March 3 NBA


CTG addict
well horrible day yesterday. Worst day betting in over 2 years but I'll take it in stride. Made a couple horribly wrong decisions like losing over 5 units on Philly which should never really happen.

Posted in yesterday's thread that I played these, so glad to see these have moved .5 pt each so far
Orlando -7 -105- 3 units W
Denver +3- 1 unit L
2 team teaser- Orlando -2, Denver +8- 1 unit W
Milwaukee Bucks -3- 2 units L
Toronto +8.5- 2 units L


some reflections on yesterdays games:
New Orleans really surprised and impressed me. Believe West and CP3 played the entire 2nd H having both of them with 45 minutes. Surprising on a b2b where they logged heavy minutes. They outrebounded Philly at Philly which is something that really impressed me esp coming off 4 wins. Not too sure how much I can be sold on their win as they went 10-16 from 3- most likely from open 3s en route to 12 cp3 dimes. Philly just lost 3 home games in a row. A team I pegged as a much better home team than road is not a good sign for that to happen. Their next 5 are must wins for them before they go on a 5 game western roadie. Not sure if I can stomach playing them again, but they need these coming games

Wash still sucks. Mad I bet them. PLEASE anyone update when Obama goes to watch the games because otherwise, they're fades

Cleveland game was painful with 3 units on Miami. tough to stomach 11-17 from 3 vs 5-18 by miami, esp since Cleland's 3s werent exactly open. I dont think much can be learned from this game other than maybe lebon's outside shot is just improving at the right time.

OKC as a home dog is just scary. everyone stepped up in the absence of their 2 best players. Meanwhile Dallas giving Phoenix competition for the lottery.

SA is SA. Had an unposted 2nd H SA bet for a unit. won't count it for the record that I dont keep so whatever. COuldn't stomach posting even more losers. The clips need Randolph pretty badly.
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shake off monday man. i had an 0-6 day the other day. as long as you don't chase you'll be right back. still trying to figure out how to convince myself that toronto is a good play.
Phoenix @ Orlando
Intersting for Orlando in February: WLWLWLWLWWLWLW... pattern? I still refuse to bet on Phoenix this yr until something changes, and they just had a HUGE win for them so I can see a hangover. This is a big stretch for Phoenix- the road trip that I think will have them out of the playoff race, but I could be wrong. Interesting 3 games too: vs LA, @ Orlando, @ Miami- shaq's 3 prev teams. If we're capping like that, I'd imagine this game to be the one Shaq does not have vengeance for. Dwight vs Shaq. I think Dwight may have this one circled to show he's the man, but it could easily be the other way as teacher shows students who's boss or sorts. Lean Orlando because of Phoenix off a ridiculously great win for them. Phoenix betat hem near the buzzer last game. Phoenix 12-20 off a win while orlando is 26-15 altho most of orlanod's ATS success was earlier this yr. Orlando also 8-1-1 off 2 days rest this yr, and 29-5 when putting up over 100 PPG, which you'd imagine they'd be able to eclipse easily
thanks for the good thoughts JP. Obviously hard to shake off losses, esp so many, but its ok. Live and learn, and it just tests my strength as a sports investor vs gambler. as far as Toronto

If we can just get ourselves to ignore that it is Toronto, I think its an easy bet. thats a huge hurdle to ignore consideirng they're one of the worst 3 teams ATS this yr. Houston has already beaten utah twice this yr, but neither at SLC which I'd imagine they consider they're biggest test. Houston is weak on the front ends of b2bs probably because they try to reserve energy for the next days game, so I'd imagine they'd reserve an extra amount for 2ms game at Utah. Houston 9-17 ATS with 1 day rest (vs toronto 12-25 :( ) This is essentially a schedule play for me though: Houston with b2b road games, fly home to play this small game, then goto Utah to play a 4/5. I think the Chicago debacle happened because they starting resting up knowing what was to come, and it bit them in the ass, which I think could happen again here. Houston a nice 14-22 ATS off a win. Toronto beat them pretty badly earlier this yr at toronto, but I'm not too afraid of vengeance in Houston's midns with them being 7-11 ATS revenging a loss this season- not much of a revenge seeking team. Matchup wise- think its nice for Toronto. Houston's strength is being able to lock down the best wing players, and usually the best scorers in general (think kobe/lebron/wade). Not so useful here as Toronto's best scorers are at the 4/5 positions- attacking Houston's weakest link on D- Yao. Yes he's a shotblocker, but he's slow footed and foul prone making it difficult for him to get outside on Barg or Bosh. Calderon cannot handle any type of speed so it'll likely get exploited but not as badly as Yao will. Marion should be able to contain Artest. Think this one comes down to the end and won't be surprised in a toronto str8 up win
Milwaukee bet is a hopeful that Milwaukee looks at playing at clevelanbd as a loss and that Jersye looks at playing Boston at home as something to save energy for. We all know the story of Harris and carter sitting out the 2nd H against Boston last time as boston embarassed them, so you know wednesday's game is a circled game for those two individuals, who also happen to be Jeresey's complete offense. Milwaukee may want to save some for the King after he sportscentered them, but Im guessing not as badly as Jersey wants to. This game interrupts a nice homestand for Jersey. Series is tied 1-1, and pretecting home should be important to Milwaukee in the case of a tiebreaker. Jersey has its problems defending versatile 4s, so Villanueva should give them serious fits.
Appreciate the w/up on the Raptors. Looks like somebody is out for them as the line just took a huge jump for Houston.
I dont think its a player movement. Man bad last 5 minutes for me. Finished 2nd in a 30 person qualifier giving the seat to only 1st. now sum1 may be out for toronto. fml
fml is a good site. :)

Would love to hear your opinion on the magic. lining up to be my favorite of the day
And at least you didn't bet the under 188 in Detroit only to see it go to 190 a few seconds later. :(
fml is a good site. :)

Would love to hear your opinion on the magic. lining up to be my favorite of the day

? post 3. love it and looks like itll be 3 units. Love the article in you're thread. Dwight is a competitive guy and you know all-star weekend pissed him off. Gets outdunked by an nba midget then schooled by a 35 yr old? Look how he responded the day after the break
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lol hilarious. somehow i just went straight to the w/up for houston and toronto and never even saw it. and while I appreciate the compliment I didn't actually write the article. just copied and pasted it.
lol no idea why I type you wrote it. fuck. Pulled an allnighter discovering that BM's poker players are easy and now have class from 930-630. Think thatll be the first of many typos I make today
also played Denver +3- 1 unit, and a teaser- Orlando -2 and Denver +8- 1 unit
tuck gives good thoughts on Denver in discussion thread
gl em tonite

like the Magix...lean NJ some and no feel for Raps (try to stay away from that shit team)
err thanks for the support guys but keep in mind I'm off the WORST day betting hoops in 2 years. May not be the best time to tail. heh but hopefully get a bounceback
Damn wish you had said to play ur boys tonight. Oh well bucks look good anyway!

sorry bout that. In all honesty, GS may be my WORST team betting wise and you'll notice I rarely bet on their games because I can't help but be biased on them. I watch them so much that I can predict which plays theyll call in each situation. knowing a team well does not mean too much for betting imo. Im more of a situation/motivation handicapper, so looking at matchups a lot hurts me weirdly.