Mauk Officially Denied


Ben Mauk's Counsel
He didn't even get the chance to have the telephone conference he was waiting for:

NCAA Reinstatement Committee Upholds Denial of Sixth Year for Mauk

<!-- remove this block --><!-- end block -->Aug. 8, 2008

[FONT=verdana,geneva]CINCINNATI - The NCAA Student-Athlete Reinstatement Committee, consisting of five individuals from NCAA Division I conferences and institutions, upheld the NCAA staff’s May 1 final decision to deny the extension of eligibility request for University of Cincinnati quarterback [/FONT][FONT=verdana,geneva][URL=""]Ben Mauk[/FONT][/URL][FONT=verdana,geneva].[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,geneva]The judgment to uphold the NCAA’s original decision was based upon case precedent, stating there was not sufficient medical documentation or any other objective supporting information to substantiate the claim that Mauk missed the 2003-04 season due to an incapacitating injury. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,geneva]The committee followed its procedures to review the appeal based on the submitted written materials and did not move to a telephonic review based on the issues involved. The committee felt the written submission was complete and that they could make a fair decision based on the facts presented.[/FONT]

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[FONT=verdana,geneva]The appeal to the committee was the last action available for Mauk to gain the approval to play in games this upcoming season. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,geneva]“Obviously we were disappointed,” said UC head football coach [/FONT][FONT=verdana,geneva][URL=""]Brian Kelly[/FONT][/URL][FONT=verdana,geneva]. “It’s unfortunate, but Ben will handle this with the same resilience he has shown as a football player. I know he is looking forward to the next chapter of his life whether it is playing football or pursuing a career in criminal justice.”[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,geneva]Mauk played in 12 of 13 games in a Cincinnati uniform during the 2007 season, and set a program record with 31 passing touchdowns. As the head of the UC offense, Mauk helped established school season records for scoring (472 points), touchdowns (63), and passing touchdowns (36), while leading UC to a No. 17 final Associated Press ranking and a 10-3 finish. He ended the year completing 235-of-386 passes (60.9 percent) for 3,121 yards through the air and was 11th in the nation in passing efficiency (150.64).[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,geneva]Mauk earned a bachelor’s degree in secondary education from Wake Forest University in May of 2007. Mauk is currently pursuing his master’s degree in criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati.[/FONT]
What a load of shit.

just another example of the ncaa not getting it .

I don't necessarily think he should have gotten the sixth year.

It is bullshit, though, to lead him on and then not let him have the telephone conference that he was waiting so long for.
Mauk Files Injunction Against NCAA:

A former Kenton football standout is suing the National Collegiate Athletic Association for refusing to grant him another year of college eligibility.

Attorneys for Benjamin Mauk filed papers Wednesday in Hardin County Common Pleas Court seeking a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction and permanent injunction. In the filing, attorneys claim the NCAA "in an arbitary and capricious fashion, has denied Mr. Mauks' request for an extension of his eligibility, thereby denying Mr. Mauk his final opportunity to play college football.

Mauk was injured his first year at Wake Forest, and eventually transferred to the University of Cincinnati where he led the Bearcats to 10 wins and a bowl game appearance last season. Mauk sought another year of eligibility but was denied by the NCAA for a final time last week which prompted the Court action.

In the filing, Mauk's attorney states they are taking the action to prevent the NCAA from denying him the opportunity to participate in a fourth year of athletic competition. Typically, the suit claims, a student athlete has five years of school to participate in four years of athletics, a rule commonly referred to as the "Five Year Rule." Earlier this year, Mauk petitioned the NCAAA to declare his first year year of eligibility a medcial exception to the Five Year Rule, an exemption they claim is provided for in the NCAA's rules. The exception would have allowed Mauk a sixth year of school to participate in four years of athletics.

In a hearing Wednesday afternoon in Hardin County Common Pleas Court, Judge William D. Hart granted Mauk's request for a temporary restraining order. That prevents the NCAA from preventing Mauk from practicing and playing football for the University of Cincinnati. The matter was then set for final hearing Friday August 22 at 1:15 in Common Peas Court.

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hope the kid gets to play...epitomy of heart and determination imo.

and the attorney hit it on the head by calling the decision "arbitrary and capricious"...these decisions should be handled on a case by case basis
I remember the game well when he got Clemson, first game of the year...I had Wake +8.5...they got down like 17-0 early and the back-up led them back...I remember that it was a pretty nasty injury, he still has a huge scar...
sad news for this kid.....i dont know all the details, but this sounds no different from several Hawaii players who got a 6th year......

Tammy Chang played for like 10 years, we just couldnt get rid of this girl.

Leonard Peters had a blown ACL and got 6 years, looks like now he is going to make Chicago Bears.

Nate Ilaoa got 6 years.

Mauk is a good kid and deserves this year, he hardly played.

Our local ESPN news calls the cover guys for opposing teams, they just did Cincy this week.

Dmoney prolly can elaborate, but the Cincy guy from the ESPN Cincy affiliate was pretty bummed about Mauk and was not high on the new QBs at all.

