted with this player. What a freaking moron. The most overpaid player in the NHL IMO. I think he makes guys such as Yashin seem worthless.
finny thing is, he barely missed doing this about 1 minute into the OT as well... he was showered with boos vs Pitt and I dont think he'll have it any easier the rest of the year. Shades of Brisebois in MTL first time around
Man I saw Toronto's blue line salaries, insanely overpaid. I dont know how Ferguson is keeping his job. Reminds me of Rejean Houle in Montreal.
Man I saw Toronto's blue line salaries, insanely overpaid. I dont know how Ferguson is keeping his job. Reminds me of Rejean Houle in Montreal.

Well it was a toss up between Quinn or Ferguson and obviously JFJ was sneaky one and fired Quinn before the MLSE did anything.

I pity the Maple Leaf fans. Overpriced tickets, very difficult to get tickets and yet the have a terrible team.
Man I saw Toronto's blue line salaries, insanely overpaid. I dont know how Ferguson is keeping his job. Reminds me of Rejean Houle in Montreal.

highest paid blue line in the league... lead by McCabe. I may be a die hard fan but I do know that JFJ overpaid for the lot of them... although getting Kaberle at 4.2 million IMO is a good deal, even though he isnt playing like it 7 games in:hang:
Well it was a toss up between Quinn or Ferguson and obviously JFJ was sneaky one and fired Quinn before the MLSE did anything.

I pity the Maple Leaf fans. Overpriced tickets, very difficult to get tickets and yet the have a terrible team.

You know I don't see the leafs as that bad. I thought Ottawa'd have a down year, and Buffalo, and Montreal both got a little worse in the off season, and Toronto got better with Blake and Toskala so I thought maybe the leafs could squeeze into first in the division. Well they may not finish first, but I really don't see any excuses for them not to make the playoffs. They just got to hunker down defensively.
I think Maurice made a mistake startegy wise changing some combos up... should go back to the way it was and what worked for the most part

giving up the most shots in the league by far... and penalties by far will not bode well for the course of the season that goes w/o saying