Mark Jackson Fired


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Adrian Wojnarowski ‏@WojYahooNBA Golden State owner and GM meeting with Mark Jackson now, and sources close to management and coaching staff believe Jackson will be fired.

I know curry made a statement wanting him to stay but did the players like him?
Other issues not just on the court related???
Lakers, Knicks, Thunder.....any team w/o a coach, or with a scrub as a coach should be looking at hiring Jackson. He's a damn good coach, and it seems that his players liked playing for him. I'm sure the reasons for the firing will come out before long, but it would be shocking if it was because the players had an issue with him.
A rumor I've heard is that warriors want Steve Kerr. He is choosing between them and knicks
Didn't somebody post sometime back that he fired assistants that were showing a predilection for doing a better nuts & bolts job than he was capable of doing, that he was more of a player's coach than an Xs & Os coach?

It's all very well to have a guy who can manage the players as his strength, but if his ego is too big to tolerate having those around him who know more about the game itself, then you have a recipe for failure. Need a balance of both, preferably in the 1 person but it's not a prerequisite.
Didn't somebody post sometime back that he fired assistants that were showing a predilection for doing a better nuts & bolts job than he was capable of doing, that he was more of a player's coach than an Xs & Os coach?

It's all very well to have a guy who can manage the players as his strength, but if his ego is too big to tolerate having those around him who know more about the game itself, then you have a recipe for failure. Need a balance of both, preferably in the 1 person but it's not a prerequisite.

He seems like a pretty stubborn guy and maybe difficult to get along with?

Don't really no details , but seems like he and upper management couldn't along. He had those issues with the assistant coaches which I believe were both of the owners guys.
Michael Thompson does a radio show in la( klay's dad).. They just said that mike dantonio name is being floated out there( not joking)

I mean the players like him and that is important, but doesn't seem like the best x an o guy.

I honestly don't know. I read a lot of posts saying that, but from what I seen from the Warriors, he does a decent job at coaching as well.

They made few really nice plays in the end of games, he really made a lot of defensive adjustments last year, playing both Denver and SA.

I can't say I follow GSW too much, so maybe I missed something though...

As for firing assistants, I doubt that Scalabrine, in his first year in any coaching position, turned in an instant to a master mind.

I think that both times, they were managment guys and maybe Jackson just felt threatened by them, because he also aware of all the rumors and felt that they undermine him and his authority.

Bottom line - two key factors:

1) Players like him
2) His team did very good job both seasons he was the head coach.

What more do you need? If he is not the best coach, but his team does a great job, maybe we are judging a bit wrong here?

It's not like he took a team filled with stars. He improved Curry, Thompson, Barnes, Green and others.

I really feel he did a great job with David Lee as well.
GS has so much potential.

I guess Vogel and Brooks are next.

Cant help but snicker everytime I see that soap commercial. "Thats it, no more questions?"
Just from the overall makeup of the roster, defense is their weakness, imo. Maybe they want a coach with a better defensive philosophy?
I hope D'antoni gets the job in Golden State -- would be nice to see if the guy can actually coach
The mayor of Ames is a hot name...and Kerr is a good candidate

with the way Horny did well in Phoenix, i think they do well with no retreads and go for an up and comer
Didn't somebody post sometime back that he fired assistants that were showing a predilection for doing a better nuts & bolts job than he was capable of doing, that he was more of a player's coach than an Xs & Os coach?

It's all very well to have a guy who can manage the players as his strength, but if his ego is too big to tolerate having those around him who know more about the game itself, then you have a recipe for failure. Need a balance of both, preferably in the 1 person but it's not a prerequisite.

I think you have the answer here.

I did get a good chuckle when down the stretch in the 4th quarter he's telling his guys they belong (each and every one of them) instead of focusing on Xs and Os.
Can't get a much better season of health from Curry and they fizzle early in playoffs again. He's a great guy and a decent motivator. He's not a championship level coach and better off helping rebuild teams.
Can't get a much better season of health from Curry and they fizzle early in playoffs again. He's a great guy and a decent motivator. He's not a championship level coach and better off helping rebuild teams.

How many "championship level" coaches are in this league?

Popovich. Maybe Thibodeau. Maybe Rivers. Who else?

