May 22nd MLB Discussion Thread

Didn't play anything on the card yesterday, and may take that stance again today. Only thing I felt strongly about was Fish/Mets U but that number has been hit into oblivion now. BOL everyone.
Harvey still has a ton to prove to me. He can't last past 5 which mean you're automatically getting into that bullpen and oBA is roughly .290 since his surgery...need a solid reason not to keep putting him on the list with Yu as a fade every time he's on the bump. Although Yu has gotten better as its been warmer. Against the Bucs kid (who I like a lot), think there's value in a play there.
Richards splits are so good in this game at Toronto its hard for me to wait on the ump and yes Harvey stinks and this is a spot where you should probably play Tailion who is on best rest and in a urgent save spot after 3 losses by Pitt. Bettis is great on 4,
My impression is that in this spot that first half under in Houston will hit. Tomorrow it might be even better. Houston has 3 series coming up. At Cleveland, YANKS and then home vs Boston. Got to be on their mind so take it slow makes sense
Hamels is not good on 6+
Hoberg is the ump in the game 7-1 over
With Hoberg Hamels has a ERA of 14.53 based on 4.1
I like the game over and lean heavily to Yanks
Over @ Nats
Over @ Rangers
Rockies, Rockies RL

Look to parlay with Red Sox where possible...
Probably not with the games ahead after tomorrow,
Not in anyway a guarranttee