The CIncy ESPN news guy said with Mauk they are a Top 20 Team, with these new guys at QB, Cincy might be playing conservatively and not to lose. "A huge gaping hole at QB".

This may bode well for Hawaii, but after last year, all Hawaii fans want their opponents to do well.:popcorn:
never has such an average qb received so much publicity over a 6th year of eligibility...

make this story go away!
Finishing with 10 wins for the first time since the 50s has a way of doing that.

Agreed. This season will go a long way in determining just how good Mauk was (i.e. how much of his stats were a result of the system).

I think the story gets so much pub for two reasons:

- He's a fan favorite, and everyone loved his scrappy play.
- Whether or not he return(ed) could play a big role on how the BE shakes out.

To answer HG's question, he didn't get the sixth year because they couldn't produce documentation that his redshirt year at Wake was due to injury (this is according to the NCAA).

Also, I'm not quite as pessimistic as the Cincy reporter, but we'll see. I can't really answer this question. Time will tell.
Sorry horses, the story still has some legs:

NCAA will re-hear Mauk's appeal
Posted by BKoch at 8/20/2008 5:02 PM EDT on

The NCAA will re-hear Mauk's appeal, according to NCAA spokesman Erik Christianson. No word yet on when that will be, but it's expected to happen before the weekend. My guess would be Friday.

"We will re-hear the matter," Christianson said in an e-mail. "The NCAA’s procedures allow for its hearings to be reopened in certain circumstances, such as to hear new evidence not previously available. The NCAA’s preference is always to explore all possible administrative remedies rather than have a court try to intervene in decisions of its member schools’ representatives, as our member representatives have the expertise and experience to best deal with such situations."
I believe the documentation is scarred right into is right arm...c'mon NCAA, figure it out!...
More on Mauk
Posted by BKoch at 8/20/2008 6:21 PM EDT on

The NCAA agreed on Wednesday to re-hear Mauk’s appeal for a sixth year to complete his four years of eligibility. If the appeal reaches the Student-Athlete Reinstatement Committee, which ruled against Mauk on Aug. 8, Mauk has been assured that he will be given a chance to speak, something that he was not allowed to do the last time. But Kevin Murphy, Mauk’s attorney, said he hopes the matter never reaches the committee. “The (NCAA) staff is going to hear it first,” Murphy said. “If the staff agrees with us, he’s back on the field.” The NCAA already ruled against Mauk once before he filed for an appeal hearing, but this time Murphy said Mauk will submit new information. No date has been set for a hearing. “All the details are not ironed out,” Murphy said Wednesday afternoon. “We’re trying to get the case submitted to them through the University of Cincinnati by tomorrow night if we can. We’re planning on working all night to get this done. “We’re giving them additional information about the injury itself. We have an expert, a physician who’s going to explain the injury, the medical picture.” NCAA spokesman Erik Christianson said in an e-mail that “the NCAA’s procedures allow for its hearings to be reopened in certain circumstances, such as to hear new evidence not previously available. The NCAA’s preference is always to explore all possible administrative remedies rather than have a court try to intervene in decisions of its member schools’ representatives, as our member representatives have the expertise and experience to best deal with such situations.”
no worries Dmoney; I know it's your team and you have a season bet on them as well.

Hope it works out for him.

If he is re-instated, will he play in the first game?
no worries Dmoney; I know it's your team and you have a season bet on them as well.

Hope it works out for him.

If he is re-instated, will he play in the first game?

Tough to say. He hasn't been allowed to practice since he was denied, and he says he is keeping up with the team's offense on his Playstation.

Therefore, you'd have to think he would be a little behind. I would probably let Grutza start against EKU, but I'd get Mauk in late (assuming the game has been decided) in order to get him ready for Oklahoma.
Will do pags.

Grutza will start vs. EKU
Posted by BKoch at 8/21/2008 6:00 PM EDT on

Brian Kelly made it official after practice today. Senior Dustin Grutza will start at quarterback against Eastern Kentucky next Thursday, but junior Tony Pike is expected to play too.

“Both of those guys have enough of the experience level that we’re looking for,” Kelly said. “Dustin has earned the right to start, but Tony’s had a good couple of weeks and I’d like to see him get some work too.”

That doesn’t mean that Grutza will start against Oklahoma the following week.

“We’ll take it one week at a time,” Kelly said. “Dustin will have to be consistent to keep the starting position. I think he knows that.”

Of course, if Ben Mauk gets cleared to play by the NCAA next week, that could change everything, although it’s unlikely Mauk would play against Eastern Kentucky with only a few days of practice under his belt, his PlayStation work notwithstanding.
Mauk ruling could come Monday
Posted by BKoch at 8/21/2008 4:24 PM EDT on

Kevin Murphy, the lawyer for Ben Mauk, said today that he's close to submitting all the information the NCAA needs to review the Mauk case. He has been told that NCAA officials will review the material over the weekend and make a decision on Monday, three days before UC opens its season against Eastern Kentucky.