I don't consider Spoelstra as "championship level" coach. I don't see any coach other than Pop, that can elevate a team from contender to champion level. Rivers and Spoelstra took champion level teams to the title. Very hard task to do, so they maybe borderline "championship level"/

About the early exit, with all the due respect, they still at least one level below Clippers, Thunder and Spurs, even with Bogut (their defensive anchor) playing. Without him... this is impossible task and GSW still did a great job, covering six of the 7 games ATS wise - so obviously they did better than bookies/ public expected them to do.

Also, about X's and O's - Jackson made huge defensive turnaround for this team. Their defense level elevated a lot under him and while it's obvious that Bogut and Iggy helped a lot, he did a lot better job on defense with mediocre defensive roster than Stotts for example did in Portland...

There are so many layers and pivot points in the Mark Jackson story that one hardly knows where to look next. This was a clash of personalities and egos first and foremost. It was not about results because the Warriors record over the past two years has been nothing worthy of embarrassment or rash decisions. It’s been the team’s best two years in a quarter century.

Instead this was an off the court decision. Everything about Jackson was under scrutiny, which includes his very public persona as a religious man. It was probably not at the top of the list, but was probably on the list. I don’t know if Jackson’s strong, strong religious beliefs alienated anyone in the building. I’ve heard that the team wasn’t happy that he made it a priority to get back to his LA-based church to preach as often as possible. I’ve heard that he occasionally referred to individuals he didn’t like as “the devil.” And I found it weird to be sitting in a press conference next to a young woman who kept trying to get Jackson’s attention by calling him “pastor.”

But I’ve often wondered how comfortable it was for Jackson and team president Rick Welts to co-exist in the same organization. Welts is openly Yag, becoming the first high-ranking executive in professional sports to come out back in 2011. He’s a strong, professional leader who is excellent at his job. Jackson is a fundamental Christian, who embraces what some call “traditional values”. And he wasn’t shy about letting people know his views.

When Jason Collins made his historic pronouncement last year that he was Yag, Jackson’s immediate response came out sounding less-than-supportive.
“I will say this,” Jackson said the day of the news. “We live in a country that allows you to be whoever you want to be. As a Christian man, I serve a God that gives you free will to be who you want to be. As a Christian man, I have beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong. That being said, I know Jason Collins, I know his family, and am certainly praying for them at this time.”

What’s right and what’s wrong? Praying for someone who decided to live an honest life? His words created a very strange vibe, especially for a Bay Area team in the 21st century.

After Jackson was hired, the embarrassing story came out that he had been extorted by a stripper a few years back, who allegedly had nude pictures of Jackson. In another embarrassment, an associate of his church who had attended his hiring press conference was arrested on drug trafficking charges. Those issues led to charges of hypocrisy by a man who thumped the bible as often as possible.

None of this was quite Donald Sterling-esque. But it was probably not the image the Warriors wanted to project, especially as they lobbied hard to move to San Francisco.

One more piece of the personality clash.
How many "championship level" coaches are in this league?

Popovich. Maybe Thibodeau. Maybe Rivers. Who else?

I don't consider Spoelstra as "championship level" coach. I don't see any coach other than Pop, that can elevate a team from contender to champion level. Rivers and Spoelstra took champion level teams to the title. Very hard task to do, so they maybe borderline "championship level"/

About the early exit, with all the due respect, they still at least one level below Clippers, Thunder and Spurs, even with Bogut (their defensive anchor) playing. Without him... this is impossible task and GSW still did a great job, covering six of the 7 games ATS wise - so obviously they did better than bookies/ public expected them to do.

Also, about X's and O's - Jackson made huge defensive turnaround for this team. Their defense level elevated a lot under him and while it's obvious that Bogut and Iggy helped a lot, he did a lot better job on defense with mediocre defensive roster than Stotts for example did in Portland...

Disagree with Spoelstra comment...he makes sure the ball is in his stars hands every possession..lot of coaches don't do that for some reason. Also makes good adjustments at half.
After reading cogs post, I'm sure Jackson is relieved to escape the politically correct madness of that environment. Definitely, not a good fit and no way in hell Hoiberg signs up for that. Not surprising, but it almost seems like a prerequisite for the area with Billy Beane and this gm both being Yag. Never thought about that before. Stranger situation than I perceived.
After reading cogs post, I'm sure Jackson is relieved to escape the politically correct madness of that environment. Definitely, not a good fit and no way in hell Hoiberg signs up for that. Not surprising, but it almost seems like a prerequisite for the area with Billy Beane and this gm both being Yag. Never thought about that before. Stranger situation than I perceived.

