Marbury to Boston, who does it help? who does it hurt?

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It helps Marbury...he gets to play, he got in under the deadline so now he can play in the playoff, and he's been given yet another chance to clean his act up.

It helps Boston...they desperately needed backup for Rondo at the point. Steph is a veteran who has a lot of knowledge to offer for a guy like Rondo. This is a team of vets, so I think they'll all be able to be professional and get along due to the mutual respect they hold for eachother's game/experience.

It hurts Cleveland/LAL/SAS...all these teams needed was for Boston to get a little stronger. They're now deeper and have an additional scoring threat who SHOULD be coming out of the gate with somthing to prove. If he acts up, they'll release him...he cant poisen this locker room.

watch out Bron
won't happen, won't matter this guy has not stepped on the court in forever.
Hurts the Celtics....All the negative publicity they receive when he fails will be a distraction...Helps the remainder of the league...Knicks sneak into the 8th seed and pull off the miraculous upset of Marbury and the C's....Go New York Go New York Go!

A rusty Stephan Marbury > Eddie House running the point. If it happens, celtics benefit greatly. No one around here wanted Randy Moss on the pats because of his history, look how that turned out. I said it in another post, the celtics win without Paul Pierce or Ray Allen or KG but they lose without Rondo.
yea, who cares if starbury gets on the celtics team, i doubt he will even play 10 minutes a game and he sucks. spurs/lal/clev probably happy. i dont think it made boston any stronger.
CELTICS GREATLY, MATCHUP PROBLEMS EVERYWHERE AND DOC GETS HIS UPTEMPO STYLE. Picture this lineup Starbury, Rondo(dafuture), Ray Ray, Paul Pierce, and big ticket.
It helps the Celts slightly. It gives a backup to Rondo. We all have seen House run the point, and he's uncomfortable. This allows House to play his natural position, a "2" guard and just score even though he's a point guard size.
This is an amazing move by Boston. I do not understand why many, even pro analysts, are calling it bad- maybe just to be different? This is extremely low/no risk, and potentially high reward for Boston

why this is a great move by boston:
1) Im reading everywhere that Marbury has been a bad defender his whole career- and it'll be a gamble to see if he can buy into Boston's defensive mindedness. If nobody watched Knicks basketball a yr/2 ago Marbury had been playing amazing defense- and not just for his standards. He showed a dedication and effort on defense that hadnt been seen in his earlier years. It was not as publicized because he was in NY and an individuals defense both team and man defense get hidden in a bad teams lack of it. I can see it in a month, espn talking about how Boston's defense has caught on with marbury and them showing highlights of his great defense that "he never showed in the past" when really he did. defensive assignments in basketball is a team effort thats guided by individual skill and having kg have your back makes you look much better than having eddy curry.

2) im reading places that marbury hasnt played in too long and he can't play anymore. He played in preseason showing that he had recovered from injury and was playin like his old self. I'd imagine, cannot say for sure, that he hasn't gotten too out of shape as he's a pro athlete and you can tell he's been wanting to play for awhile

3) "distraction" is a funny word in sports thats way overused. Yes, having something other than basketball on players' minds in unpreferable to having them all think only of ball and dedivate their lives to it, but its not nearly as distructive as media likes to make it and they only mention it because highlights on SC get old but stories live long. These guys are pro athletes playing basketball. I read somewhere that "just the thought" that Marbury was comin to Boston was the reason for Boston's mini-slump earlier this season- LOL. That makes no sense at all. This isn't some video game where a problem in an unrelated issue lowers the teams performance. Of course there are distractions, but Marbury will not be given the opportunity to make a big enough one because

4) this is so low risk for Boston. Paying the vet minimum. If Marbury is not in shape, or acts out of line in any way, he's gone. Boston has no problem cutting him if they feel its necessary. Also, even if he hasnt matured, he can at least pretend he has for half a season to help his career. He knows one strike and he's gone from the league maybe, so he will probably sit quiet and just show the world that he still has it

5) this can potentially help Boston soo much. If Marbury can be 1/2 of what he was before, he'll easily be the best backup PG in the league. He can still be on the court with House- letting House be the spot-up shooter he is. He brings depth and someone that can create with the ball- something the Boston desperately needs.

I think with Moore and a healthy marbury, Boston owns the deepest bench in the league. yea deeper tha LA. Marbury, House, Allen, Powe, Davis, Moore, scal?
This is a gambling website so I'll ask the question that never seems to be asked when there are trades made. How do we make money off of this? Maybe I'm just not as big of a fan of the NBA as everybody else and that's why we end up with so many how's better threads, but all I really care about is how do I profit from this? C's 4th quarter's when a blowout is expected as Marbury will be looking to prove he can still play seems like a decent angle.
This is a gambling website so I'll ask the question that never seems to be asked when there are trades made. How do we make money off of this? Maybe I'm just not as big of a fan of the NBA as everybody else and that's why we end up with so many how's better threads, but all I really care about is how do I profit from this? C's 4th quarter's when a blowout is expected as Marbury will be looking to prove he can still play seems like a decent angle.

