Marlo NFL Week 16


Check out my DAD BOD
137-108-3 +39.97 units
144-115 +41.53

Minnesota Vikings -3 4 units
quite a few things here that I like about this play, Vikes win we get into the playoffs and wrap up the division..we also can move up to the 2 spot in the NFC with a win this week and a Giant win this week, and a win over the Giants nexy week. Peterson going for MVP/rushing title the last 2 games...Peterson has been quoted Team first, awards 2nd...still he wants both. Were missing Pat Williams...this is a huge loss, but a replaceable one..Our defense has always played well at home, and I doubt Ryan will have time to make alot of decisions as this defense gets jacked up for Home games. This one relies on us stopping the run..(what were one of the top 5 best at) and T-Jack guy has played great, what he was lacking at the beginning of the season was confidence and playing loose....he has been quoted saying he just wants to play, he has no worries, and he doesn't feel restricted at all. Something can be said with having your job taken away, and looking at your faults, and then given that oppurtunity to play again. Vikes also have alot of history with the Falcons...Falcons ruined our 1998 season..the greatest team to ever be assembled in the state of Minnesota....I don't know how relevent this is to the players, but for this state, and these Fans this is something that has been beaten into our brains by the media to our fans. Its cold as fuck up here...we have been basically snowed in since Friday night. When Minnesotans are snowed in we drink, we actually drink alot...expect the dome to be the loudest it has been in years.
NE/Arizona Under 43/42.5 2units
may sell this back, if I hear other info...but all I hear is bad weather with snow/rain/wind.

Kansas City +4 1unit
Kansas City ML +170 .50 units

Tennesee +3 1.5 units
Tennessee ML +130 1 unit

Buffalo +6 1unit
SD +3.5 1unit
Cleveland -2 1unit

More to come, just wanted to get the thread started up
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Thanks guys. If someone could Page Joe Bren and get me a weather report for the games that would be great.
Love Minny and the NE under today. Also looking at Tampa. Chargers travel for shit when the go coast to coast. Plus, TB has a lot to play for now that DAL lost and ATL could very well lose today to the Vikes. Chargers are done.

I'll be at the Vikes game today. Biggest game in many years. Should be crazy in the dome. Fuck I'm pumped for this one.
GL today Marlo. How cold is it up there? Down to -22 Wind chill here. Fucking sucks
Thanks guys good luck to you all as well. Made a bunch of adds. Like Nut said last true week of the NFL season. Then we get a week of half exhibition.

Sig I took my dogs out this morning and it was freezing, probably like -5 -10 degrees right now.

P-the game is gonna be crazy man. This is our year, and it starts today.
Most frustrating game I have ever been 2, I know P can back me up on this. Your all Star player fumbles the ball 3 times, your team fumbles a total of 5 times, you seriously can't handicap that. I would make that bet 100/100 times again. The Vikings are the better team. The Falcons had one drive of better than 50 yards the whole game. I know its cliche but we gift wrapped that fucking game to them. They had absolutely nothing on us. We moved the ball with ease against that team. They are a good, but wont do shit in the playoffs. Fuck the falcons. We meet that team again, and you give me a line of 3 on either side and I fucking unload. I think theres a good chance I get it. Revenge is gonna be a motherfucker. Anyone that bet the Falcons got lucky, Im talking Pittsburg steelers lucky. Falcons won the game, but they didnt beat us...we beat ourselves.
Turnovers are part of the game.....AP has been a fumbling machine all season long.

Regardless of turnovers you have to give credit for Atlanta capitalizing on the turnovers. You dont need a drive of longer then 50yds when your given a short field over half of the possessions.
Turnovers are part of the game.....AP has been a fumbling machine all season long.

Regardless of turnovers you have to give credit for Atlanta capitalizing on the turnovers. You dont need a drive of longer then 50yds when your given a short field over half of the possessions.

Agree dude. but I will take a fumbling AP, because its that same AP that runs harder than anyone else that fumbled 3 times today. Just saying who I think was the better team, because b4 today I wasn't 100% sure. I liked the Vikes in this spot, but they killed themselves.

I hate the fucking packers, more than I hate anything else in this world....but 2morrow I'm cheering for them.
Most frustrating game I have ever been 2, I know P can back me up on this. Your all Star player fumbles the ball 3 times, your team fumbles a total of 5 times, you seriously can't handicap that. I would make that bet 100/100 times again. The Vikings are the better team. The Falcons had one drive of better than 50 yards the whole game. I know its cliche but we gift wrapped that fucking game to them. They had absolutely nothing on us. We moved the ball with ease against that team. They are a good, but wont do shit in the playoffs. Fuck the falcons. We meet that team again, and you give me a line of 3 on either side and I fucking unload. I think theres a good chance I get it. Revenge is gonna be a motherfucker. Anyone that bet the Falcons got lucky, Im talking Pittsburg steelers lucky. Falcons won the game, but they didnt beat us...we beat ourselves.

Well, I just got back from the game and you pretty much summed up my feelings on that disaster. I do feel I (and most others on the vikings) capped the game right. Think about this: Berrian does not fumble (leading to 7 falcon points) or Sharper simply picks up the ball in the endzone after Ryan gets smashed trying to score and it is a TIE GAME late in the 4th quarter and we have momentum. Don't get me wrong, woulda-shoulda-coulda doesn't win games, but the vikings dominated that game after the first drive. It is frustrating as fuck when the lead horse continues to put the ball on the ground. I know he's trying, but they need to get that shit right or 2000 yards doesn't mean dick if you give it to the other team 1-2 times a game (or more in this case). T-Jack did a lot of nice things today and adds a nice dimention when he moves the ball with his feet. Shiancoe is coming into his own and had a career game today. Stack him up with any TE over the past 4-6 weeks and he is right up there. The other thing that pisses me off is the no-call on the pass interference on 4th down to end the game. The fucking guy had Rice's right arm held down the whole time and no call. BS. I realize they were letting them play today, but that was blatant. I wouldn't bitch about the result if we were beaten soundly, but we gave this fucker away along with a shot at the #2 seed. Ryan is a nice young QB with a ton of good football in front of him, but nobody can convince me he earned a W today. AD coughed it up for him on a silver platter. Rant over.
nice call on the g-men....

your viqueens fucked me in the ass hard today bro, i was big on em too.

AP brought his butterfingers today that fucker
Green Bay Fudge Packers +4 4units
Green Bay Packers ML +170 1unit

Love this play. Only thing I didnt like is I missed the opener. As a Vikings fan I get to hear a hell of alot more about the Packers then the Bears. There is no bigger disappointment for them, than this season. They have lost 6/7 games by 4 pts or less. One of the biggest things holding back this team is play calling IMHO. I expect McCarthy to open it up a little bit now that they have nothing to play for except for pride. This isn't a team that will just "pack it in" they have to much pride and tradition with that franchise to ever just give up. The teams they have played the last 6 weeks have just made a few more plays than them. Also I don't think we see Chicago get a bunch of phantom pass interference calls to beat htis team. Orton hasnt been the same since he got hurt. Looking at the 2nd half of the season they haven't beaten a team with a pulse...they got extremely lucky against NO last week, they beat a depleted Jacksonville team that hasn't played well all year....They beat St. Louis...nuff said, they beat point is this team isnt good....GB resorts back to form tonight. They take this one SU.

Green Bay 24-Chicago 14.

Green Bay is 7-2 ATS there last 9 at Chicago.