I think the front office is happy to get rid of him... And his beliefs before he says something that will cast a dark cloud on that team...the team is going in a positive direction ...he has brought negativity end it now before it gets out of hand...
After reading cogs post, I'm sure Jackson is relieved to escape the politically correct madness of that environment. Definitely, not a good fit and no way in hell Hoiberg signs up for that. Not surprising, but it almost seems like a prerequisite for the area with Billy Beane and this gm both being Yag. Never thought about that before. Stranger situation than I perceived.

You have the wrong Billy Beane here....Billy Bean is a former MLB player who has come out as Yag....Billy Beane, the GM of the A's is not Yag.
Raiderman and lareux than you very much. I was clearly confused and have been for a while about that. I was always confused about that issue in money ball too. Appreciate it and thanks for not calling me an idiot. Cause, that was idiotic of me. Not sure when and where i started thinking that.

Cash, respect your comments. I certainly dont think Jackson is a bad guy, maybe not a good x and o guy (not knowledgeable enough) but definitely not a good fit.
Johnny - No worries man. Everybody gets something confused every now and then. I was so positive about him NOT being Yag that I googled it and found the link that I posted.
Cash, respect your comments. I certainly dont think Jackson is a bad guy, maybe not a good x and o guy (not knowledgeable enough) but definitely not a good fit.

Exactly - the fit wasn't there for what the "corporate folks" wanted....and it is their team and their brand..
Former Celtics legend (and CSNNE broadcaster) Brian Scalabrine did not have a very good go of his first season as an assistant coach with the Warriors.

Clearly, he and head coach Mark Jackson did not see eye-to-eye, and Scalabrine was banished to the Warriors' D-League affiliate in March.

It's uncommon for the coaching staff to butt heads to that degree, but Scal wasn't the only assistant coach gone from the team before the season was over. Another assistant, Darren Erman, was fired for violating an unspecified team policy that ESPN later reported was Erman recording conversations with other coaches and players unbeknownst to them.

Erman was quickly scooped back up by the Celtics and made Director of NBA Scouting. Scalabrine was relieved of his duties on the same day Mark Jackson was fired by the Warriors after their first round exit to the Clippers.

Jackson spoke to the NBA's Sirius XM radio station on Wednesday where he lit into both Scalabrine and Erman, and refused to mention either of them by name.

It appears that whatever Scalabrine did to bother Jackson had been going on for quite some time, and Jackson just finally had enough of it after he realized Scalabrine wasn't going to change. Jackson regrets hiring both assistants.

“The one that was demoted [Scalabrine], I would have had handled it six weeks, a month, two months earlier,' Jackson said. "The things that took place from his side, I would have nipped it in the bud initially. That’s my fault for allowing it to go on. I’m pretty much a guy, just like ministry, I try to show you a different way of handling it. Hope that seeing me handle your disrespect, you’ll come around and realize this isn’t the way to handle it. Fortunately for me, it works for a lot of folks, there are some folks that just won’t get it and you have to handle them differently. I would do that differently.

“As far as assistants, you have to pick people who are loyal and dedicated. It’s inexcusable what the second assistant [Erman] did. That cannot be tolerated. For folks to say, two situations, it’s obviously documented that they both were 100 percent wrong. The only fault I got is hiring those guys. I would use wisdom in who is around me.”

It sure sounds like Jackson felt both Scalabrine and Erman were trying going behind his back and maybe even take his job from him, although he said he was speaking "in general" terms.

“Some people are pretty determined to be successful in life. Some people, it’s not enough to go from being a bottom assistant to moving up another step and another step. Some people are anxious and excited to try to climb all the way to your seat. That’s unfortunate. Because whatever job I’ve been called to do, I want to do that job with everything in me, and have no eyes on anybody else’s job. That’s just not how I do business.”

If anybody's anxious to climb into Jackson's next seat, it may be one in the broadcaster's booth.
Wow...some crazy shit goin on. I wonder what Scalabrine was doing to piss him off. On another note, Scalabrine is a "Celtics legend"?
I was wondering how long it would take for the legend comment.. More of a folk hero...