:smiley_acbe: maybe makes me feel a bit more secure laying DD at home with them
the only way i can invision you profiting from this is if rondo gets hurt
marbury might get a shot and there's no way to put a line to that lineup...
you can be smarter than vegas knowing he'll succeed OR fail...

that's up to you to

the one thing about this move to me is that I don't see ANY risk for Boston...and theres the potential for a very big benefit...brilliant decision IMO
This is an amazing move by Boston. I do not understand why many, even pro analysts, are calling it bad- maybe just to be different? This is extremely low/no risk, and potentially high reward for Boston

why this is a great move by boston:
1) Im reading everywhere that Marbury has been a bad defender his whole career- and it'll be a gamble to see if he can buy into Boston's defensive mindedness. If nobody watched Knicks basketball a yr/2 ago Marbury had been playing amazing defense- and not just for his standards. He showed a dedication and effort on defense that hadnt been seen in his earlier years. It was not as publicized because he was in NY and an individuals defense both team and man defense get hidden in a bad teams lack of it. I can see it in a month, espn talking about how Boston's defense has caught on with marbury and them showing highlights of his great defense that "he never showed in the past" when really he did. defensive assignments in basketball is a team effort thats guided by individual skill and having kg have your back makes you look much better than having eddy curry.

2) im reading places that marbury hasnt played in too long and he can't play anymore. He played in preseason showing that he had recovered from injury and was playin like his old self. I'd imagine, cannot say for sure, that he hasn't gotten too out of shape as he's a pro athlete and you can tell he's been wanting to play for awhile

3) "distraction" is a funny word in sports thats way overused. Yes, having something other than basketball on players' minds in unpreferable to having them all think only of ball and dedivate their lives to it, but its not nearly as distructive as media likes to make it and they only mention it because highlights on SC get old but stories live long. These guys are pro athletes playing basketball. I read somewhere that "just the thought" that Marbury was comin to Boston was the reason for Boston's mini-slump earlier this season- LOL. That makes no sense at all. This isn't some video game where a problem in an unrelated issue lowers the teams performance. Of course there are distractions, but Marbury will not be given the opportunity to make a big enough one because

4) this is so low risk for Boston. Paying the vet minimum. If Marbury is not in shape, or acts out of line in any way, he's gone. Boston has no problem cutting him if they feel its necessary. Also, even if he hasnt matured, he can at least pretend he has for half a season to help his career. He knows one strike and he's gone from the league maybe, so he will probably sit quiet and just show the world that he still has it

5) this can potentially help Boston soo much. If Marbury can be 1/2 of what he was before, he'll easily be the best backup PG in the league. He can still be on the court with House- letting House be the spot-up shooter he is. He brings depth and someone that can create with the ball- something the Boston desperately needs.

I think with Moore and a healthy marbury, Boston owns the deepest bench in the league. yea deeper tha LA. Marbury, House, Allen, Powe, Davis, Moore, scal?

Co-sign. Love these two moves. It's a wrap. Boston should win it all again.
One of Boston's worst problems was turnovers. They will be reduced. Boston may well repeat. They saw the last 2 games against the Lakers and did something. Marbury is not stupid. He understands this situation and will be playing at his highest level.
I don't see this move as a risk for the Celtics. If he were a distraction they could always cut him with little loss. It's worth the month and a half audition for playoffs.

My question...not that Step won't accept this back-up role but how will he fare? It's a lot different playing 10-14 minutes per game(because thats what he'll get) behind Rondo than knowing you'll play over 30 and can pick/choose your spots.
I think it comes down to whether Steph wants a ring or not. Which seems like an easy question, but I think that guy's such a raving ego-maniac (with an admitted soft side in his personal life for all those friends and family he supports) that we don't really know.

Because he obviously wants to win, but does he want to do what it takes for his team to win or does 'he' want to win. If it's the former I think he's a great help just because you want to be able to rest your starting PG and not worry about the team falling apart. Likewise it's great to have a guy who could come off the bench and light it up once in a great while like he used to every night.

But if he's all about him he'll be a drag on that team.

If I were a Celtics fan I'd be praying that Doc sits down with him the moment he gets in the door and tells him exactly how he needs to play in that system and if that doesn't fit with where his head is at he doesn't need to go out for practice and can find the door.

He can play 2 guard on this team which they are lacking as well with tony allen out which to me is an upgrade at the backup position.with backup pg and sg roles he's getting 20-30 min on any given night.
Interesting part is dont see anyone mentioning Marbury and KG paired together again . Wonder how that plays out . Have to make the move if your Boston for all the reasons mentioned here . Let's not forget that he could be extremely motivated to stick to the Knicks and show them up. In response to JPicks the angle I would look at is if the Knicks and Celts play again. There is already bad blood bewteen the two teams but Marbury also rubbed his teammates the wrong way as well in NYK. So that could be a very chippy game ..think 1 meeting is left ..

One of the great things is Marbury has no impact on how the lines are set but could have a tremendous impact on the play of the team . So thats what's probably best to look for in terms of making money off this move ..

He can play 2 guard on this team which they are lacking as well with tony allen out which to me is an upgrade at the backup position.with backup pg and sg roles he's getting 20-30 min on any given night.

I understand he can do that but that takes Eddie House out of the rotation. He has been too good shooting the past few months to keep out.
Ray Allen - Eddie House shooting guard combo doesn't need Marbury thrown in the mix. He can play the 2 I'm sure but that's not why Ainge is bringing him in

Marbury knows he's coming in as a role player. His role in Docs system is understood.

Another thing that could effect the situation is he is playing for a contract.
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<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="344" width="425"></object>haven't watched these yet but i heard bout it on Rome's radio show. some random stranger came up to steph who was waiting at a Bus stop in La
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